VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
Utterly hilarious, if this doesn't prove that leftwingers are a bunch of Nazis, then I am the queen of England.

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Adolf Hitler Quotes. The entire “anti-fascist” crowd applauded the Fuhrer and his words of National Socialism.

The idiots applauded Hitler. This is the transcript:

Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation: I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressive regime, and the repressive regime that constitutes capitalism as a whole.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it’s unfair salaries, rights it’s unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual… The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. This American Nation will always retain its right to control the owners of property… A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.

Utterly hilarious, if this doesn't prove that leftwingers are a bunch of Nazis, then I am the queen of England.

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Adolf Hitler Quotes. The entire “anti-fascist” crowd applauded the Fuhrer and his words of National Socialism.

The idiots applauded Hitler. This is the transcript:

Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation: I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressive regime, and the repressive regime that constitutes capitalism as a whole.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it’s unfair salaries, rights it’s unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual… The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. This American Nation will always retain its right to control the owners of property… A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.

Eh they do have SOME brains then if they like what the Great One had to say.
Freaking loons don't even realize they're fascists but go around calling others fascist.

You can't begin to make this up
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Utterly hilarious, if this doesn't prove that leftwingers are a bunch of Nazis, then I am the queen of England.

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Adolf Hitler Quotes. The entire “anti-fascist” crowd applauded the Fuhrer and his words of National Socialism.

The idiots applauded Hitler. This is the transcript:

Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation: I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressive regime, and the repressive regime that constitutes capitalism as a whole.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it’s unfair salaries, rights it’s unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual… The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. This American Nation will always retain its right to control the owners of property… A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.

Good evening ma'am, how is her majesty this evening? I do believe it's time for your royal douche.

What's your point, Nazi?

That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.
Freaking loons don't even realize they're fascists but go around calling others fascist.

You can't begin to make this up

Snowflakes are too stupid to understand the significance of the bullshit ideas they endorse or where they come from. It's been obvious since the war that Democrats are indistinguishable from Nazis. This election made it more apparent than ever. The funniest part is that the people in the crowd were members of ANTIFA - that is, anti fascists.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Utterly hilarious, if this doesn't prove that leftwingers are a bunch of Nazis, then I am the queen of England.

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Adolf Hitler Quotes. The entire “anti-fascist” crowd applauded the Fuhrer and his words of National Socialism.

The idiots applauded Hitler. This is the transcript:

Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation: I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressive regime, and the repressive regime that constitutes capitalism as a whole.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it’s unfair salaries, rights it’s unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual… The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. This American Nation will always retain its right to control the owners of property… A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.

Good evening ma'am, how is her majesty this evening? I do believe it's time for your royal douche.

What's your point, Nazi?

That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.

Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
Taken out of context...oh, my.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Utterly hilarious, if this doesn't prove that leftwingers are a bunch of Nazis, then I am the queen of England.

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Adolf Hitler Quotes. The entire “anti-fascist” crowd applauded the Fuhrer and his words of National Socialism.

The idiots applauded Hitler. This is the transcript:

Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation: I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressive regime, and the repressive regime that constitutes capitalism as a whole.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it’s unfair salaries, rights it’s unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual… The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. This American Nation will always retain its right to control the owners of property… A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.

Good evening ma'am, how is her majesty this evening? I do believe it's time for your royal douche.

What's your point, Nazi?

That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.

Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
Taken out of context...oh, my.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Good evening ma'am, how is her majesty this evening? I do believe it's time for your royal douche.

What's your point, Nazi?
That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
Whenever lefties use the "taken out of context" ploy you know the evidence is damning and irrefutable.
I'm surprised the snowflakes aren't crawling all over this thread. They were caught red handed cheering the words of the Fuhrer. The video is proof that they are nothing more than a bunch of goose stepping Nazis who would love to have some new Hitler to vote for.
They actually have the nerve to call us Nazi's while cheering for Nazi policies. It's insane how stupid the left is.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Utterly hilarious, if this doesn't prove that leftwingers are a bunch of Nazis, then I am the queen of England.

VIDEO: Far Left Activists Applaud Speech Comprised Entirely of Hitler Quotes

At the ‘Impeach Trump March’ in Chicago earlier this week, a Trump supporter disguised as an “anti-fascist” protester read a speech comprised entirely of Adolf Hitler Quotes. The entire “anti-fascist” crowd applauded the Fuhrer and his words of National Socialism.

The idiots applauded Hitler. This is the transcript:

Ladies, Gentleman, and non-binary members of this congregation: I would like to thank everyone for coming out today to support the constitutional rule of law, I stand here today, a veteran of these United States armed forces, and a proud 21st century patriot. I would like to take this opportunity to talk about this oppressive regime, and the repressive regime that constitutes capitalism as a whole.

We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with it’s unfair salaries, rights it’s unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.

Benefit to the community precedes benefit to the individual… The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. This American Nation will always retain its right to control the owners of property… A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.

Good evening ma'am, how is her majesty this evening? I do believe it's time for your royal douche.

What's your point, Nazi?

That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.

Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.

The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Good evening ma'am, how is her majesty this evening? I do believe it's time for your royal douche.

What's your point, Nazi?
That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Fascist? That fist represents liberation of the people from all forms of tyranny, not just government.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
What's your point, Nazi?
That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Fascist? That fist represents liberation of the people from all forms of tyranny, not just government.
You're a gullible fool. That fist represents totalitarianism and communism. You don't even know WTF your own symbols mean.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Good evening ma'am, how is her majesty this evening? I do believe it's time for your royal douche.

What's your point, Nazi?
That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
He's actually a Communist moron. However, that's a distinction without a difference.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
What's your point, Nazi?
That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Fascist? That fist represents liberation of the people from all forms of tyranny, not just government.
Yeah, that's what Stalin and Mao both said.
A little bit of history for you-

On January 31, 1949, PLA forces triumphantly celebrated the Kuomintang surrender of Peiping (now Beijing) with their clenched fists raised in the air saluting Mao. A year and a half later, on May Day 1950, the Chinese Civil War officially ended as Mainland China fell under the total control of Mao and the Communist Party.

One shiny hand clenched into a fist, the other with its fingers rested gently on his thigh, an eerie half-light beams out from the glass coffin of the father of Bolshevism. His head is raised slightly and rests on a soft black pillow, the waxy hairs of his short ginger beard are coiffed into a sharp point, and his body is dressed in a suit and navy tie with white polka dots.

Nearly a century after the Russian Revolution he led, the mummified body of Vladimir Lenin is once again on display to visitors in Moscow’s Red Square, after the mausoleum was closed for several months for renovations. More than two decades after the fall of the country he brought into existence, and 89 years after his death, Lenin’s corpse continues to reside in the marble mausoleum in the very heart of the Russian capital. Debate continues to simmer about whether the first Soviet leader should be removed and reburied in a more conventional fashion.

Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
What's your point, Nazi?
That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Fascist? That fist represents liberation of the people from all forms of tyranny, not just government.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
That you're the Queen of England apparently.

And that you stink up the joint.
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Fascist? That fist represents liberation of the people from all forms of tyranny, not just government.
You're a gullible fool. That fist represents totalitarianism and communism. You don't even know WTF your own symbols mean.
It's just a symbol and its meaning is not universal but it is generally viewed as a symbol of solidarity and resistance. So whatever the fuck it means to you is your business.
Honey, that is histories take on it, not mine. Maybe you need to rethink it.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Fascist? That fist represents liberation of the people from all forms of tyranny, not just government.
You're a gullible fool. That fist represents totalitarianism and communism. You don't even know WTF your own symbols mean.
It's just a symbol and its meaning is not universal but it is generally viewed as a symbol of solidarity and resistance. So whatever the fuck it means to you is your business.
Deflect, and deflect some more. How quaint. Lol
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Fascist? That fist represents liberation of the people from all forms of tyranny, not just government.
You're a gullible fool. That fist represents totalitarianism and communism. You don't even know WTF your own symbols mean.
It's just a symbol and its meaning is not universal but it is generally viewed as a symbol of solidarity and resistance. So whatever the fuck it means to you is your business.
Maybe you should look into what you're supporting. It's not my fault you're a gullible retard. Get your shit together stupid.
Deflect from what? The choice was given in the OP. So some stupid idiot stood up and quoted some out of context quotes and at least one outright misattribution. It proves nothing generally speaking. It does give insight however into the mindset of the OP and those defending him.
The fist in your avatar is enough to convince us you're a fascist moron. Context my ass. You cheered.
Fascist? That fist represents liberation of the people from all forms of tyranny, not just government.
You're a gullible fool. That fist represents totalitarianism and communism. You don't even know WTF your own symbols mean.
It's just a symbol and its meaning is not universal but it is generally viewed as a symbol of solidarity and resistance. So whatever the fuck it means to you is your business.
Maybe you should look into what you're supporting. It's not my fault you're a gullible retard. Get your shit together stupid.
I know what I support and I have no problem defending it so go fuck yourself and take that idiot depooto with you.

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