Vatican Condemn Israeli Persecution Against Christians

The record is by your criminal organisation.

LIAR we have seen the reports from all over the M.E. of church vandalism, just another manifestation of islamonazi terrorism

Historic churches of Nazareth and Sea Of Galilea were safe during centuries in islamic rule, in few years the zionazis craps have set fire in those churches!

Israel Uncooperative After Historic Church in the Holy Land Burned, Vandalized

Burned down by Muslims of course.

Which parallel universe do you live in that Muslims aren't burning down churches and killing Christians? If not for Israel there wouldn't be a single church or Christian left standing in the holy land.

Proven it was burnt down by zealots. Do we want to discuss what Jews did in Russia, because I will bring it up again.

Aside from the fact that the Vatican is a criminal organization that is directly and indirectly responsible for the rape of hundreds of thousands of young boys across the globe, I'm just pointing out that you can't take one thing that a Pope says as the ultimate truth, and then discount what another Pope said about the violent and intolerant nature of Islam (which is correct), and which has a lot to do with the Israel Palestine and all conflicts involving Muslims today.

The record is by your criminal organisation.
Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |
Ah I see, another "impeccable" bullshit conspiracy site. Here's one of many hilarious pages they produce, custom made for retards like you:

911 |

Achmed, Didn't anybody at the mosque teach you to at least create a false impression of credibility?
The Vatican choosing to slander Jews. Wow. Shocker

the Vatican never slanders Jews, you should read Luther. Still holding a grudge of the civil war causing a riot in Judea and Rome finally intervening, I read Titus right hand man was from a jewish family. Quit blaming Rome. They allowed all kinds of different religions but not ones who rebelled all the time.

Funny you would mention Luther. In 1994 the church he founded - The Lutheran Church - repudiated his anti-Semitic writings.

Luther’s 16th century anti-Jewish diatribes have long been used by right-wing groups - and hateful Nazis like you - eager to give historical and religious justification to their anti-Semitic claims.

What I most appreciate about Nazi scum is their monumental ignorance and eagerness to share it with the world.

Since the 1980s, some Lutheran Church bodies have formally denounced and dissociated themselves from Luther's writings on the Jews.

In “The Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to the Jewish Community,” [1994] the movement’s Church Council wrote that their members feel a “special burden” because of “catastrophes, including the Holocaust of the 20th century, suffered by Jews in places where the Lutheran churches were strongly represented.”

“Grieving the complicity of our own tradition within this history of hatred,” the declaration continued, “we express our urgent desire to live out our faith in Jesus Christ with love and respect for the Jewish people.” Resource Repository/Declaration_Of_The_ELCA_To_The_Jewish_Community.pdf?_ga=1.225580252.793716194.1463267015

Luther never founded another church , this followers did. Luther discovered who the Jews really were.

The blood libel was confirmed by jewish historian.

Bloody Passovers Reported by Ariel Toaff - Review by Marian Horvat

>>A single positive review of Blood Passovers appeared before the roof fell in<<

>>.Toaff’s 92-year-old father told the Italian newspaper la Repubblica after the publication of his son’s controversial book: “The criticism that everyone has expressed about his book was justified. His arguments were an insult to the intelligence, to the tradition, to history in general and to the meaning of the Jewish religion. It saddens me that such nonsense was put forward by my son of all people.”<<

After the university condemned his work....>>Toaff offered to resign, but according to newspaper accounts was scheduled to resign at the end of 2007 anyway. Whether he remains associated with Bar Ilan as a professor, emeritus professor, or in some other capacity is unclear. <<

This is what he believed was cannibalism, prune filled pastries eaten at Purim.

Toaff's forward

Enough with libels and utter crap being posted. Toaff says the ritual murders has always been a slanderous stereotype, based on confessions extracted by torture.
Historic churches of Nazareth and Sea Of Galilea were safe during centuries in islamic rule, in few years the zionazis craps have set fire in those churches!

Israel Uncooperative After Historic Church in the Holy Land Burned, Vandalized

Burned down by Muslims of course.

Which parallel universe do you live in that Muslims aren't burning down churches and killing Christians? If not for Israel there wouldn't be a single church or Christian left standing in the holy land.

Proven it was burnt down by zealots. Do we want to discuss what Jews did in Russia, because I will bring it up again.

Aside from the fact that the Vatican is a criminal organization that is directly and indirectly responsible for the rape of hundreds of thousands of young boys across the globe, I'm just pointing out that you can't take one thing that a Pope says as the ultimate truth, and then discount what another Pope said about the violent and intolerant nature of Islam (which is correct), and which has a lot to do with the Israel Palestine and all conflicts involving Muslims today.

The record is by your criminal organisation.
Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |
Ah I see, another "impeccable" bullshit conspiracy site. Here's one of many hilarious pages they produce, custom made for retards like you:

911 |

Achmed, Didn't anybody at the mosque teach you to at least create a false impression of credibility?

No problem, this is a jewish site.
More Revealtions Regarding Israeli Rabbis Accused of Sexual Abuse
The record is by your criminal organisation.

LIAR we have seen the reports from all over the M.E. of church vandalism, just another manifestation of islamonazi terrorism

Historic churches of Nazareth and Sea Of Galilea were safe during centuries in islamic rule, in few years the zionazis craps have set fire in those churches!

Israel Uncooperative After Historic Church in the Holy Land Burned, Vandalized

Burned down by Muslims of course.

Which parallel universe do you live in that Muslims aren't burning down churches and killing Christians? If not for Israel there wouldn't be a single church or Christian left standing in the holy land.

Proven it was burnt down by zealots. Do we want to discuss what Jews did in Russia, because I will bring it up again.

Aside from the fact that the Vatican is a criminal organization that is directly and indirectly responsible for the rape of hundreds of thousands of young boys across the globe, I'm just pointing out that you can't take one thing that a Pope says as the ultimate truth, and then discount what another Pope said about the violent and intolerant nature of Islam (which is correct), and which has a lot to do with the Israel Palestine and all conflicts involving Muslims today.

The record is by your criminal organisation.
Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |

This again, do you never learn?

I could accuse you of abuse, but without evidence, you will not be tried and convicted. Would it be right for everyone to call an abuser? To post your information on hate sight and to have it spread from one site to another?

Do unto others as you would have done to you

If you spread lies about others, why shouldn't we spread lies about you. Perhaps trace you IP address and tell your neighbors and family a crate full of lies about you?

Do you bother to think, or consider following up on stories to determine if they are factual. Or, do you assume anything on the internet is truthful?

Do you know what truth is?
It's wrong, the biggest christian community live in Egypt, and Syria and Jordan.
unlike other arab countries, there is no christian minister in "Israel".

Why The Middle East's Largest Christian Community Is Fleeing Egypt
International Business Times
Feb 3, 2016 - There's no Moses this time, but for Egypt's Coptic Christian minority the mob ... turmoil, a slumping economy and a growing militant insurgency.
Special Report: Growing Christian Persecution in Egypt and Libya ...
5 days ago - EGYPT — with a population of almost 90,000,000, Christians make up less than ... There is a small but growing community of Christian converts ...
Egypt's Christian-Muslim Gap Growing Bigger - The Christian Post › world
The Christian Post
Jul 8, 2008 - The divide between Egypt's Coptic Christian community and the Muslim majority is growing bigger as an increasing number of Christians are ...

Those persons growl persecution even in Europe and USA.

Christians increasingly persecuted in Europe

There is no persecution against christians in arab countries, there are even christian ministers. Muslim who leave their countries are more than christians because of dictatorships.

Church vandalism exist only in "Israel" and Europe.

LIAR we have seen the reports from all over the M.E. of church vandalism, just another manifestation of islamonazi terrorism

Historic churches of Nazareth and Sea Of Galilea were safe during centuries in islamic rule, in few years the zionazis craps have set fire in those churches!

Israel Uncooperative After Historic Church in the Holy Land Burned, Vandalized

Burned down by Muslims of course.

Which parallel universe do you live in that Muslims aren't burning down churches and killing Christians? If not for Israel there wouldn't be a single church or Christian left standing in the holy land.

The historic churches protected during centuries were burned by your fellow zionazis.
National Geographic.
Jewish Extremists’ Attacks Rattle Christians in Holy Land
churches of Nazareth....... in Bethlehem, palestinian held land, a fire started in the cave under the church

>>A curtain has caught fire at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, built on the site of Jesus' birthplace.

Father Ibrahim Faltas ruled out arson, saying a candle tipped over and set off a small fire that caused minor damage Tuesday.<<

Why do "open your mouth" so to speak by posting without gathering the facts?
churches of Nazareth....... in Bethlehem, palestinian held land, a fire started in the cave under the church

>>A curtain has caught fire at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, built on the site of Jesus' birthplace.

Father Ibrahim Faltas ruled out arson, saying a candle tipped over and set off a small fire that caused minor damage Tuesday.<<

Why do "open your mouth" so to speak by posting without gathering the facts?

Because, as already noted about Freeman and often noted about other Nazi types, they have no interest in posting truth or facts but rather must deal in half-truths, distortions and outright fabrications in order the satisfy the hate for Jews that not only rules their lives but gives them meaning.

They exist to hate.
churches of Nazareth....... in Bethlehem, palestinian held land, a fire started in the cave under the church

>>A curtain has caught fire at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, built on the site of Jesus' birthplace.

Father Ibrahim Faltas ruled out arson, saying a candle tipped over and set off a small fire that caused minor damage Tuesday.<<

Why do "open your mouth" so to speak by posting without gathering the facts?

Because, as already noted about Freeman and often noted about other Nazi types, they have no interest in posting truth or facts but rather must deal in half-truths, distortions and outright fabrications in order the satisfy the hate for Jews that not only rules their lives but gives them meaning.

They exist to hate.

Ariel Toaff was a highly respected historian until he wrote Pasque di Sangue, which was originally written in Italian. (Ariel Toaff was born in Italy.)

Jews that write anything controversial that puts Jews in a bad light are made to retract. That's the modus operandi.
churches of Nazareth....... in Bethlehem, palestinian held land, a fire started in the cave under the church

>>A curtain has caught fire at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity, built on the site of Jesus' birthplace.

Father Ibrahim Faltas ruled out arson, saying a candle tipped over and set off a small fire that caused minor damage Tuesday.<<

Why do "open your mouth" so to speak by posting without gathering the facts?

Because, as already noted about Freeman and often noted about other Nazi types, they have no interest in posting truth or facts but rather must deal in half-truths, distortions and outright fabrications in order the satisfy the hate for Jews that not only rules their lives but gives them meaning.

They exist to hate.

Ariel Toaff was a highly respected historian until he wrote Pasque di Sangue, which was originally written in Italian. (Ariel Toaff was born in Italy.)

Jews that write anything controversial that puts Jews in a bad light are made to retract. That's the modus operandi.

You conveniently ignore the fact that Toaff not only did not prove the Jews once practiced ritual infantcide - as the OP claimed - but specifically stated that the blood libels were myths.

In other words one Nazi scumbag (Freeman) lies and you click your heels and say "Sieg Heil!"

What a surprise.
Last edited:
The Vatican choosing to slander Jews. Wow. Shocker

the Vatican never slanders Jews, you should read Luther. Still holding a grudge of the civil war causing a riot in Judea and Rome finally intervening, I read Titus right hand man was from a jewish family. Quit blaming Rome. They allowed all kinds of different religions but not ones who rebelled all the time.

Funny you would mention Luther. In 1994 the church he founded - The Lutheran Church - repudiated his anti-Semitic writings.

Luther’s 16th century anti-Jewish diatribes have long been used by right-wing groups - and hateful Nazis like you - eager to give historical and religious justification to their anti-Semitic claims.

What I most appreciate about Nazi scum is their monumental ignorance and eagerness to share it with the world.

Since the 1980s, some Lutheran Church bodies have formally denounced and dissociated themselves from Luther's writings on the Jews.

In “The Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to the Jewish Community,” [1994] the movement’s Church Council wrote that their members feel a “special burden” because of “catastrophes, including the Holocaust of the 20th century, suffered by Jews in places where the Lutheran churches were strongly represented.”

“Grieving the complicity of our own tradition within this history of hatred,” the declaration continued, “we express our urgent desire to live out our faith in Jesus Christ with love and respect for the Jewish people.” Resource Repository/Declaration_Of_The_ELCA_To_The_Jewish_Community.pdf?_ga=1.225580252.793716194.1463267015

Luther never founded another church , this followers did. Luther discovered who the Jews really were.

The blood libel was confirmed by jewish historian.

Bloody Passovers Reported by Ariel Toaff - Review by Marian Horvat

From Paul Anthony Melanson at "La Salette Journey":

"But the Devil hates humble souls consecrated to God. Which is why he raises others up to attack such souls. The Devil knows the Sacred Scriptures better than you and me. Recall how he tempted the Lord Jesus in the desert by quoting from the Scriptures. And the Adversary knows full well that God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." (1 Peter 5:5). Such an attack on Blessed Mother Teresa has been issued by Marian Horvat, in an article published by "Tradition in Action," an anti-Semitic organization which also has problems with Pope John Paul II and the reforms of the Second Vatican Council."
Burned down by Muslims of course.

Which parallel universe do you live in that Muslims aren't burning down churches and killing Christians? If not for Israel there wouldn't be a single church or Christian left standing in the holy land.

Proven it was burnt down by zealots. Do we want to discuss what Jews did in Russia, because I will bring it up again.

Aside from the fact that the Vatican is a criminal organization that is directly and indirectly responsible for the rape of hundreds of thousands of young boys across the globe, I'm just pointing out that you can't take one thing that a Pope says as the ultimate truth, and then discount what another Pope said about the violent and intolerant nature of Islam (which is correct), and which has a lot to do with the Israel Palestine and all conflicts involving Muslims today.

The record is by your criminal organisation.
Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |
Ah I see, another "impeccable" bullshit conspiracy site. Here's one of many hilarious pages they produce, custom made for retards like you:

911 |

Achmed, Didn't anybody at the mosque teach you to at least create a false impression of credibility?

No problem, this is a jewish site.
More Revealtions Regarding Israeli Rabbis Accused of Sexual Abuse

"" you have no concept of what a legit site is supposed to be, eh? I feel sorry for you. But....

Holy shit! There are rabbis that have abused kids as well?!

Is that all ya got, Achmed? Now go ahead and tell me where I have said it was exclusive. Nope, never did. Personally I think any cleric who abuses people's trust like that, should have their balls cut off and then hung publicly, regardless of their faith.

Now tell us how will the Vatican pay for their criminal behavior of enabling and hiding the thousands of pedophile priests and the hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world for God knows how long.
Proven it was burnt down by zealots. Do we want to discuss what Jews did in Russia, because I will bring it up again.

Aside from the fact that the Vatican is a criminal organization that is directly and indirectly responsible for the rape of hundreds of thousands of young boys across the globe, I'm just pointing out that you can't take one thing that a Pope says as the ultimate truth, and then discount what another Pope said about the violent and intolerant nature of Islam (which is correct), and which has a lot to do with the Israel Palestine and all conflicts involving Muslims today.

The record is by your criminal organisation.
Long list of Jewish Child Molestor Rabbis gets no media coverage and Jewish homosexual pedophiles are undisturbed. |
Ah I see, another "impeccable" bullshit conspiracy site. Here's one of many hilarious pages they produce, custom made for retards like you:

911 |

Achmed, Didn't anybody at the mosque teach you to at least create a false impression of credibility?

No problem, this is a jewish site.
More Revealtions Regarding Israeli Rabbis Accused of Sexual Abuse

"" you have no concept of what a legit site is supposed to be, eh? I feel sorry for you. But....

Holy shit! There are rabbis that have abused kids as well?!

Is that all ya got, Achmed? Now go ahead and tell me where I have said it was exclusive. Nope, never did. Personally I think any cleric who abuses people's trust like that, should have their balls cut off and then hung publicly, regardless of their faith.

Now tell us how will the Vatican pay for their criminal behavior of enabling and hiding the thousands of pedophile priests and the hundreds of thousands of victims all over the world for God knows how long.

Priests, clerics, teachers, coaches, scout masters, neighbors, babysitter, family, etc.
Molester and pedophile can be anyone. This is not a christian or jew thing. It is not a black or white thing. It is not a male or female thing. 11 out of 12 perpetrators are heterosexual.

This is a global problem.
Vatican should also condemn descrimination against all palestinians.

Vatican Official Condemns Israeli Discrimination Against Christians

In a rare official complaint from a Vatican senior official in Jerusalem, Friar Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custodian of the Holy Land, said in a Friday statement that Israel has failed to respond adequately to frequent discrimination against Christians.

"The time has come for the authorities to act to put an end to this senseless violence and to ensure a 'teaching of respect' in schools for all those who call this land home," said the statement, which appeared in the Italian newspaper La Stampa and was signed by several other Vatican officials.

The statement follows an incident of vandalism in the town of Latroun, which is just west of Jerusalem and home to a Trappist monastery. The monastery's doors were set aflame on Tuesday, and the phrase "Jesus was a monkey" was scrawled in orange spray paint on the white stone walls.
Vatican Official Condemns Israeli Discrimination Against Christians


So you had to dig up a 2012 story about some Vatican official complaining about Israel?

Are you as concerned about the current plight of Christians in the "Muslim World" or is your post really not about justice for Christian minorities?

BTW ... the only Mideast country in which the Christian population is growing is - drum roll, please - ISRAEL!

And there's good reason why the Vatican rarely complains about persecution in the "Muslim World." It would exacerbate the carnage there.

Christian persecution reached record high in 2015 -

On the brink: Christianity facing Middle East purge within decade, says group | Fox News
2012 or 2016 it's still the same
Vatican should also condemn descrimination against all palestinians.

Vatican Official Condemns Israeli Discrimination Against Christians

In a rare official complaint from a Vatican senior official in Jerusalem, Friar Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custodian of the Holy Land, said in a Friday statement that Israel has failed to respond adequately to frequent discrimination against Christians.

"The time has come for the authorities to act to put an end to this senseless violence and to ensure a 'teaching of respect' in schools for all those who call this land home," said the statement, which appeared in the Italian newspaper La Stampa and was signed by several other Vatican officials.

The statement follows an incident of vandalism in the town of Latroun, which is just west of Jerusalem and home to a Trappist monastery. The monastery's doors were set aflame on Tuesday, and the phrase "Jesus was a monkey" was scrawled in orange spray paint on the white stone walls.
Vatican Official Condemns Israeli Discrimination Against Christians


More islamonazi propaganda, wasn't that man in the khaki vest once shown throwing a petrol bomb at Israeli citizens
Yes the christians are terrorists against the peaceful zionazis in Palestine!

The islamomoron still using the oxymoron and wondering why he is seen as an idiot

Do explain how you can support the nation of Israel while wanting to see it wiped out again ?

The Christians are being cleansed from Palestine by the islamonazi scum, that is why they are only 10% of their population of 2007
Vatican should also condemn descrimination against all palestinians.

Vatican Official Condemns Israeli Discrimination Against Christians

In a rare official complaint from a Vatican senior official in Jerusalem, Friar Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custodian of the Holy Land, said in a Friday statement that Israel has failed to respond adequately to frequent discrimination against Christians.

"The time has come for the authorities to act to put an end to this senseless violence and to ensure a 'teaching of respect' in schools for all those who call this land home," said the statement, which appeared in the Italian newspaper La Stampa and was signed by several other Vatican officials.

The statement follows an incident of vandalism in the town of Latroun, which is just west of Jerusalem and home to a Trappist monastery. The monastery's doors were set aflame on Tuesday, and the phrase "Jesus was a monkey" was scrawled in orange spray paint on the white stone walls.
Vatican Official Condemns Israeli Discrimination Against Christians

Article is from 2012. Is that the best you got?
DITTO Post 54
Vatican should also condemn descrimination against all palestinians.

Vatican Official Condemns Israeli Discrimination Against Christians

In a rare official complaint from a Vatican senior official in Jerusalem, Friar Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Custodian of the Holy Land, said in a Friday statement that Israel has failed to respond adequately to frequent discrimination against Christians.

"The time has come for the authorities to act to put an end to this senseless violence and to ensure a 'teaching of respect' in schools for all those who call this land home," said the statement, which appeared in the Italian newspaper La Stampa and was signed by several other Vatican officials.

The statement follows an incident of vandalism in the town of Latroun, which is just west of Jerusalem and home to a Trappist monastery. The monastery's doors were set aflame on Tuesday, and the phrase "Jesus was a monkey" was scrawled in orange spray paint on the white stone walls.
Vatican Official Condemns Israeli Discrimination Against Christians


So you had to dig up a 2012 story about some Vatican official complaining about Israel?

Are you as concerned about the current plight of Christians in the "Muslim World" or is your post really not about justice for Christian minorities?

BTW ... the only Mideast country in which the Christian population is growing is - drum roll, please - ISRAEL!

And there's good reason why the Vatican rarely complains about persecution in the "Muslim World." It would exacerbate the carnage there.

Christian persecution reached record high in 2015 -

On the brink: Christianity facing Middle East purge within decade, says group | Fox News
DITTO Post 54
It's wrong, the biggest christian community live in Egypt, and Syria and Jordan.
unlike other arab countries, there is no christian minister in "Israel".

Why The Middle East's Largest Christian Community Is Fleeing Egypt
International Business Times
Feb 3, 2016 - There's no Moses this time, but for Egypt's Coptic Christian minority the mob ... turmoil, a slumping economy and a growing militant insurgency.
Special Report: Growing Christian Persecution in Egypt and Libya ...
5 days ago - EGYPT — with a population of almost 90,000,000, Christians make up less than ... There is a small but growing community of Christian converts ...
Egypt's Christian-Muslim Gap Growing Bigger - The Christian Post › world
The Christian Post
Jul 8, 2008 - The divide between Egypt's Coptic Christian community and the Muslim majority is growing bigger as an increasing number of Christians are ...

Those persons growl persecution even in Europe and USA.

Christians increasingly persecuted in Europe

There is no persecution against christians in arab countries, there are even christian ministers. Muslim who leave their countries are more than christians because of dictatorships.

Church vandalism exist only in "Israel" and Europe.

LIAR we have seen the reports from all over the M.E. of church vandalism, just another manifestation of islamonazi terrorism

Historic churches of Nazareth and Sea Of Galilea were safe during centuries in islamic rule, in few years the zionazis craps have set fire in those churches!

Israel Uncooperative After Historic Church in the Holy Land Burned, Vandalized

Burned down by Muslims of course.

Which parallel universe do you live in that Muslims aren't burning down churches and killing Christians? If not for Israel there wouldn't be a single church or Christian left standing in the holy land.
Roudy STOP plagiarizing MY "Which Parallel Universe Do You Live In" you are stealing my intellectual property on this more Original Roudy,like ME.......LOL steve
Those persons growl persecution even in Europe and USA.

Christians increasingly persecuted in Europe

There is no persecution against christians in arab countries, there are even christian ministers. Muslim who leave their countries are more than christians because of dictatorships.

Church vandalism exist only in "Israel" and Europe.

LIAR we have seen the reports from all over the M.E. of church vandalism, just another manifestation of islamonazi terrorism

Historic churches of Nazareth and Sea Of Galilea were safe during centuries in islamic rule, in few years the zionazis craps have set fire in those churches!

Israel Uncooperative After Historic Church in the Holy Land Burned, Vandalized

Burned down by Muslims of course.

Which parallel universe do you live in that Muslims aren't burning down churches and killing Christians? If not for Israel there wouldn't be a single church or Christian left standing in the holy land.

Proven it was burnt down by zealots. Do we want to discuss what Jews did in Russia, because I will bring it up again.

Aside from the fact that the Vatican is a criminal organization that is directly and indirectly responsible for the rape of hundreds of thousands of young boys across the globe, I'm just pointing out that you can't take one thing that a Pope says as the ultimate truth, and then discount what another Pope said about the violent and intolerant nature of Islam (which is correct), and which has a lot to do with the Israel Palestine and all conflicts involving Muslims today.
Hate to say it Roudy So are the Zionists

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