Video: Woman confronts transgender using women's restroom

Aren't there laws in Ca. against harassment like that? Did Denny's give her permission to film in their store? I hope the he/she sues the shit out of that candidate
That little freak is lucky I wasn't there that night...stay in your own bathroom...if you have a penis you are a boy not a girl....its fucking amazing that I have to type that...

I don't give a shit where you or he/shes take a dump. I don't think it's legal in Ca. to film someone without their permission and then publish it. Denny's and everyone who shows up in the video should filed a complaint. Wouldn't it be funny if she was arrested?

Apparently you didn't watch the video.
Or you just want to be sure you are on the perceived left side of the issue that it doesn't matter that the guy is not transgender.
He is dressed like a man, has the haircut of a man, has a man's watch on, men's jeans...burr haircut - only thing that shows he is "transgender" is him saying so.

I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
There was no proof he was taking “a dump”, obviously he had other things in mind… Dumbass
I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?

It matters because women don't want HIM doing it in the same bathroom with them. What's your problem with women, that you want their private spaces invaded and their sense of comfort and security destroyed? Why do you hate women so much that you can't even grant them the ability to pee without men around?

Don't they have doors on those stalls or do you gals do it like the guys and pee in a big long trough?

Sense of comfort and security destroyed at a Denny's, because of whats behind a closed stall door? I thought California women were stronger than that!

They have doors which typically have gaps on the sides (so do the walls, usually) and a big opening at the bottom, and a pathetic lock that a 5-year-old could kick open. They're fine as a privacy screen against other women, who are very careful to respect each other as a rule, but I can assure you that, were that stall sitting in the corner of the restaurant or store without benefit of a whole separate room, you would NOT be feeling private about performing eliminations in it.

And quite frankly, I see no need that we should even be discussing "you don't need any more privacy than . . ." when we have a WHOLE ROOM that is intended to give us privacy. This isn't a negotiation as to how much privacy we need, and how much privacy men get to demand we do without. It's the LADIES room. Grow a vagina, or stay the fuck out.

It is mind blowing.
These idiots reduce womanhood down to it's lowest possible place in that anyone can be a woman by just saying so.
Is this what snowflakes do now on InfoWars?

Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

Looks harmless???
WTF is wrong with you? HE IS IN A WOMAN'S RESTROOM.
That is harm.

^snowflake. The person wasn't harming anyone else and this cray asshole is marching around Denny's with a camera. I'm guessing she's going to lose her election.

Unless you have a vagina, you are welcome to stop mansplaining to me whether there is or isn't something to be bothered about. Why don't you just tell me not to worry my pretty, fluffy little head about it and send me to the kitchen to make sandwiches while you're at it, you patriarchal pig? Newsflash for all you leftist assholes out there: MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT THE SAME, and telling women what should and shouldn't matter to them based on a MAN'S standard is not okay on an epic scale.
I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
He is a man behind closed doors in a women's bathroom...what is wrong with you? How do you tell your 12 year old daughter she can't use the bathroom until that man comes out...why should a parent be placed in a situation like that? to make Obama look enlightened?

I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.
Typical of a politically correct pussy...
I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

"Treat people with respect".
You obviously have no respect for women.
In your mind, a MAN who get's sexually charged by walking around in women's clothing is....wait for it... A WOMAN.
To reduce womanhood down to such a gutter level, in which a man's sexual gratification allows him to be accepted as a woman is appalling.
And that is just how fucked up today is getting to be.
Aren't there laws in Ca. against harassment like that? Did Denny's give her permission to film in their store? I hope the he/she sues the shit out of that candidate
That little freak is lucky I wasn't there that night...stay in your own bathroom...if you have a penis you are a boy not a girl....its fucking amazing that I have to type that...

I don't give a shit where you or he/shes take a dump. I don't think it's legal in Ca. to film someone without their permission and then publish it. Denny's and everyone who shows up in the video should filed a complaint. Wouldn't it be funny if she was arrested?

Apparently you didn't watch the video.
Or you just want to be sure you are on the perceived left side of the issue that it doesn't matter that the guy is not transgender.
He is dressed like a man, has the haircut of a man, has a man's watch on, men's jeans...burr haircut - only thing that shows he is "transgender" is him saying so.

I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
There was no proof he was taking “a dump”, obviously he had other things in mind… Dumbass

Do tell!

What other things did he have in mind? Eating at Denny's?
That little freak is lucky I wasn't there that night...stay in your own bathroom...if you have a penis you are a boy not a girl....its fucking amazing that I have to type that...

I don't give a shit where you or he/shes take a dump. I don't think it's legal in Ca. to film someone without their permission and then publish it. Denny's and everyone who shows up in the video should filed a complaint. Wouldn't it be funny if she was arrested?

Apparently you didn't watch the video.
Or you just want to be sure you are on the perceived left side of the issue that it doesn't matter that the guy is not transgender.
He is dressed like a man, has the haircut of a man, has a man's watch on, men's jeans...burr haircut - only thing that shows he is "transgender" is him saying so.

I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?

It matters because women don't want HIM doing it in the same bathroom with them. What's your problem with women, that you want their private spaces invaded and their sense of comfort and security destroyed? Why do you hate women so much that you can't even grant them the ability to pee without men around?

Don't they have doors on those stalls or do you gals do it like the guys and pee in a big long trough?

Sense of comfort and security destroyed at a Denny's, because of whats behind a closed stall door? I thought California women were stronger than that!
You really shouldn’t encourage perversions, it makes you look politically correct and stupid.
That little freak is lucky I wasn't there that night...stay in your own bathroom...if you have a penis you are a boy not a girl....its fucking amazing that I have to type that...

I don't give a shit where you or he/shes take a dump. I don't think it's legal in Ca. to film someone without their permission and then publish it. Denny's and everyone who shows up in the video should filed a complaint. Wouldn't it be funny if she was arrested?

Apparently you didn't watch the video.
Or you just want to be sure you are on the perceived left side of the issue that it doesn't matter that the guy is not transgender.
He is dressed like a man, has the haircut of a man, has a man's watch on, men's jeans...burr haircut - only thing that shows he is "transgender" is him saying so.

I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
There was no proof he was taking “a dump”, obviously he had other things in mind… Dumbass

Do tell!

What other things did he have in mind? Eating at Denny's?
Being a dumbass pervert, what else to transgenders do?
Is this what snowflakes do now on InfoWars?

Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.
I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
He is a man behind closed doors in a women's bathroom...what is wrong with you? How do you tell your 12 year old daughter she can't use the bathroom until that man comes out...why should a parent be placed in a situation like that? to make Obama look enlightened?

I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.

I am appalled that you would actually tell your daughter to go ahead and use the restroom with a strange man present. Do you also tell her it's not necessary to pull the drapes before changing her clothes? As a woman, I cannot even imagine my father essentially devaluing my femininity by instructing me to prioritize it below the "feewings" and wishes of some man with a screw loose. Or any man.

Then I'm pleased to appall you. Do girls generally expose themselves to others in the ladies room when they relieve themselves like there were changing clothes?
It really doesn’t matter, transgender’s are science deniers… DNA does not lie
A woman in California filmed herself confronting a transgender person using the women’s restroom.
Video: Woman Confronts Transgender Using Women’s Restroom

Oh no problem for the leftist liberal idiots. why they'd send their kid in there to help him pull down his pants and or zipper. " Liberal Democrat" now honey go in and show the lady how to hold it while he stands up and pisses like a good little girl.............

Uuuugh you pathetic idiots are sick
A woman filming in a public restroom? That's really creepy.
I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

"Treat people with respect".
You obviously have no respect for women.
In your mind, a MAN who get's sexually charged by walking around in women's clothing is....wait for it... A WOMAN.
To reduce womanhood down to such a gutter level, in which a man's sexual gratification allows him to be accepted as a woman is appalling.
And that is just how fucked up today is getting to be.


Man up. Grow a vagina and put it on your head!

Things have been fucked up for a while. I blame all that LSD in the 60's

He is a man behind closed doors in a women's bathroom...what is wrong with you? How do you tell your 12 year old daughter she can't use the bathroom until that man comes out...why should a parent be placed in a situation like that? to make Obama look enlightened?

I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.

I am appalled that you would actually tell your daughter to go ahead and use the restroom with a strange man present. Do you also tell her it's not necessary to pull the drapes before changing her clothes? As a woman, I cannot even imagine my father essentially devaluing my femininity by instructing me to prioritize it below the "feewings" and wishes of some man with a screw loose. Or any man.

Then I'm pleased to appall you. Do girls generally expose themselves to others in the ladies room when they relieve themselves like there were changing clothes?

Women do a lot of things in the ladies' room, amazingly enough. And it's none of your business what, because that's the whole point of "grow a vagina, or stay the fuck out".

Have I mentioned that I'm still not accepting your patronizing, misogynistic demands that women justify their desire and right to perform private functions without men around?

What you do in the ladies room besides relieve yourself is no concern of mine.

Have I mentioned I'm not seeking your acceptance? Or that I don't care. A woman who thinks she's a man still can't stand up at the trough and take a wiz. She has to go to a stall. I still don't care.

You're DEMANDING our acceptance, and don't kid yourself about it. You're demanding that we accept YOUR worldview, and immediately start being comfortable with however you want to redefine reality today.

And as for "I don't care when it comes to the men's room", I'll tell you the same thing I told your sidekick Happy: WOMEN AND MEN ARE NOT THE SAME. Spread the news. And I'm still not interested in having any of you mansplain to me about how "this is what men think, and it is the only right way to think". Fuck you and your attempts to set women's rights back to the last century.
It matters because women don't want HIM doing it in the same bathroom with them. What's your problem with women, that you want their private spaces invaded and their sense of comfort and security destroyed? Why do you hate women so much that you can't even grant them the ability to pee without men around?

Don't they have doors on those stalls or do you gals do it like the guys and pee in a big long trough?

Sense of comfort and security destroyed at a Denny's, because of whats behind a closed stall door? I thought California women were stronger than that!

They have doors which typically have gaps on the sides (so do the walls, usually) and a big opening at the bottom, and a pathetic lock that a 5-year-old could kick open. They're fine as a privacy screen against other women, who are very careful to respect each other as a rule, but I can assure you that, were that stall sitting in the corner of the restaurant or store without benefit of a whole separate room, you would NOT be feeling private about performing eliminations in it.

And quite frankly, I see no need that we should even be discussing "you don't need any more privacy than . . ." when we have a WHOLE ROOM that is intended to give us privacy. This isn't a negotiation as to how much privacy we need, and how much privacy men get to demand we do without. It's the LADIES room. Grow a vagina, or stay the fuck out.

It is mind blowing.
These idiots reduce womanhood down to it's lowest possible place in that anyone can be a woman by just saying so.
Is this what snowflakes do now on InfoWars?

Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

Looks harmless???
WTF is wrong with you? HE IS IN A WOMAN'S RESTROOM.
That is harm.

^snowflake. The person wasn't harming anyone else and this cray asshole is marching around Denny's with a camera. I'm guessing she's going to lose her election.

Unless you have a vagina, you are welcome to stop mansplaining to me whether there is or isn't something to be bothered about. Why don't you just tell me not to worry my pretty, fluffy little head about it and send me to the kitchen to make sandwiches while you're at it, you patriarchal pig? Newsflash for all you leftist assholes out there: MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT THE SAME, and telling women what should and shouldn't matter to them based on a MAN'S standard is not okay on an epic scale.

Okay, just shut up and get me a beer. Okay?

Yes that was sarcasm, I'm the one that usually get my wife's drinks and I open doors for her too!
Don't they have doors on those stalls or do you gals do it like the guys and pee in a big long trough?

Sense of comfort and security destroyed at a Denny's, because of whats behind a closed stall door? I thought California women were stronger than that!

They have doors which typically have gaps on the sides (so do the walls, usually) and a big opening at the bottom, and a pathetic lock that a 5-year-old could kick open. They're fine as a privacy screen against other women, who are very careful to respect each other as a rule, but I can assure you that, were that stall sitting in the corner of the restaurant or store without benefit of a whole separate room, you would NOT be feeling private about performing eliminations in it.

And quite frankly, I see no need that we should even be discussing "you don't need any more privacy than . . ." when we have a WHOLE ROOM that is intended to give us privacy. This isn't a negotiation as to how much privacy we need, and how much privacy men get to demand we do without. It's the LADIES room. Grow a vagina, or stay the fuck out.

It is mind blowing.
These idiots reduce womanhood down to it's lowest possible place in that anyone can be a woman by just saying so.
Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

Looks harmless???
WTF is wrong with you? HE IS IN A WOMAN'S RESTROOM.
That is harm.

^snowflake. The person wasn't harming anyone else and this cray asshole is marching around Denny's with a camera. I'm guessing she's going to lose her election.

Unless you have a vagina, you are welcome to stop mansplaining to me whether there is or isn't something to be bothered about. Why don't you just tell me not to worry my pretty, fluffy little head about it and send me to the kitchen to make sandwiches while you're at it, you patriarchal pig? Newsflash for all you leftist assholes out there: MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT THE SAME, and telling women what should and shouldn't matter to them based on a MAN'S standard is not okay on an epic scale.

Okay, just shut up and get me a beer. Okay?

Yes that was sarcasm, I'm the one that usually get my wife's drinks and I open doors for her too!

I didn't figure even you were silly enough to ask for a beer to be poured over your head.
Aren't there laws in Ca. against harassment like that? Did Denny's give her permission to film in their store? I hope the he/she sues the shit out of that candidate.
Transgender’s should be commended to insane asylum’s that’s the only way To fixing them...

Time fixes everything. Even you!

Yeah, except WE aren't the broken ones, hon.

I'll take your word for it that you are not broken either. Regardless, time will still come for us.

They have doors which typically have gaps on the sides (so do the walls, usually) and a big opening at the bottom, and a pathetic lock that a 5-year-old could kick open. They're fine as a privacy screen against other women, who are very careful to respect each other as a rule, but I can assure you that, were that stall sitting in the corner of the restaurant or store without benefit of a whole separate room, you would NOT be feeling private about performing eliminations in it.

And quite frankly, I see no need that we should even be discussing "you don't need any more privacy than . . ." when we have a WHOLE ROOM that is intended to give us privacy. This isn't a negotiation as to how much privacy we need, and how much privacy men get to demand we do without. It's the LADIES room. Grow a vagina, or stay the fuck out.

It is mind blowing.
These idiots reduce womanhood down to it's lowest possible place in that anyone can be a woman by just saying so.
The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

Looks harmless???
WTF is wrong with you? HE IS IN A WOMAN'S RESTROOM.
That is harm.

^snowflake. The person wasn't harming anyone else and this cray asshole is marching around Denny's with a camera. I'm guessing she's going to lose her election.

Unless you have a vagina, you are welcome to stop mansplaining to me whether there is or isn't something to be bothered about. Why don't you just tell me not to worry my pretty, fluffy little head about it and send me to the kitchen to make sandwiches while you're at it, you patriarchal pig? Newsflash for all you leftist assholes out there: MEN AND WOMEN ARE NOT THE SAME, and telling women what should and shouldn't matter to them based on a MAN'S standard is not okay on an epic scale.

Okay, just shut up and get me a beer. Okay?

Yes that was sarcasm, I'm the one that usually get my wife's drinks and I open doors for her too!

I didn't figure even you were silly enough to ask for a beer to be poured over your head.

LOL. I deserve that.

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