Video: 75-year-old man tasered by Idaho Springs police talks about incident in extended interview


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
The police dept. said 75-year-old Michael Clark was unarmed and later announced they had fired the officer involved. The officer was also charged, criminally.

Can't watch the video right now so I'd have to know the circumstances of why he got tasered. But all I can say if when it comes to someone elderly or frail if they are totally out of control tasering would be preferred as a means of incapacitating them if it had to come down to that. Trying to physically restrain them is very likely to cause them serious physical damage.

When my mother was a cop still a while back she tased an old lady they pulled over because she was driving crazy and was obviously having some mental breakdown as she got out of the car and was fighting the cops and trying to get away. Because they were alongside the highway they were afraid someone was going to get in the road and they were afraid to fight her because they didn't want to tear her skin or break any bones. So they faxed her and put her in the car and went to the hospital. Sad but it was the safest course of action for everyone. my mom was upset for a week at having done it.

I'll have to watch the video later though so I know the whole story.
The neighbor who complained was drunk and made a false report. The elderly man never did anything and is still hospitalized after 6 months after suffering a heart attack from the Taser. And they only give the cop a misdemeanor!


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