USS John McCain destroyer: Who's at fault when ships collide?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City


"Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions".

My question is; how the hell did the lookouts on the McCain not see the monster tanker bearing down upon them and notify the bridge to make maneuvers to avoid a collision?

Something is going on with our navy and it isn’t good.

Full story with the actual rules governing Rules of the Sea @ Who's at fault when ships collide?
Some heads deserve to roll on this. That is two collisions involving fatalities involving small agile ships and very much larger commercial vessels. Where is the training and accountability in our Navy?


"Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions".

My question is; how the hell did the lookouts on the McCain not see the monster tanker bearing down upon them and notify the bridge to make maneuvers to avoid a collision?

Something is going on with our navy and it isn’t good.

Full story with the actual rules governing Rules of the Sea @ Who's at fault when ships collide?

Shippers have developed a cloaking device for cargo ships. No other explanation. They're going to need Kirk and Spock to go aboard looking like longshoremen and have them steal it, then have Scotty install it on the John McCain as quickly as possible, then throw the switch.

Naval radar was so accurate in WW2 on US warships that they could fire a salvo at the enemy and see the splashes the shells made around the ship the were firing at. So in 70 years they forgot how to use this shit? Surely radar has to be infinitely better now.

The Capt is always responsible. Underlings are subject to discipline but the Capt is the quarterback.
Just like the Senator the ship forgot what side it was on.
Look cocksuck, the Navy has an obvious problem. Something is defininetly wrong when you have two fatal crashes in a couple of months involving small agile ships and huge commercial ships. This is not a political issue.
Just like the Senator the ship forgot what side it was on.
Look cocksuck, the Navy has an obvious problem. Something is defininetly wrong when you have two fatal crashes in a couple of months involving small agile ships and huge commercial ships. This is not a political issue.
---------------------------------------------------------- sure its political , thank you to mrobama and his 'choom gang' sailors and ship Captains and YOU mrobama supporters OldRocks.
Just like the Senator the ship forgot what side it was on.
Look cocksuck, the Navy has an obvious problem. Something is defininetly wrong when you have two fatal crashes in a couple of months involving small agile ships and huge commercial ships. This is not a political issue.

I know a number of issues with the Navy, but if you've ever as a civilian tried to contact the
Admirals or Investigator General to report violations in the navy code of conduct the system they have in place will not allow civilians to do so (self preservation and protection from critique and thus issue solving). But I don't know if these problems lead to such misshaps, just that you have a system you can't help or improve if they won't let outsiders report or suggest improvements or who spot issues.
I have a relative that died on that ship accidentally sunk by that British ship who misstook it as a German sub.
Today some of these issues would be lack of computer syncronizations.
Have you ever returned something to a local office like a damn cable company and the central main system of the Company claimed it never happened because the local office computer was not syncronizing and showing up what was recorded to that local office system or it wasnct registered into the system properly? If one ship is not syncronized to know the path of another it's a computer sync issue or not properly recorded into the system.
Blame the Naval computer techs?
I know one in particular that is on meds who is not all there and does stupid errors and decision making, but when you have a system based on seniority it tends to forget reviewing the capabilities of it's staff that are fathered in as untouchable through years served.

Now, what ideas do you got besides senseless graphic insults?
Something is going on with these Navy ships. With the various electronic gear on our 36-footer we're well aware, day or night, of any vessel, any size, nearby or far off in the distance, so only an idiot at the helm (which I never allow) could possibly collide with another vessel.

I'm quite sure the gear our Navy ships carry is about a million times more sophisticated so these two recent collisions make no sense at all.
We've had two of these incidents in the last two months. Isn't this the equivalent of two US Navy destroyers striking icebergs and not knowing there were icebergs around.

Something fishy in this tale of two oceans.
Just like the Senator the ship forgot what side it was on.
Look cocksuck, the Navy has an obvious problem. Something is defininetly wrong when you have two fatal crashes in a couple of months involving small agile ships and huge commercial ships. This is not a political issue.

You have to hack the electronics and navigation systems, only explanation
Just like the Senator the ship forgot what side it was on.
Look cocksuck, the Navy has an obvious problem. Something is defininetly wrong when you have two fatal crashes in a couple of months involving small agile ships and huge commercial ships. This is not a political issue.

You have to hack the electronics and navigation systems, only explanation

A hack would explain this better than anything else. But the military uses 256 bit encryption at minimum. If someone is able to hack via wifi Navy ship systems that is major. The only other way to get into a computer would be if someone physically connected a USB or similar onboard each ship. A hack though at the moment would be the most plausible explanation of this happening twice in two months.
Just like the Senator the ship forgot what side it was on.
Look cocksuck, the Navy has an obvious problem. Something is defininetly wrong when you have two fatal crashes in a couple of months involving small agile ships and huge commercial ships. This is not a political issue.

You have to hack the electronics and navigation systems, only explanation

A hack would explain this better than anything else. But the military uses 256 bit encryption at minimum. If someone is able to hack via wifi Navy ship systems that is major. The only other way to get into a computer would be if someone physically connected a USB or similar onboard each ship. A hack though at the moment would be the most plausible explanation of this happening twice in two months.

If there's some other explanation other than someone has backdoor into the computer system, I'd love to hear it.

Do they also have access to weapons systems? Can they make a destroyer fire on a Russian cargo ship?


"Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions".

My question is; how the hell did the lookouts on the McCain not see the monster tanker bearing down upon them and notify the bridge to make maneuvers to avoid a collision?

Something is going on with our navy and it isn’t good.

Full story with the actual rules governing Rules of the Sea @ Who's at fault when ships collide?


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