Useful information for gaining more truth-how to use it.


Evidence & Reason Rule
Aug 23, 2009
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Santa Barbara CA
Subscribing to Useless Information or Useful?

If you have information that is useful for gaining more truth, post exactly how it is used here, in this thread, please.

Informations presented in 9-11 conspiracy forums, despite their respective origins and implied meanings have something, logically in common, ..... or that the basic information can be used to get more truth.

If we are sincere truth seekers, that is what we need and want, .......... correct?

If you wish to gain more truth with your 9-11 activism, would you wonder how you can actually do such a thing if none of the proposals and information you are presented with is useful? Perhaps it is time to define your needs a little better and contemplate exactly how you would support useful information if it was presented, but perhaps recognition of it, logically, unconditionally is most important.

I assert I can prove that the concrete core information is actually the most useful information for gaining more truth.

Since absolutely no independently verified evidence of the supposed steel core columns was ever posted. Then unreasonable opposition exposed in the thread photoshopping lobby images of WTC 2 with WTC 1 exteriors pasted in through the windows,

but they screwed it up, badly, produces no reasonable argument or shows no accountability

Such information of the psyops is generally useful as an awareness of operating conditions here in the truth movement but is not the subject of this thread. It is to make you aware of specific efforts to change the way you, the viewer thinks about this struggle for truth we are in.

Useful in the case of 9-11 means "official action" that gains more truth.
Officials have written regulations and laws they must observe. They are obligated to observe those and have taken oaths of office that they must, technically uphold. It is the central part of their job.

USE OF: Concrete core information.
The concrete core invalidates the cause of death which is officially required to be as accurate as possible meaning as soon as it is shown to the head law enforcement of that state, they must make inquiry into the structural deception utilized in the mathematical analysis of collapse, the official cause of death at this time.

Perhaps, if they saw a proposal for 9-11 activism that actually showed that the law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over the WTC at the time of 9-11 had not completed obligatory duties, Constitutional due process, relating to 9-11, those citizens may join in the truth movement which has an actual focus, because they might actually prefer making some simple appearances at protests where mass citizenry DEMANDS official action over trading bullets with marauders or renegade law enforcement seeking greater and greater control in a failed society with the intended, induced economic failure since 9-11.

I believe that even John and Jane Doe can understand that an analysis of a buildings collapse cannot be properly or competently completed WITHOUT knowing the exact design.

I have very good evidence substantiating the allegation that FEMA misrepresented the structure of the Twin Towers to NIST but do to the extensive psyops of 9-11 disinformation/misinformation, subversive agents ABOUND on internet message boards creating an environment of confusion which seriously degrades the environment where we seek truth. I'm certain that D ARPA financed the internet because the infiltrators realized that the US populations could be easily mislead with reliance on the internet.;

The psyops seeks to impair my efforts to share this useful information and a great deal of useless information is dominant. I've asked members here to post the uses of their information for gaining more truth but, apparently, no one can think of any way to use what they know or have learned in the truth movement.

Accordingly, use critical thinking here.

Useful information is the most important for the perpetrators to oppose.
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I wonder how many sincere truthseekers there are here? How many who are perhaps confused and distracted by the bizarre array of conspiracy theories that would engage useful information IF there was a trusted authority to identify it?

Absent their own confidence in analyzing and qualifying evidence, some authority is needed. If what conspiricists say is true, no authority can be trusted. In that case, is there motive to engage the evidence and reason personally for the purpose of protecting the US Constituion?

Immigrants take this oath. Can the natural born people accept as much as their duty? Consider how much harder it would be for an immigrant to do what I'm asking you to do than it would be for you to do it in protection of your Consitution.

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

I wonder if the citizen viewer understands that the psyops disinformation agents logically MUST oppose the most useful information with the most opposition.

Silence in this matter only serves the demise of the Constitution and the interests of the infiltration of the US government.
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When the psyops cannot logically or substantcially oppose the truth, it can only dilute and confuse efforts to share it, IF those viewing are unaware if that is the intent of the dilutions, distractions and confusions imposed.

IF the viewers are aware, and feel they seriously need relevant information in creating opinion, and know well that mainstream media is junk, then they can complain about frivolous sensational distraction in the conspiracy forum that is actually a conspiracy itself being imposed to distract from meaningful information upon conspiracies.

IF the Constitution of the United States of America is important to you, and you intend to support and defend it, then consider that such an action might be needed.

Consider, ......... some conspiracys have purposes directed at controlling our world, then others can have useless information bounced back and forthe artificially to both marginalize all conspiracies (generalizations) or simply impede and confuse information upon them.

Logically any information that is useful information towards thwarting a conspriacy, is information that the disinformation conspiracy will work to push aside.
I feel an indicating answer to the question of how many sincere truth seekers are posting here can be derived by examination of the behaviors of those attempting to oppose the independently verified evidence of the concrete core of the Twins.

I've edited the below paragraph from the above post, it didn't quite get finished. Critical aspect.

Consider, ......... some conspiracies have purposes directed at controlling our world, then others can have useless information bounced back and for the artificially generated social environment to both marginalize all conspiracies (generalizations) or simply impede and confuse information upon them.

The psyops intends to keep useless information the dominant information so when the cognitive distortions, misrepresentations, mobbing, ridicule etc. of the psyops agents fail, as they have in the FEMA deception thread, they can only resort to inducing useless information to be near the top of the thread cue rather than, posting in the FEMA deception thread where they just get battered with the truth, both ways. Observe a screen shot of the forum today.


The truth is a double edged sword, and it cuts on both sides for those who wield it to protect lives.

I (we) can use the independently verified evidence of the concrete core to make them appear as utter fools, at first glance by the naive, or as agents acting with an agenda as seen by experienced persons cognizant of real world events and potentials for secret collusion.

I (we) can use the truth of human suffering, loss of life and grief as seen through the images of jumpers from the towers on 9-11 or the faces and acts of those that lost loved ones on 9-11. I (we) can do this and do it without fear of criticism for exploiting the suffering seen, because I (we) are using the truth to protect the very lives of any who are sincere that might consider criticism! Being hypocritical is not a desired human action.

I've demonstrated this in the FEMA deception thread and the agents have demonstrated their agenda by exercising the only option that might serve the interest of keeping useless information as the dominant information accepted by the public.
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Doesn't the fact that nobody is talking to you tell you something?


Yes, but I thought I' d let one of your team bring it up since that's why I made that last post interpreting your agenda since all you can do is pretend to bannish from your social set.

I've proven my point to the reasonable and sincere people lurkers, and all others too.

Your disinfo team is pretending to be social rather than trying to oppose because they get trashed by the truth as they have nothing to oppose it but ad hominum and the adolescent ridicule their little false society might apply.
What is better for our futures?

That we are Americans, or that we are US citizens? Or both. Is that possible? Or, does it exist at all and no behavior has any specific meaning at all?

What is the difference? How does one express which they are, or which they chose to associate with?

I would propose that justice is enabled by truth and that only justice can enforce due process or equal protection of law and that to be a citizen. I propose that such behavior is described in the immigrants oath and required before people gain citizenship.

The Oath of Allegiance

The final step in the naturalization process is the reciting of the "oath of allegiance" by the applicant, in which he or she makes several promises upon becoming a U.S. citizen. The oath of allegiance is:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

Information useful for gaining more truth, is information that must be engaged in order to support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; because with it, justice will be found and the Constitution preserved.

It seems one can be a citizen of the US without being an American just by supporting and defending the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; , but an American citizen is the one that can participate in an article V convention and change the Consitution.

Then we have Americans that refuse to take any responsibility for using evidence and reason for the definition of what will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America.

Is this a mental problem, or an agent of an American infiltration?
Doesn't the fact that nobody is talking to you tell you something?

Mr Brown fails again

That will be the case when, ...........


meanwhile, you fit the case, because you pretend you have credibility and that you support the constitution without ever saying a word about it. Only an agent would do that.

A nutcase would babble on and on.
Doesn't the fact that nobody is talking to you tell you something?

Mr Brown fails again

That will be the case when, ...........

meanwhile, you fit the case, because you pretend you have credibility and that you support the constitution without ever saying a word about it. Only an agent would do that.

A nutcase would babble on and on.

you fucking dumbass

Mr Brown fails again
Mr Brown fails again

That will be the case when, ...........

meanwhile, you fit the case, because you pretend you have credibility and that you support the constitution without ever saying a word about it. Only an agent would do that.

A nutcase would babble on and on.

you fucking dumbass

Mr Brown fails again

To be a US citizen one must support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America. You appear to fail at that while working to impede those that are supporting and defending the Constitution and laws of the United States of America. You act as an inssurectionist infiltrator by your behavior.
That will be the case when, ...........

meanwhile, you fit the case, because you pretend you have credibility and that you support the constitution without ever saying a word about it. Only an agent would do that.

A nutcase would babble on and on.

you fucking dumbass

Mr Brown fails again

To be a US citizen one must support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America. You appear to fail at that while working to impede those that are supporting and defending the Constitution and laws of the United States of America. You act as an inssurectionist infiltrator by your behavior.
no, to be NATURALIZED you must say that oath

i was BORN here you dumbass

Mr Brown fails again

you fucking dumbass

Mr Brown fails again

To be a US citizen one must support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America. You appear to fail at that while working to impede those that are supporting and defending the Constitution and laws of the United States of America. You act as an inssurectionist infiltrator by your behavior.
no, to be NATURALIZED you must say that oath

i was BORN here you dumbass

Mr Brown fails again

I was born here too and I accept that oath, you don't. Trying to deny this an obvious lie.

Such behavior is un American and anti Constitution WHEN you do what you are doing by ignoring violations of law (just one of many) that invalidate the analysis of cause of death in the mass murder of 3,000 people. Real Americans understand and accept this by use of reason applied to the understanding of law protecting and serving public interest by standing for due process and equal protection. This is quasi inherent in American societies basic awareness. Americans take it for granted.

The psyops blurs and confuses that distinction by using exactly the position you take.

All attitude and no evidence. Exactly the mentality that corporate media actually worked to promote in the early 1990's "got attitude?". We saw commercials associating dress, vehicle, accessory implications to sex and image fears permeating tv sitcoms, cartoons and the "news".

All that is way beyond your level of sophistication, you are merely the dog barking at the gate.
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If you are looking for the truth, the first thing you want to do is completely avoid this thread, then after that, make sure you never go to conspiracy web sites. They are notorious liars and they ignore facts.

I promise these 2 things will serve you well in life.
If you are looking for the truth, the first thing you want to do is completely avoid this thread, then after that, make sure you never go to conspiracy web sites. They are notorious liars and they ignore facts.

I promise these 2 things will serve you well in life.

How does your suggestion get more truth? How does it serve justice in defense of the Constitution? How does it get us closer to due process in 3,000 murders?

Or, do you care about any of that?
If you are looking for the truth, the first thing you want to do is completely avoid this thread, then after that, make sure you never go to conspiracy web sites. They are notorious liars and they ignore facts.

I promise these 2 things will serve you well in life.

How does your suggestion get more truth? How does it serve justice in defense of the Constitution? How does it get us closer to due process in 3,000 murders?

Or, do you care about any of that?

We were doing those things long before this thread ever existed. Well, the non conspiracy theorists have been doing it, while you guys have just been acting crazy the entire time, as usual.
If you are looking for the truth, the first thing you want to do is completely avoid this thread, then after that, make sure you never go to conspiracy web sites. They are notorious liars and they ignore facts.

I promise these 2 things will serve you well in life.

How does your suggestion get more truth? How does it serve justice in defense of the Constitution? How does it get us closer to due process in 3,000 murders?

Or, do you care about any of that?

We were doing those things long before this thread ever existed. Well, the non conspiracy theorists have been doing it, while you guys have just been acting crazy the entire time, as usual.

wtf is a non conspiracy theorist ??..someone with a theory that people don't conspire ?...that's one of the stupidest things I have ever heard
If you are looking for the truth, the first thing you want to do is completely avoid this thread, then after that, make sure you never go to conspiracy web sites. They are notorious liars and they ignore facts.

I promise these 2 things will serve you well in life.

How does your suggestion get more truth? How does it serve justice in defense of the Constitution? How does it get us closer to due process in 3,000 murders?

Or, do you care about any of that?

We were doing those things long before this thread ever existed. Well, the non conspiracy theorists have been doing it, while you guys have just been acting crazy the entire time, as usual.

The facts show otherwise. In fact, they show that you "non conspiracy theorists" have been killing, obstructing justice and promoting the defeat of Constitutional rights.

You might think we are acting crazy, but we can show you are lying about what you say you've been doing.
How does your suggestion get more truth? How does it serve justice in defense of the Constitution? How does it get us closer to due process in 3,000 murders?

Or, do you care about any of that?

We were doing those things long before this thread ever existed. Well, the non conspiracy theorists have been doing it, while you guys have just been acting crazy the entire time, as usual.

wtf is a non conspiracy theorist ??..someone with a theory that people don't conspire ?...that's one of the stupidest things I have ever heard

Conspiracy theorists believe in all sorts of crazy things, not just one crazy thing. The reason is because they are crazy. When i said "non conspiracy theorist", i was talking about people outside the tin foil hat wearing people you quote so often Eots. You, Terral, and others like you are weird fringers that believe in shit that everyone else knows is complete horse shit. I was using a term to show our seperation. If you dont like my term, well thats just tough shit.
We were doing those things long before this thread ever existed. Well, the non conspiracy theorists have been doing it, while you guys have just been acting crazy the entire time, as usual.

wtf is a non conspiracy theorist ??..someone with a theory that people don't conspire ?...that's one of the stupidest things I have ever heard

Conspiracy theorists believe in all sorts of crazy things, not just one crazy thing. The reason is because they are crazy. When i said "non conspiracy theorist", i was talking about people outside the tin foil hat wearing people you quote so often Eots. You, Terral, and others like you are weird fringers that believe in shit that everyone else knows is complete horse shit. I was using a term to show our seperation. If you dont like my term, well thats just tough shit.

you really have a problem with specifics..I imagine that is a result of having a minimal understanding of the topics being believe that those that believe the 9/11 story to be false is a fringe group..but the facts don't show that to be believe concerns over swine flu being used as a political tool is fringe or concerns over the safety of vaccines is fringe..but the facts don't support feel that talk of the fed is fringe or the belief that we are being steered toward globalist agenda is basically feel anything not regularly presented in mainstream news is fringe and equate it all with tin foil and Elvis sightings..because this is how the TV programed you to respond and you dont even know it
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