Vince Foster 'suicide' shocker: 2nd wound documented!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Now who could shoot himself TWICE in a suicide????????

WorldNetDaily ^ | February 28, 2016 | Leo Hohmann
But newly discovered evidence unearthed from boxes stored deep in the National Archives lend credence to theories about foul play and cover-up that have been hinted at by at least three books and countless articles. The newest piece to the puzzle was uncovered by two citizen researchers, one of whom was a witness involved in the case from the beginning. What had only been suspicions about missing death-scene photographs are now proven to exist. The smoking-gun information comes from two documents: a two-page letter of resignation and a 31-page memo both written by Starr’s lead prosecutor, Miguel Rodriguez. Rodriguez refers...


I bet he had something to do with it. :eek:
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No new shockers exist.

Vigilante is just doing his vigilante shtick: disinformation.
I know my people have always believed foul play... Sad situation this nation has gotten itself into in the last two decades or so.
Maybe he missed anything important the first time
I know my people have always believed foul play... Sad situation this nation has gotten itself into in the last two decades or so.

well..........ahem.....if people like Sandy Burgular had not been caught removing National Archive documents stuffed down his freakin' pants ..............please sir, may I have another!
I know my people have always believed foul play... Sad situation this nation has gotten itself into in the last two decades or so.

well..........ahem.....if people like Sandy Burgular had not been caught removing National Archive documents stuffed down his freakin' pants ..............please sir, may I have another!
. I remember that.. LOL
Foster's corpse somehow found it's way to an obscure Washington civil war site without his car keys. Don't forget the former bar bouncer whom nobody could remember hiring as chief of the White House security. You almost gotta laugh that the FBI was so busy investigating a high profile ice skating assault conspiracy (remember Tonya Harding?) that the lead investigating agency in Foster's death was the freaking Park Police and they lost all the crime scene photos. In 1996 the mainstream media managed to convince Americans that Admiral Boorda committed suicide because he was concerned about one of the medals might not have rated a little V. device. Lotsa bodies for the media to cover up during the Clinton administration.
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