Views on the Citizenry


Platinum Member
Mar 2, 2022
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I think where you come down on the political spectrum all depends on how you view the citizens. The left appears to view people as helpless and in need of a ruling class to provide for their every need. They will talk about equity and fairness and give the corrupt ruling class more and more control. The right sees the nuclear family as important, and believes two working parents should be able to take care of their kids, and the government should not interfere with how they raise their families. They believe choices and local control are good things. The left would claim that having two working parents is unfair and crazy talk. They do not believe in a middle class, just the rulers and the ruled. Families are oppressive and unfair. Why do leftists clamor clamor for subservience and helplessness?
The Left believes in spending us into oblivion. The Right believes in spending us into oblivion.

Pretty much everything in the OP is a stack of straw men.
The Left believes in spending us into oblivion. The Right believes in spending us into oblivion.

Pretty much everything in the OP is a stack of straw men.
Doesn't the left view the family as obsolete? They don't believe in an American Dream. Without two working parents, I wouldn't hold my breath that they believe in a middle class.
As a group, Democrats voters have lower IQs. This is easily proven by demographic statistics.

How Educational Differences Are Widening America’s Political Rift​

College graduates are now a firmly Democratic bloc, and they are shaping the party’s future. Those without degrees, by contrast, have flocked to Republicans.

After all, you have to be pretty darned stupid to fall for Trump's multiple hoaxes.
You are correct, it was someone else.....I'd apologize but it's a sign of weakness. ;)
Thank you for your honesty.

But don't you find it even a little bit hypocritical the Republicans are now demanding offsets to pay for spending since they signed off on $8 trillion of debt under Trump without offsets?

It's all theater for the rubes.
I think everyone is missing the big picture. Sure, both sides spend crazy stupid amounts of money, no argument. I don't care which side thinks they are intellectuals. The fact that republican leaders are not financially sound doesn't change the deciding factor on whether you are on the right or a progressive. One party thinks families should be empowered while another thinks people are helpless and families are obsolete. Almost all policies are split down this factor. People having families is not fair according to the left, so they need to be replaced with huge national programs. A teenager should pop out a baby and drop out of school and not have a problem in the world.
I think everyone is missing the big picture. Sure, both sides spend crazy stupid amounts of money, no argument. I don't care which side thinks they are intellectuals. The fact that republican leaders are not financially sound doesn't change the deciding factor on whether you are on the right or a progressive. One party thinks families should be empowered while another thinks people are helpless and families are obsolete. Almost all policies are split down this factor. People having families is not fair according to the left, so they need to be replaced with huge national programs. A teenager should pop out a baby and drop out of school and not have a problem in the world.
Which party is it that thinks people are helpless? The one that has to pay them to breed with child tax credits? As if people won't breed without a government incentive. :rolleyes:
Which party is it that thinks people are helpless? The one that has to pay them to breed with child tax credits? As if people won't breed without a government incentive. :rolleyes:
Isn't that both parties? It is an awful policy. Do democrats think people can't exist without government, or that they should not exist without government? On the board once, I mentioned my dad was a teacher and my mom a dental assistant, and that if we were careful, we lived pretty well. I was chastised for thinking that such a family structure was relevant today. It was obsolete, and people can have kids at will without worrying about providing for the children. The left doesn't believe in people succeeding because they don't even think parents are responsible for their own kids.
If there is going to be another Civil War, I would just like to say I look pretty dashing in a blue kepi.

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