Vanity fair upset Captain America was not protrayed as a Homo

Holy crap this world is getting more hilarious day by day...

Is This the One Flaw in the Otherwise Great Captain America: Civil War?

When Captain America: Civil Wardirectors Joe and Anthony Russo went on a publicity tour for the latest installment in Marvel’s Avengersfranchise, they were very careful not to throw cold water on the popular fan theory that Steve “Captian America” Rogers and Bucky “The Winter Soldier” Barnes were more than friends. “People can interpret the relationship however they want to interpret it,” Joe Russo said while visiting China. “People have interpreted that relationship all kinds of ways, and it’s great to see people argue about it what that relationship means to them. We will never define it as filmmakers, explicitly, but however people want to interpret it they can interpret it.”

Even Evans and Stan seemed happy to throw fuel on the Bucky/Steve theories during the publicity tour.


But Marvel seems to think it has to have its heroes in heterosexual love affairs in order to maximize audience appeal. But with the franchise slowly making room for women to be more than girlfriends and sidekicks (seriously, Sharon should have been on that tarmac), a love story just for the sake of some kisses and yearning seems out of place in these spirited adventures. Sure, the Sharon and Steve connection served a narrative purpose. It showed that Cap was finally willing to close the door on Peggy. Something he could never do while his Agent Carter was alive. But, honestly, there was more juice in Bucky ogling Steve’s bulging bicep as Cap struggled to ground a helicopter using only gumption and sinew.

So while Marvel was likely never going to make the homoerotic subtext of Cap and Bucky into text, would it really have hurt to keep their relationship more ambiguous? As if to put the nail in the coffin of speculation, Bucky and Cap paused for a moment in the middle of snowy Siberia to reminisce about their days chasing skirts in pre-War Brooklyn. It’s a sweet, human bonding moment but one that also bristles with heterosexual virility. If Disney isn’t inclined to give audiences a gay superhero, couldn’t they have at least left us the dream of Bucky and Cap?

The Green Lantern is full on GAY. Leave Captain America alone.
To hell with homos. They only make up 2-3% of the American population. Obviously they are entitled to the same equal protection under law. But, damn it, enough already. Even if they are being denied something others are entitled to, at least they are not being thrown off rooftops to their deaths like in other parts of the world.
What say, we make the two gay-bashers....?

They can crash a gay bar and beat the crap out of everyone....

Now that should piss some people off....but still sell a lot of paper.
To hell with homos. They only make up 2-3% of the American population. Obviously they are entitled to the same equal protection under law. But, damn it, enough already. Even if they are being denied something others are entitled to, at least they are not being thrown off rooftops to their deaths like in other parts of the world.

Maybe a homophobe like you would be happier in a country where they throw them off roofs.
It's amazing the speed of the plague that is rippling through our culture and society right now.

But why is that?

Maybe because when you strip homophobia down to it's basics, it has two supports.

1) I think it's icky, when it's two dudes. I have no problem when a dude does the same things to a lady, and I'm not really bothered when it's two ladies doing it to each other if they're hot.

2) My imaginary friend in the sky thinks it's wrong. He said so in that book where he also said you should murder your children if they mouth off to you or get laid before they get married.

The reason why homophobia is failing is because those are pretty weak excuses for some pretty shitty behavior.

It is wrong. Homosexual relationships are not normal. Our existence depends on it not being 'normal'. If being gay was normal, man becomes extinct. So nature surely didn't set things up to go so wrong and die

To hell with homos. They only make up 2-3% of the American population. Obviously they are entitled to the same equal protection under law. But, damn it, enough already. Even if they are being denied something others are entitled to, at least they are not being thrown off rooftops to their deaths like in other parts of the world.

Maybe a homophobe like you would be happier in a country where they throw them off roofs.

I'd be happier in a country where they throw liberals off roofs. Bridges too.
It is wrong. Homosexual relationships are not normal. Our existence depends on it not being 'normal'. If being gay was normal, man becomes extinct. So nature surely didn't set things up to go so wrong and die


You know, lots of people have sex with no intention of having children, right?

Man is likely to become exitinct because we have too many people on the planet.
What say, we make the two gay-bashers....?

They can crash a gay bar and beat the crap out of everyone....

Now that should piss some people off....but still sell a lot of paper.

Truth, Justice, and, the American Anti-Gay. :lol:
When Captain America: Civil Wardirectors Joe and Anthony Russo went on a publicity tour for the latest installment in Marvel’s Avengersfranchise, they were very careful not to throw cold water on the popular fan theory that Steve “Captian America” Rogers and Bucky “The Winter Soldier” Barnes were more than friends. “People can interpret the relationship however they want to interpret it,” Joe Russo said while visiting China. “People have interpreted that relationship all kinds of ways, and it’s great to see people argue about it what that relationship means to them. We will never define it as filmmakers, explicitly, but however people want to interpret it they can interpret it.”

But this is nothing new, this goes back to the Golden Age of Comics, where is sometimes seems that the relationship between the superhero and his young side kick was unhealthy.

Batman and Robin
Captain America and Bucky
The Green Arrow and Speedy

I could go on. Those are the three most obvious examples I could cite.

Of course, that wouldn't make the heroes gay, that would make them pedophiles if something sexual was going on.

Confession time....

So you admit it the liberals have been social reengineering since the 60s....

Confession time....

So you admit it the liberals have been social renigineering since the 60s ..

Hmmm... no.

I was pointing out that there was an evolution in comics where most superheroes had teen sidekicks because the people who published them thought that was the way to appeal to their key demographic- younger people.

In the real world, a guy who brings an 11 year old sidekick to fight gangsters or into a war zone is kind of a psycho.

But some people read a gay subtext into that. In fact, after Fredrick Werthem wrote "Seduction of the Innocent" where he pointed out that there was a gay subtext in Batman comic, the DC Comics immediately introduced Batwoman and Batgirl, to make sure everyone knew Batman and Robin had a case of the "not-gays'.

(Ironically, they've rewritten Batwoman as a lesbian, so maybe she really was Batman's beard.)
Just for you, Spambot...

I'd be happier in a country where they throw liberals off roofs. Bridges too.

i'd be happier in a country where Conservatives woke up and realized homophobia, racism and misogyny is how they distract stupid people from the people who are really screwing them- the rich.

You are so a woman pretending to be a man.

Ravi is that you?

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