Video: MSNBC presents case against first amendment


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
After promoting Antifa violence twice in one week, NBC had a ‘debate’ about whether the First Amendment protects ALL speech or not, declaring that there are ‘pitfalls’ to free speech.
Video: MSNBC Presents Case Against The First Amendment


Just what the leftist anti american thugs want, until their retardation realizes it strips their rights as well.

And a news agency is doing this lmfao mental retardation has no boundaries with msm, the leftist, the democratic morons of society.

This is what happens when CORPORATE CONTROL dictates your rights and it's used in every aspect of your lives and most little obeyers haven't a clue how it's all done, why they hate Trump on and on and on.


Corporate/globalist giants donating millions to defeat small voices like mine!
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Political speech is protected by the First Amendment but this concept is lost on modern Americans who do not know nor understand the United States constitution.
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Well no matter how you spin it America is about to become a NON FREE nation.................just what the globalist wanted, just the reason they hired ANTIFA and all the sheep can say is " That's fake" ...
After promoting Antifa violence twice in one week, NBC had a ‘debate’ about whether the First Amendment protects ALL speech or not, declaring that there are ‘pitfalls’ to free speech.
Video: MSNBC Presents Case Against The First Amendment

In this case I find myself forced to side with NBC and MSNBC on this one! It is true, not all speech is protected, such as you cannot threaten the life of a president (unless you are a democrat in which case you will get a pass), and you cannot yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater.

Likewise, I find MSNBC's speech and opinions needing the least protection of them all, and I call for the White House to form a new Council on Speech, and everything MSNBC publishes and prints needs to go through their clearinghouse first, namely, President Trump's desk. I also call on Trump to sign an EO declaring any stories the media prints subject to libel suits if found untrue, with a "Three-Strike's" Clause, if it happens three times, your business is closed and all assets are forfeited to the Treasury, for the 1st Amendment guarantees the freedom of the Press to print the NEWS, not to just print unfounded defamation and propaganda, the equivalent of the 2nd Amendment not guaranteeing your right to own tanks and bazookas.
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After promoting Antifa violence twice in one week, NBC had a ‘debate’ about whether the First Amendment protects ALL speech or not, declaring that there are ‘pitfalls’ to free speech.
Video: MSNBC Presents Case Against The First Amendment

In this case I find myself forced to side with NBC and MSNBC on this one! It is true, not all speech is protected, such as you cannot threaten the life of a president (unless you are a democrat in which case you will get a pass), and you cannot yell 'Fire!' in a crowded theater.

Likewise, I find MSNBC's speech and opinions needing the least protection of them all, and I call for the White House to form a new Council on Speech, and everything MSNBC publishes and prints needs to go through their clearinghouse first, namely, President Trump's desk. I also call on Trump to sign an EO declaring any stories the media prints subject to libel suits if found untrue, with a "Three-Strike's" Clause, if it happens three times, your business is closed and all assets are forfeited to the Treasury, for the 1st Amendment guarantees the freedom of the Press to print the NEWS, not to just print unfounded defamation and propaganda, the equivalent of the 2nd Amendment not guaranteeing your right to own tanks and bazookas.

Yep, and we all use to know that but the problem that has come out of all of this Thanks to that bastard Obama , and the leftist retard cases they've taken our US CONSTITUTION and now use it as a weapon against us.

They are abusing the rights in which most people who have been taught respect, etc never uttered words like this unless they meant it.

These leftist freaks are so out of touch with reality, and have been so desensitized, brainwashed etc they just think they can do or say anything they want because their leftist pigs.

This guy says it all

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