Violent maskless rioters throw rocks, attack 'Jews for Trump' convoy


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2020
And yet about 70% of Jewish people feel Repubs are the true anti-Semites & will therefor vote Biden. How many times do they have to see stuff like this and other lefty attacks to realize the anti-Semites are almost always progs?
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And yet about 70% of Jewish people feel Repubs are the true anti-Semites & will therefor vote Biden

Well, IF your number is correct, then about 70% of Jewish people are morons.

I am a Catholic. In the Catholic Church there are tons of people who spit on the very faith they profess and vote for Democrats.
Democrats, the party of sodomy and baby-killing and socialism and all that the Catechism of the Catholic Church says is evil, rotten fake Catholics like Pelosi and Biden support. I can only assume that it is the same with Jews.
for the record----I am an OLD jews (an oldie and moldy) I became a registered democrat ON THE
DAY I turned 21. TRADITION----there was a time when republicans were TYPICALLY antisemites (I grew up in a republican town----which CONVULSED when the locals learned that a jewish couple with
five kids had moved in---In fact local to that town
were enclaves of nazi sympathizers----mafia too--but that is another issue since Italians tend to be
democrat too. Things change over time----I am delighted to report that THAT TOWN now has
black population (unthinkable in the 1950s) For
jews ---DEMOCRAT means social justice----like
unions protecting workers and civil rights---<<<<
thats what it meant in THE PAST. Sadly---lots of old jews (not so UP TO DATE LIKE BRILLIANT ME)
will vote Demo ----out of habit
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for the record----I am an OLD jews (an oldie and moldy) I became a registered democrat ON THE
DAY I turned 21. TRADITION----there was a time when republicans were TYPICALLY antisemites (I grew up in a republican town----which CONVULSED when the locals learned that a jewish couple with
five kids had moved in---In fact local to that town
were enclaves of nazi sympathizers----mafia too--but that is another issue since Italians tend to be
democrat too. Things change over time----I am delighted to report that THAT TOWN now has
black population (unthinkable in the 1950s) For
jews ---DEMOCRAT means social justice----like
unions protecting workers and civil rights---<<<<
thats what it meant in THE PAST. Sadly---lots of old jews (not so UP TO DATE LIKE BRILLIANT ME)
will vote Demo ----out of habit

The same goes for Catholics. In the old old days it was traditional for us to be Democrats. Many people in the old days were anti-Catholic just as they were anti semites. But today those old reasons have disappeared. Today Democrats are the party of EVIL.

The Jew Hating Democrats are up to their usual violence in the streets.

A family of seven ‒ including four kids ‒ were pepper-sprayed by violent rioters on Sunday while participating in a “Jews For Trump” rally in New York City.

as my grandma used to say "COSSACKS WILL
anyone got a handle on from what "social" groups the rock flingers have emerged. -----I live in the
epicenter of the filth-----but have no left my tiny
abode for months
They should all be charged with hate crimes on top of the other crimes. Thats a left wing brainchild. Turn it on them.

The far left is antisemitic.

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