Evidence & Reason Rule
Subscribing to Useless Information or Useful?
If you have information that is useful for gaining more truth, post exactly how it is used here, in this thread, please.
Informations presented in 9-11 conspiracy forums, despite their respective origins and implied meanings have something, logically in common, ..... or that the basic information can be used to get more truth.
If we are sincere truth seekers, that is what we need and want, .......... correct?
If you wish to gain more truth with your 9-11 activism, would you wonder how you can actually do such a thing if none of the proposals and information you are presented with is useful? Perhaps it is time to define your needs a little better and contemplate exactly how you would support useful information if it was presented, but perhaps recognition of it, logically, unconditionally is most important.
I assert I can prove that the concrete core information is actually the most useful information for gaining more truth.
Since absolutely no independently verified evidence of the supposed steel core columns was ever posted. Then unreasonable opposition exposed in the thread photoshopping lobby images of WTC 2 with WTC 1 exteriors pasted in through the windows,
but they screwed it up, badly, produces no reasonable argument or shows no accountability
Such information of the psyops is generally useful as an awareness of operating conditions here in the truth movement but is not the subject of this thread. It is to make you aware of specific efforts to change the way you, the viewer thinks about this struggle for truth we are in.
Useful in the case of 9-11 means "official action" that gains more truth.
Officials have written regulations and laws they must observe. They are obligated to observe those and have taken oaths of office that they must, technically uphold. It is the central part of their job.
USE OF: Concrete core information.
The concrete core invalidates the cause of death which is officially required to be as accurate as possible meaning as soon as it is shown to the head law enforcement of that state, they must make inquiry into the structural deception utilized in the mathematical analysis of collapse, the official cause of death at this time.
Perhaps, if they saw a proposal for 9-11 activism that actually showed that the law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over the WTC at the time of 9-11 had not completed obligatory duties, Constitutional due process, relating to 9-11, those citizens may join in the truth movement which has an actual focus, because they might actually prefer making some simple appearances at protests where mass citizenry DEMANDS official action over trading bullets with marauders or renegade law enforcement seeking greater and greater control in a failed society with the intended, induced economic failure since 9-11.
I believe that even John and Jane Doe can understand that an analysis of a buildings collapse cannot be properly or competently completed WITHOUT knowing the exact design.
I have very good evidence substantiating the allegation that FEMA misrepresented the structure of the Twin Towers to NIST but do to the extensive psyops of 9-11 disinformation/misinformation, subversive agents ABOUND on internet message boards creating an environment of confusion which seriously degrades the environment where we seek truth. I'm certain that D ARPA financed the internet because the infiltrators realized that the US populations could be easily mislead with reliance on the internet.;
The psyops seeks to impair my efforts to share this useful information and a great deal of useless information is dominant. I've asked members here to post the uses of their information for gaining more truth but, apparently, no one can think of any way to use what they know or have learned in the truth movement.
Accordingly, use critical thinking here.
Useful information is the most important for the perpetrators to oppose.
If you have information that is useful for gaining more truth, post exactly how it is used here, in this thread, please.
Informations presented in 9-11 conspiracy forums, despite their respective origins and implied meanings have something, logically in common, ..... or that the basic information can be used to get more truth.
If we are sincere truth seekers, that is what we need and want, .......... correct?
If you wish to gain more truth with your 9-11 activism, would you wonder how you can actually do such a thing if none of the proposals and information you are presented with is useful? Perhaps it is time to define your needs a little better and contemplate exactly how you would support useful information if it was presented, but perhaps recognition of it, logically, unconditionally is most important.
I assert I can prove that the concrete core information is actually the most useful information for gaining more truth.
Since absolutely no independently verified evidence of the supposed steel core columns was ever posted. Then unreasonable opposition exposed in the thread photoshopping lobby images of WTC 2 with WTC 1 exteriors pasted in through the windows,
but they screwed it up, badly, produces no reasonable argument or shows no accountability
Such information of the psyops is generally useful as an awareness of operating conditions here in the truth movement but is not the subject of this thread. It is to make you aware of specific efforts to change the way you, the viewer thinks about this struggle for truth we are in.
Useful in the case of 9-11 means "official action" that gains more truth.
Officials have written regulations and laws they must observe. They are obligated to observe those and have taken oaths of office that they must, technically uphold. It is the central part of their job.
USE OF: Concrete core information.
The concrete core invalidates the cause of death which is officially required to be as accurate as possible meaning as soon as it is shown to the head law enforcement of that state, they must make inquiry into the structural deception utilized in the mathematical analysis of collapse, the official cause of death at this time.
Perhaps, if they saw a proposal for 9-11 activism that actually showed that the law enforcement authorities with jurisdiction over the WTC at the time of 9-11 had not completed obligatory duties, Constitutional due process, relating to 9-11, those citizens may join in the truth movement which has an actual focus, because they might actually prefer making some simple appearances at protests where mass citizenry DEMANDS official action over trading bullets with marauders or renegade law enforcement seeking greater and greater control in a failed society with the intended, induced economic failure since 9-11.
I believe that even John and Jane Doe can understand that an analysis of a buildings collapse cannot be properly or competently completed WITHOUT knowing the exact design.
I have very good evidence substantiating the allegation that FEMA misrepresented the structure of the Twin Towers to NIST but do to the extensive psyops of 9-11 disinformation/misinformation, subversive agents ABOUND on internet message boards creating an environment of confusion which seriously degrades the environment where we seek truth. I'm certain that D ARPA financed the internet because the infiltrators realized that the US populations could be easily mislead with reliance on the internet.;
The psyops seeks to impair my efforts to share this useful information and a great deal of useless information is dominant. I've asked members here to post the uses of their information for gaining more truth but, apparently, no one can think of any way to use what they know or have learned in the truth movement.
Accordingly, use critical thinking here.
Useful information is the most important for the perpetrators to oppose.
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