Victoria's Secret: When The Figures Simply Don't Add Up


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
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Brooklyn, NY
1. It is more often than not, a gross error to consider any one factor, event, even comment, as being a singularity, unconnected to a myriad of others.
Indra's net : Buddhist concepts of interpenetration hold that all phenomena are intimately connected; for the Huayan school, Indra's net symbolizes a universe where infinitely repeated mutual relations exist between all members of the universe.[5] This idea is communicated in the image of the interconnectedness of the universe as seen in the net of the Vedic god Indra, whose net hangs over his palace on Mount Meru, the axis mundi of Vedic cosmology and Vedic mythology. Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels:[6] Indra's net - Wikipedia

2. If you fail to look for connections, the Left, for whom there is no morality or tradition, well then, you will forget the promise that they have made to replace God, and claim that they have the ability to recreate mankind in their image.
God distinguishes between man and woman...two sexes.
In the Old Testament, the distinction is clear, making distinctions between the roles, and even the modes of dress.

3. Leftism does the opposite.
Today, because a very different force is ascendant, chaos is on the increase. The best example…Well, Facebook offers 56 options. You can use up to 10 of them on your profile. Fifty-six sounds like a lot, but actually a lot of them are variations on a theme — "cisgender man" and "cisgender male," as well as "cis man" and "cis male." In terms of broad categories, there about a dozen.
See Confused by All the New Facebook Genders? Here's What They Mean.

4. The confrontations between the Left and the Right takes place on so very many different fronts, venues and precincts. It spills over even into ....Victoria's Secret, where we find ....

"Social Justice Lingerie....VS ditches physical beauty for Leftwing Activism
Executives huddled together and designed an ambitious turnaround plan: they would spin off the company into a separate entity, denounce previous leadership as racist and misogynistic, and adopt a new marketing strategy that would focus on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” instead of physical beauty.
All the men on the board of directors, with the exception of CEO Martin Waters, were replaced by women.
The new models were chosen on political, rather than aesthetic, grounds. The group included the soccer player and “LGBTQIA+ activist” Megan Rapinoe, plus-size model and “body advocate” Paloma Elsesser, and transgender swimsuit model Valentina Sampaio, who was born a biological male. Executives crafted a narrative of explicit political activism: Elsesser promised to “change the world” and expand the company’s product lines to XXXXXL size, Sampaio pledged to use her new position to “raise our vibration and catalyze positive change,” and “equality advocate” Amanda de Cadenet said that the point was not to sell underwear but to “shift culture.” representatives of their intersectional identities—the original lineup included an African refugee, a pink-haired lesbian, an obese biracial woman, and a male-to-female transsexual—

5. "The question is how the market will respond. ....the financial numbers for Victoria’s Secret suggest that intersectionality might not provide a successful foundation for underwear sales. The company’s stock has declined 32 percent since its peak immediately after the reorganization last year. The company recently forecasted declining sales numbers and, in a survey conducted by Bank of America, 23 percent of women said that they liked Victoria’s Secret less than they did pre-Covid, compared with 13 percent who said they liked it more. Executives have even tried to blame poor financial performance on the war in Ukraine, which doesn’t suggest confidence."

Sooo......woke Victoria's Secret seems to be be polling pretty much as the Biden Democrats are.
The marketplace will decide the fate of their new direction. I understand wanting to expand to different markets and tastes but when you politicize products it turns buyers off. When comes right down to it a company needs to make a profit to survive so you promote what sells.
Another example of Indra's Net, and the interconnections of all considerations aside, praise for black women who happen to be obese.....just like the woke views of Victoria's Secret...

And did you see this?
Their troops in the medical profession must think all blacks are obese:
. In the face of the facts about how deadly the covid virus is to overweight, obese, individuals, these racists, Democrats in doctors garb, must believe that blacks are largely overweight (no pun intended) and therefore, as a "medical fact"....

"Obesity affects some groups more than others​

Tools to help achieve health equity
[Read CDC National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) data brief]
Non-Hispanic Black adults (49.6%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity,

Obesity is a Common, Serious, and Costly Disease

Get the latest data and facts about adult obesity in the US.

Rather than offer plans to mitigate obesity......these racists encourage it:

"WC4BL also promotes what appear to be significant medical falsehoods. For example, they seek to deconstruct the falsehood that weight equates to health, including ending the use of BMI.”

'White Coats for Black Lives' Calling Shots at America's Medical Schools

White Coats for Black Lives, a radical socialist organization of doctors and medical students, is set to racialize the practice of medicine.

"Medical providers must unlearn the false equivalency between weight and health, and fat people must have access to affirming healthcare free of stigma and guilt."
'Victoria's/Victor's/Non-Binary Victoria's/Non Binary-Victor's LGBTLMNOQ's Secret'
Are you certain you want your children to grow up believing that this is perfectly normal?

"Rose McGowan’s Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women’s Bathroom


Rain Dove, a gender fluid model who’s currently dating actress Rose McGowan was maced by a woman in a woman bathroom after being mistaken for a man.
“This person peppersprayed me in a ‘women’s restroom’ a little bit ago. I didn’t get to converse with this being because this person just sprayed me and ran past with their kids in terror, asking the security guard to come in and confront me. I wasn’t even able to get the humans name because of the chaos and the washing,” Rain Dove said."
Rose McGowan's Gender-Fluid Partner Rain Dove Maced in a Women's Bathroom

I bet he can find work at Victoria's Secret.....

"Sports Illustrated goes full woke with ‘diverse’ swim search finalists featuring models’ ‘curvy beauty’

Sports Illustrated has announced its finalists for the woke and diverse 2022 Swim Search, illustrating that beauty is in the eye of the beholder with some of the contestants being more than memorable for their looks and their girth, engendering in some awe while in others revulsion.
Despite a number of the finalists being overweight, the media is drooling over their professed beauty, not to mention their differing backgrounds.


I miss when you could make women sexy in movies and games that appealed to most humans. Now they try and push this idea of beauty that aren't in the eyes of most people.

Even most commercials on tv that show "real women" don't interest because I see enough real women in real life. And I have no interest in trannies. And if a model is gay or not I don't care because it's just a picture of a hot woman, but when they have to physically present them as gay then I am turned off.

Companies that politicize themselves turn me off and make me want to stop buying from them. Even little things like going into a gas station once they had rainbow stickers by the register and BLM stickers and I left to go buy my cigarettes somewhere else. I have pirated every Disney movie I've wanted to watch for over a year now and I won't do anything that supports them.
Really distasteful, more than even the guys dressed as women to use Down Syndrome to sell lingerie.

Distasteful or not, I would imagine they are doing everything they are as the result of an inferior business model.

If a commercial is trying harder to sell the consumer an idea rather than their product ...
It is a clear indicator that the quality and performance of their product are not their primary concern.

I am not ever buying something for the whatever political views a company may have ...
However, will not buy a product from a company that thinks their politics is more important than their product or my patronage.

This ad is not political or virtue signaling ...

We do one thing: build great running gear

When you focus on what you do best, you do it better. Our shoes, gear, and experiences all have a singular goal in mind.
We want to make sure each run is better than the last — a simple enough principle that guides every design and engineering choice we make.

We sweat every detail

We create solutions for runners, test them over miles, assess feedback and repeat. And repeat. And repeat.
Every groove in the soles of your shoes, every inch of fabric in your gear and every single stitch has a reason to exist.
If it doesn’t improve your run, you won’t see it in our gear.

Luckily ... I still have a place I can buy shoes and athletic gear from.
It's not Nike or Adidas ... :thup:

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1. It is more often than not, a gross error to consider any one factor, event, even comment, as being a singularity, unconnected to a myriad of others.
Indra's net : Buddhist concepts of interpenetration hold that all phenomena are intimately connected; for the Huayan school, Indra's net symbolizes a universe where infinitely repeated mutual relations exist between all members of the universe.[5] This idea is communicated in the image of the interconnectedness of the universe as seen in the net of the Vedic god Indra, whose net hangs over his palace on Mount Meru, the axis mundi of Vedic cosmology and Vedic mythology. Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels:[6] Indra's net - Wikipedia

2. If you fail to look for connections, the Left, for whom there is no morality or tradition, well then, you will forget the promise that they have made to replace God, and claim that they have the ability to recreate mankind in their image.
God distinguishes between man and woman...two sexes.
In the Old Testament, the distinction is clear, making distinctions between the roles, and even the modes of dress.

3. Leftism does the opposite.
Today, because a very different force is ascendant, chaos is on the increase. The best example…Well, Facebook offers 56 options. You can use up to 10 of them on your profile. Fifty-six sounds like a lot, but actually a lot of them are variations on a theme — "cisgender man" and "cisgender male," as well as "cis man" and "cis male." In terms of broad categories, there about a dozen.
See Confused by All the New Facebook Genders? Here's What They Mean.

4. The confrontations between the Left and the Right takes place on so very many different fronts, venues and precincts. It spills over even into ....Victoria's Secret, where we find ....

"Social Justice Lingerie....VS ditches physical beauty for Leftwing Activism
Executives huddled together and designed an ambitious turnaround plan: they would spin off the company into a separate entity, denounce previous leadership as racist and misogynistic, and adopt a new marketing strategy that would focus on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” instead of physical beauty.
All the men on the board of directors, with the exception of CEO Martin Waters, were replaced by women.
The new models were chosen on political, rather than aesthetic, grounds. The group included the soccer player and “LGBTQIA+ activist” Megan Rapinoe, plus-size model and “body advocate” Paloma Elsesser, and transgender swimsuit model Valentina Sampaio, who was born a biological male. Executives crafted a narrative of explicit political activism: Elsesser promised to “change the world” and expand the company’s product lines to XXXXXL size, Sampaio pledged to use her new position to “raise our vibration and catalyze positive change,” and “equality advocate” Amanda de Cadenet said that the point was not to sell underwear but to “shift culture.” representatives of their intersectional identities—the original lineup included an African refugee, a pink-haired lesbian, an obese biracial woman, and a male-to-female transsexual—

5. "The question is how the market will respond. ....the financial numbers for Victoria’s Secret suggest that intersectionality might not provide a successful foundation for underwear sales. The company’s stock has declined 32 percent since its peak immediately after the reorganization last year. The company recently forecasted declining sales numbers and, in a survey conducted by Bank of America, 23 percent of women said that they liked Victoria’s Secret less than they did pre-Covid, compared with 13 percent who said they liked it more. Executives have even tried to blame poor financial performance on the war in Ukraine, which doesn’t suggest confidence."

Sooo......woke Victoria's Secret seems to be be polling pretty much as the Biden Democrats are.
And, of course, when society rejects the company's products, it will be society's fault instead of the leadership's inability to read the market.
1. It is more often than not, a gross error to consider any one factor, event, even comment, as being a singularity, unconnected to a myriad of others.
Indra's net : Buddhist concepts of interpenetration hold that all phenomena are intimately connected; for the Huayan school, Indra's net symbolizes a universe where infinitely repeated mutual relations exist between all members of the universe.[5] This idea is communicated in the image of the interconnectedness of the universe as seen in the net of the Vedic god Indra, whose net hangs over his palace on Mount Meru, the axis mundi of Vedic cosmology and Vedic mythology. Indra's net has a multifaceted jewel at each vertex, and each jewel is reflected in all of the other jewels:[6] Indra's net - Wikipedia

2. If you fail to look for connections, the Left, for whom there is no morality or tradition, well then, you will forget the promise that they have made to replace God, and claim that they have the ability to recreate mankind in their image.
God distinguishes between man and woman...two sexes.
In the Old Testament, the distinction is clear, making distinctions between the roles, and even the modes of dress.

3. Leftism does the opposite.
Today, because a very different force is ascendant, chaos is on the increase. The best example…Well, Facebook offers 56 options. You can use up to 10 of them on your profile. Fifty-six sounds like a lot, but actually a lot of them are variations on a theme — "cisgender man" and "cisgender male," as well as "cis man" and "cis male." In terms of broad categories, there about a dozen.
See Confused by All the New Facebook Genders? Here's What They Mean.

4. The confrontations between the Left and the Right takes place on so very many different fronts, venues and precincts. It spills over even into ....Victoria's Secret, where we find ....

"Social Justice Lingerie....VS ditches physical beauty for Leftwing Activism
Executives huddled together and designed an ambitious turnaround plan: they would spin off the company into a separate entity, denounce previous leadership as racist and misogynistic, and adopt a new marketing strategy that would focus on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” instead of physical beauty.
All the men on the board of directors, with the exception of CEO Martin Waters, were replaced by women.
The new models were chosen on political, rather than aesthetic, grounds. The group included the soccer player and “LGBTQIA+ activist” Megan Rapinoe, plus-size model and “body advocate” Paloma Elsesser, and transgender swimsuit model Valentina Sampaio, who was born a biological male. Executives crafted a narrative of explicit political activism: Elsesser promised to “change the world” and expand the company’s product lines to XXXXXL size, Sampaio pledged to use her new position to “raise our vibration and catalyze positive change,” and “equality advocate” Amanda de Cadenet said that the point was not to sell underwear but to “shift culture.” representatives of their intersectional identities—the original lineup included an African refugee, a pink-haired lesbian, an obese biracial woman, and a male-to-female transsexual—

5. "The question is how the market will respond. ....the financial numbers for Victoria’s Secret suggest that intersectionality might not provide a successful foundation for underwear sales. The company’s stock has declined 32 percent since its peak immediately after the reorganization last year. The company recently forecasted declining sales numbers and, in a survey conducted by Bank of America, 23 percent of women said that they liked Victoria’s Secret less than they did pre-Covid, compared with 13 percent who said they liked it more. Executives have even tried to blame poor financial performance on the war in Ukraine, which doesn’t suggest confidence."

Sooo......woke Victoria's Secret seems to be be polling pretty much as the Biden Democrats are.

Putin is behind the decline in sales....nothing else explains it

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