Very cool reception for Obama at West Point.

I'm related to Robert E. Lee so I'm an expert on the Civil War.

Ask me anything!

What did the E stand for ? :eusa_think:
:lol: No idea. I said I was an expert on the civil war not uncle Bob.


I am not related to Lee, but I was a K.A. in college and the fraternity literally worships him and we had to memorize all sorts of useless minutiae about him.

Lee was also the only cadet in the history of West Point to graduate without a single demerit.
Wow. That's just almost exactly the same thing (except not really at all).

You know what? My great-uncle was one of the few Americans who flew for the RAF in the Battle of Britain.

That doesn't mean I "experienced" it or have some sort of special dispensation on the matter.
I'm related to Robert E. Lee so I'm an expert on the Civil War.

Ask me anything!

Yes. General Lee (By proxie):

Why did you deem it prudent to use the Virginia Division in a massive charge against a fixed Union position at Gettysburg as opposed to trying to outflank them of fortify and draw them into attacking you?
Well, shucks. If I knew how to win a war we'd still have slaves. :redface:
I'm appalled. Bush and the Republicans SHIT all over our military. Keeping them in Iraq tour after unlawful tour. Cutting their benefits. Sending them out with old and rusty equipment while giving themselves tax cuts.

officer or enlisted? and to what paygrade did you reach?

Neither. I'm referring to friends and family who were/are officers or enlisted.

Wow. That's just almost exactly the same thing (except not really at all).

You know what? My great-uncle was one of the few Americans who flew for the RAF in the Battle of Britain.

That doesn't mean I "experienced" it or have some sort of special dispensation on the matter.

I commented on the similarity in character and values between officers and the All Volunteer Enlisted personnel - as reinforced by personal knowledge of those in my circle of family, friends, and acquaintances. You have offered nothing but your typical intellectual dishonesty. But thanks for playing.
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What did the E stand for ? :eusa_think:
:lol: No idea. I said I was an expert on the civil war not uncle Bob.


I am not related to Lee, but I was a K.A. in college and the fraternity literally worships him and we had to memorize all sorts of useless minutiae about him.

Lee was also the only cadet in the history of West Point to graduate without a single demerit.
Maybe that was his problem...he was too damn uptight. ;)
I'm related to Robert E. Lee so I'm an expert on the Civil War.

Ask me anything!

Yes. General Lee (By proxie):

Why did you deem it prudent to use the Virginia Division in a massive charge against a fixed Union position at Gettysburg as opposed to trying to outflank them of fortify and draw them into attacking you?
Well, shucks. If I knew how to win a war we'd still have slaves. :redface:

LOL. Lee was brilliant, and an honorable man.

However, tactically he was aggressive. Much of his success was tied to that, but his paradigm also prevented him from success at Gettysburg.

It's irrelevant. The South was destined to lose from the opening shots at Sumter.

Conventional wars are won and lost on logistics and not tactics.

If that were not so, three years of terrible tactical leadership by the Union would have resulted in a rapid victory for the South.
I commented on the similarity in character and values between officers and the All Volunteer Enlisted personnel - as reinforced by personal knowledge of those whom I know. You have offered nothing but your typical intellectual dishonesty. But thanks for playing.

Oh, I am intellectually dishonest?

Unlike you, I was a commissioned officer in the United States Military.

So my opinion is formed from actual experience in that matter, and I don't have to "fake it" like you did.

What's more intellectually dishonest than that?
I'm appalled. Bush and the Republicans SHIT all over our military. Keeping them in Iraq tour after unlawful tour. Cutting their benefits. Sending them out with old and rusty equipment while giving themselves tax cuts.


how bout the voters you brain dead fuck up
49.7% Whites
19.8% Blacks
10.9% Hispanics
3.4% Asians
3.2% Others

For some strange reason, white wingers think the entire military is white.
I'm appalled. Bush and the Republicans SHIT all over our military. Keeping them in Iraq tour after unlawful tour. Cutting their benefits. Sending them out with old and rusty equipment while giving themselves tax cuts.


how bout the voters you brain dead fuck up

Voters who were tricked and misled. The last presidential election kind of gave an indication what the "voters" thought, wouldn't you say you piece of stepped on and smeared rat shit.

Zogby International

•Almost 90% think war is retaliation for Saddam's role in 9/11 (hint, they are talking about the military)
I'm appalled. Bush and the Republicans SHIT all over our military. Keeping them in Iraq tour after unlawful tour. Cutting their benefits. Sending them out with old and rusty equipment while giving themselves tax cuts.


how bout the voters you brain dead fuck up
Yeah, they pretty much gave the biggest Fuck You to Bush and the Republicans in 06 and 08.

Bush screwed it up so bad he even helped to turn nine red states blue and produce this gem:
No party in American history has ever failed to flip a single seat to their control during an election, and it happened to the GOP twice in a row.

Yep. What a job you did Georgie! lol.
49.7% Whites
19.8% Blacks
10.9% Hispanics
3.4% Asians
3.2% Others

For some strange reason, white wingers think the entire military is white.

you were born under a rock. just another radical lib with diarrhea of the mouth. shit on shithead

Have you noticed how morons rant when they are exposed as "morons"?
officer or enlisted? and to what paygrade did you reach?

Neither. I'm referring to friends and family who were/are officers or enlisted. HAVE no personal experience in uniform?

got it.

I do. I was commissioned. I am an academy graduate. We were and current classes are the cream of the officer corp and we certainly were and are the cream of society. We did not, nor do current classes consider themselves merely a representative sample of society, but the best of society - those who want to join the warrior profession for a lifelong career.

If you in fact are an academy graduate and a member of the officer corp. I thank you for your service.

I do, in fact, have a difficult time believing that. I do know those who are and have been in the military and who are academy graduates who are left of center in their basic sociopolitical philosophy.

I have NEVER met one, however, who promoted the views that you promote or who holds such a convoluted view of history as you hold or who would use the racist metaphors to describe national leaders as you use. That isn't to say that I haven't met others like you or that this necessarily makes you a bad person. But it sure does call the veracity of your service into question for me.
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Obama was received well enough, and his orders will be honestly and intelligently obeyed.

Bush was well liked, and he betrayed the officers and ranks to the extent very few of them today talk well of him as a commander-in-chief, much the same as with Reagan today. The Iran-Contral damaged the military's trust in him. As our Division Chief of Staff told me in 1989, "Thank God that prick is gone!"
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The military and liberals obviously have a differing sets of views...values if you this what your saying Polk? If so...what's different?

and rdean....I will not comment on your lunatic rantings.

Sure, but it's not just liberals. The military has a different set of views and values from society at large.
West Point graduation ceremony reveals how far out of touch Obama has become with the American people. Just watch the audience reactions to his attempts at getting applause....other than some canned applause from the cadets.....there was very little.

Since when is the military officer corps representative of the American public?

Considering that we have Volunteer Army, the values and characters of the officer corps is likely to be very congruent with those of the rest of the military.

That's not true, but even if it was, the military as a whole isn't in line with public.

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