USA against weakening of Baghdad, wants Baghdad to have control over whole Iraqi Oil


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
We don’t support oil exports from any part of Iraq without the appropriate approval of the Iraqi Government, and we’re calling on the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government to continue to try to work through their differences. We also call on neighboring states to similarly avoid any action or comment that can contribute in any way to increasing tensions. - Daily Press Briefing - December 11, 2012

Keeping Iraq united
Obama administration officials as high-ranking as Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton have advocated against such moves, according to the Turkish officials involved in the deal, warning that bilateral pipelines would open a route for the Kurds to circumvent Baghdad’s authority over oil exports. That, in turn, would bring the Kurds a big step closer to independence. (...)
The Obama administration has argued that Turkey’s diplomatic clout and investment dollars make it an important counterweight in Iraq against Iran. If Turkey were to write off southern Iraq as a lost cause, U.S. diplomats worry, Iran would fill the breach by increasing its political and economic presence there, gaining even more influence over Maliki.

But those arguments have not resonated in Ankara, where many senior officials think a major energy partnership with Iraq’s Kurdish region is imminent. “U.S. support would be appreciated,” said one official involved in the deal, “but it’s not a condition.”
Turkey weighs pivotal oil deal with Iraqi Kurdistan - The Washington Post

USA is against breaking Iraq apart.
USA thinks, that with a preferential oil deal between Turkey and North-Iraq, Turkey would abandon its activities in rest of Iraq and South-Iraq would fall into Iran's hands without competition.
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US urges Turkey not to fuel Baghdad-Erbil tensions
The State Department today said it does not support “oil exports from any part of Iraq without the appropriate approval of the Iraqi government.”
News Story - Argus Media

USA becoming more concerned about Iraq's integrity than Turks, and wants to see Baghdad strengthened.
If the USA wanted Iraqi Kurds to become independent the USA would have granted these wishes during Bremer-Administration and the following occupation years where the USA called the shots in the Green Zone.

That didn't happen, and the USA left Iraq without leaving a military base in "Iraqi Kurdistan" or giving them any weapons.
Instead USA supplies Baghdad with F-16s and other stuff valuing 16 billion Dollar.
First F-16s arrive in 2014
Iraq to get first F-16 jets in early 2014: official - Chicago Tribune
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Obama says, USA will recognize Syrian opposition as the country's legitimate representative

Around 10% of Syria are Syrian Kurds and for the most part they've stayed out of Syrian opposition, who are legitimate representatives of Syria.
Some groups within Syrian Kurds like the PYD cooperating with Assad.
Who the fuck you think you are to defy Obama?

US Pushes Syrian Kurds to Join Rebellion - Voice of America

As long as there's internet and people can post imaginary maps in forums everything will be fine for "Kurdish Nationalists". Meanwhile the world moves on and the world makes decisions. Kurds don't sit at the table of the decision-makers.
The Oil in North-Iraq we'll take nevertheless although it won't be paid for with independence.
US urges Turkey not to fuel Baghdad-Erbil tensions
The State Department today said it does not support “oil exports from any part of Iraq without the appropriate approval of the Iraqi government.”
News Story - Argus Media

USA becoming more concerned about Iraq's integrity than Turks, and wants to see Baghdad strengthened.
If the USA wanted Iraqi Kurds to become independent the USA would have granted these wishes during Bremer-Administration and the following occupation years where the USA called the shots in the Green Zone.

That didn't happen, and the USA left Iraq without leaving a military base in "Iraqi Kurdistan" or giving them any weapons.
Instead USA supplies Baghdad with F-16s and other stuff valuing 16 billion Dollar.
First F-16s arrive in 2014
Iraq to get first F-16 jets in early 2014: official - Chicago Tribune

Please go cry little facist turk. Be prepared for a kurdish uprising on your own (occupied) soil;) Turkey has no borders with Iraq, Syria, Iran, Armenia or the Greek island Cyprus. So look At it like this, you share borders with the soon to be free Kurdistan and Greece.

I really like this video;)

Under 50 kurds vs atleast 200 turks. Result: Ultimate kurdish victory:lol:
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President Obama said the United States would join a handful of other Western and Arab countries in recognizing the rebellious National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces as the country’s sole legitimate representative

Now Syrian Kurds will join Syrian opposition and be dominated by Arabs, or be crushed alltogether with Assad.

That's a lie. I know you wanted for this to be true, but the truth is that only one kurdish political party out of 16 joined these terrorists

Ekrem's expression now:
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Obama says, USA will recognize Syrian opposition as the country's legitimate representative

Around 10% of Syria are Syrian Kurds and for the most part they've stayed out of Syrian opposition, who are legitimate representatives of Syria.
Some groups within Syrian Kurds like the PYD cooperating with Assad.
Who the fuck you think you are to defy Obama?

US Pushes Syrian Kurds to Join Rebellion - Voice of America

As long as there's internet and people can post imaginary maps in forums everything will be fine for "Kurdish Nationalists". Meanwhile the world moves on and the world makes decisions. Kurds don't sit at the table of the decision-makers.
The Oil in North-Iraq we'll take nevertheless although it won't be paid for with independence.

Kurdistan will always be here, if you wanna do the world a great duty then crawl back to central Asia.
You can keep on believing the fake borders of the Middle east, but Just wait for the day kurds will split Turdey apart, i'll bet, you won't be laughing then :badgrin: Cuz as they say "The one that laughs last, laughs best"
If you've got any balls (Doubt it) Then go to Amed (Diyarbakir) And scream "There is no Kurdistan" I could bet millions of dollars on your death;)

The PKK will always kick your terrorist a**. Now have a look at your homeland:
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Turkey weighs pivotal oil deal with Kurdistan, to U.S. displeasure
Washington fears that conflicts over territory and oil rights in northern Iraq will fracture Baghdad government.

U.S. diplomats are struggling to prevent a seismic shift in Turkey's foreign policy toward Iraq, a change the Americans fear could split the foundations of that fractious state.

The most volatile fault line in Iraq divides the semiautonomous Kurdistan region in the north from the Arab-majority central government in Baghdad. As the two sides fight for power over both territory and oil rights, Turkey is increasingly siding with the Kurds.

Kurdish and Turkish leaders have had a budding courtship for the past five years. But now Turkey is negotiating a massive deal in which a new Turkish company, backed by the government, is proposing to drill for oil and gas in Kurdistan and build pipelines to transport those resources to international markets. The negotiations were confirmed by four senior Turkish officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Turkey weighs pivotal oil deal with Kurdistan, to U.S. displeasure |

Past 5 years, because 5 years ago Turkish Army entered North-Iraq and showed them the order in the regional hierarchy.
2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After 2008 Turkey loosened border policy in regards to trade and investments.
As a result the tiny North-Iraq economy has been transformed into an economic vassal of the region's biggest economy (Turkey).

USA will deliver Baghdad the F-16s by 2014 and USA left Iraq without giving the Kurds any weapons.
If Turkey's state oil company enters North-Iraq, Turkey will protect its investments.
Despite some Kurdo-PKK nationalists posting maps in internet-forums there's no sign of North-Iraqi leadership rejecting the role of being a vassal.
If the Iraqi Kurds don't play by our rules we'll throw them in-front of the wolves and Maliki's F-16s, F-16s supplied by USA.
USA's gift to Iraqi Kurds (Baghdad will receive the real ones).
Acrylic paint edition.
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Sorry to tell you, but you are alone.
And if you miscalculate, you'll get yourself hurt.

Now you can continue to post all these shiny maps to ease your pain.
Sorry to tell you, but you are alone.
And if you miscalculate, you'll get yourself hurt.

Now you can continue to post all these shiny maps to ease your pain.

We are alone, and we will gain our freedom alone. But the fact is that 23 million kurds in eastern Anatolia are waiting for their chance of freedom, from your barbaric people. You can, keep on supporting your regime, cuz obviously there's no such thing as democracy in Turkey or the occupied north Kurdistan.

How the hell is it fair, that you take a 1/3 of the Greek island Cyprus, but 23 million on a piece of land 100's of times larger can't have the right to freedom? Are you living in some kind of Pan-turkism ignorance world?!

And if i'm so worthless, then why do you insist on keep posting reply's? Are you really that scared?
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Turkey weighs pivotal oil deal with Kurdistan, to U.S. displeasure
Washington fears that conflicts over territory and oil rights in northern Iraq will fracture Baghdad government.

U.S. diplomats are struggling to prevent a seismic shift in Turkey's foreign policy toward Iraq, a change the Americans fear could split the foundations of that fractious state.

The most volatile fault line in Iraq divides the semiautonomous Kurdistan region in the north from the Arab-majority central government in Baghdad. As the two sides fight for power over both territory and oil rights, Turkey is increasingly siding with the Kurds.

Kurdish and Turkish leaders have had a budding courtship for the past five years. But now Turkey is negotiating a massive deal in which a new Turkish company, backed by the government, is proposing to drill for oil and gas in Kurdistan and build pipelines to transport those resources to international markets. The negotiations were confirmed by four senior Turkish officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

Turkey weighs pivotal oil deal with Kurdistan, to U.S. displeasure |

Past 5 years, because 5 years ago Turkish Army entered North-Iraq and showed them the order in the regional hierarchy.
2008 Turkish incursion into northern Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After 2008 Turkey loosened border policy in regards to trade and investments.
As a result the tiny North-Iraq economy has been transformed into an economic vassal of the region's biggest economy (Turkey).

USA will deliver Baghdad the F-16s by 2014 and USA left Iraq without giving the Kurds any weapons.
If Turkey's state oil company enters North-Iraq, Turkey will protect its investments.
Despite some Kurdo-PKK nationalists posting maps in internet-forums there's no sign of North-Iraqi leadership rejecting the role of being a vassal.
If the Iraqi Kurds don't play by our rules we'll throw them in-front of the wolves and Maliki's F-16s, F-16s supplied by USA.

The US left us all kinds of things with the exception of Jets.
Let that coward Maliki come. But wait... Oh right! He's still a scared coward, or perhaps i should remind you that he's still pussying out? Especially after the Dijla commander ran back to Bagdad, and said they (Peshmerga) we're to powerful;)
USA's gift to Iraqi Kurds (Baghdad will receive the real ones).
Acrylic paint edition.

Turks should only be allowed to play with this, as your too immature for the real deal. Just wait man, soon enough Kurdistan will be freed, you can't hold on to 23 million people, China couldn't hold on to 2 million;) Go back to your freaking homeland, you and your Turdey brings disguist over the human race.
Internet-Rambos's upper lips reach the skies, lower lips the ground.
Here something from the real world.
Location North-Iraq.


Internet-Rambos's upper lips reach the skies, lower lips the ground.
Here something from the real world.
Location North-Iraq.



I do live in the real world idiot. If you think the kurdish people will ever give up, then i truly feel sorry for you.

[ame=]HPG CRASH COBRA 24 turkish terrorist soldiers killed and taking turkish army weapons BDP PKK - YouTube[/ame]

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