Gates says another pandemic is coming


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
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That very well could be. My bet is that the Democrats and Liberals will wag their finger and pound their fists about compliance yet…. just like the COVID pandemic….. those same Democrats will violate the mandates and give a pass to rioters and looters who violate the mandates just like COVID.

That very well could be. My bet is that the Democrats and Liberals will wag their finger and pound their fists about compliance yet…. just like the COVID pandemic….. those same Democrats will violate the mandates and give a pass to rioters and looters who violate the mandates just like COVID.

Keep in mimd that the endgame for Gates is the digital passport and the complete end of privacy.

That very well could be. My bet is that the Democrats and Liberals will wag their finger and pound their fists about compliance yet…. just like the COVID pandemic….. those same Democrats will violate the mandates and give a pass to rioters and looters who violate the mandates just like COVID.
Not could be, most definately will be. It's been happening since mankind evolved.
The difference now is we have great men like gates who's prepared to give his own money to save lives
(only democrats might I add who have been microchipped to be sure)
opposed to the likes of trump who told every one it was under control. He was the chosen one and it would all disappear like a miracle. And he never offered one cent to assist.
What a president. So benevolent. He should be in heaven.

That very well could be. My bet is that the Democrats and Liberals will wag their finger and pound their fists about compliance yet…. just like the COVID pandemic….. those same Democrats will violate the mandates and give a pass to rioters and looters who violate the mandates just like COVID.
Omicron was another "leak" this time from a South African Lab. Are Gates and the boys working on another "leak"?
Yes, it was engineered by the right, who gained so much power by exploiting it.

Oh, wait...
Just wait, here comes Omicron 2B..said to be more virulent than its predecessor.
No, the right just denied the original's existence...which is why your savior was shown the door in 2020. :auiqs.jpg:
Just wait, here comes Omicron 2B..said to be more virulent than its predecessor.
No, the right just denied the original's existence...which is why your savior was shown the door in 2020. :auiqs.jpg:
Don't you feel stupid now that Biden, after promising he would end the pandemic, said there's nothing he can do?

You should. Because you believed him. So you ARE stupid.

That very well could be. My bet is that the Democrats and Liberals will wag their finger and pound their fists about compliance yet…. just like the COVID pandemic….. those same Democrats will violate the mandates and give a pass to rioters and looters who violate the mandates just like COVID.
Over police brutality?

That very well could be. My bet is that the Democrats and Liberals will wag their finger and pound their fists about compliance yet…. just like the COVID pandemic….. those same Democrats will violate the mandates and give a pass to rioters and looters who violate the mandates just like COVID.
Over police brutality?
Are you too poor to pay attention? Dumbass.
I'll ask again. What evidence do you have that I don't?
Do you know the American government has been gifting mobey for research for over 20 years. Trump did it for three years.
When he pulled out because you idiots wanted revenge, gates gave them 200 million to continue the research.

You didn't know that because if you did, you wouldn't say the stupid shit you do. Who's the dumbass now?
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