Victims of Communism


  • The sight of Soupy.gif
    The sight of Soupy.gif
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There are millions upon millions of "harrowing stories" about innocent people being jailed, tortured, and murdered by the Capitalist Americans - countries being invaded, occupied, and destroyed ... some of them even Democratic nations.

That is true. Many of the Founders warned about the risk of a standing army and how it would be used to subvert the militia and destroy liberty. They warned of the mischief that would come with a standing army and it has certainly come to pass.
Which means enforced slavery and destitution for the human race
Why do you assume that conclusion?

Only right-wingers prefer the Hellish conditions on Earth of their socialism on a national and international basis known as their alleged wars on crime, drugs and terror. Congress is only empowered to provide for the general welfare and common defense not the general malfare and common offense.
Why do you assume that conclusion?

Only right-wingers prefer the Hellish conditions on Earth of their socialism on a national and international basis known as their alleged wars on crime, drugs and terror. Congress is only empowered to provide for the general welfare and common defense not the general malfare and common offense.
Why do you assume that conclusion?

Only right-wingers prefer the Hellish conditions on Earth of their socialism on a national and international basis known as their alleged wars on crime, drugs and terror. Congress is only empowered to provide for the general welfare and common defense not the general malfare and common offense.
I do not assumme it.

Communism requires force and is about slavery. That is fact not assumption.

Right wingers do not prefer or support socialism
Ony with "bad management". A Commune of Heaven on Earth should not need force and compulsion since everyone should be onboard with the goal of a Commune of Heaven on Earth.

With any management.

No one needs management for their entire life. Communism requires that every aspect of a persons life be managed because few people agree with yuour idiotic notion of heavan.

This is why few people attempt to form or live in communes and such communes fail.

With any management.

No one needs management for their entire life. Communism requires that every aspect of a persons life be managed because few people agree with yuour idiotic notion of heavan.

This is why few people attempt to form or live in communes and such communes fail.
Anarcho-Communism is as difficult to achieve as anarcho-Capitalism.
There are millions upon millions of "harrowing stories" about innocent people being jailed, tortured, and murdered by the Capitalist Americans - countries being invaded, occupied, and destroyed ... some of them even Democratic nations.
Please point to any any nations that didn't have slavery, torture, murder, invasion and occupation. Let's see if we can whittle it down to the "perfect" nation. That nation which you believe has always been pure and wholesome. Some nation other than ours that went to war, sacrificing 360,000 soldiers to end slavery. Those nations that openly admit their past major failings in history. That nation that does not, nor has not had racism, past or present. Get back to me on your extensive list. Again, once you've done your eliminating, it must be a nation that is pure and wholesome. I'll get you started. We can eliminate ALL Marxist nations right out of the starting gate. We can eliminate all Military Juntas as well. All nations in which their religious institutions controlled the governments in the past and present will have to be eliminated. All nations that had monarchies have to be dropped off the list as well, as all nations with monarchies, even the smaller ones, embarked upon military campaigns outside their borders. How about Iceland as an example? Wait, their nation was founded by "warring" Vikings." That has to be excluded, for in the beginning their settlers fought with Vikings. Scandinavian nations fought other areas for territory and religion. How about African nations? Wait, they had territorial "tribal" wars to get resources and territory. Men and children were killed and the women were raped and taken into slavery. Well, you just keep thinking that we are some anomaly that has had a bad past and work on that search. Remember, 7.3 million people fled Socialism and others fled military juntas and religious persecution, all to come here for freedom and work, but not a return to those style governments. Anyway, you get back with me when you can pick out that perfect nation.
Please point to any any nations that didn't have slavery, torture, murder, invasion and occupation. Let's see if we can whittle it down to the "perfect" nation. That nation which you believe has always been pure and wholesome. Some nation other than ours that went to war, sacrificing 360,000 soldiers to end slavery. Those nations that openly admit their past major failings in history. That nation that does not, nor has not had racism, past or present. Get back to me on your extensive list. Again, once you've done your eliminating, it must be a nation that is pure and wholesome. I'll get you started. We can eliminate ALL Marxist nations right out of the starting gate. We can eliminate all Military Juntas as well. All nations in which their religious institutions controlled the governments in the past and present will have to be eliminated. All nations that had monarchies have to be dropped off the list as well, as all nations with monarchies, even the smaller ones, embarked upon military campaigns outside their borders. How about Iceland as an example? Wait, their nation was founded by "warring" Vikings." That has to be excluded, for in the beginning their settlers fought with Vikings. Scandinavian nations fought other areas for territory and religion. How about African nations? Wait, they had territorial "tribal" wars to get resources and territory. Men and children were killed and the women were raped and taken into slavery. Well, you just keep thinking that we are some anomaly that has had a bad past and work on that search. Remember, 7.3 million people fled Socialism and others fled military juntas and religious persecution, all to come here for freedom and work, but not a return to those style governments. Anyway, you get back with me when you can pick out that perfect nation.
Are you illiterate or just unable to stick to the flow of dialogue? Shoving your nose into a discussion that you know nothing about is one thing but you are shoving your ass into it while your nose is embedded inside of your imagination and fantasy. Anyway, you get back with me when you can say something pertinent to my post or the one I was responding to.

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