US Post Office Lost 3.8 BBBBBillion Last Year, Now They Are Ready For Healthcare

Me :D

We do nothing electronically now, not after my credit card and identity were stolen from doing the very thing you recommend!!!!

I don't disagree that snail mail is antiquated, but there are millions of people without computers, and many millions of other people that do not have broadband dsl or cable available to them in their rural areas...(ME again!) and dial up, is WORSE than snail me on this one, it is the pits.

I agree something needs to be done to cut our losses at the P.O....just uncertain what the truly feasible change is, that needs to take place....

you may not have much choice Care.....the writing is on the just glad i have my 30 in.....i can at least walk away if things get to pathetic....

For the love of God! You have 30 years in the Post Office? You have to be one old man, Harry.
Me :D

We do nothing electronically now, not after my credit card and identity were stolen from doing the very thing you recommend!!!!

I don't disagree that snail mail is antiquated, but there are millions of people without computers, and many millions of other people that do not have broadband dsl or cable available to them in their rural areas...(ME again!) and dial up, is WORSE than snail me on this one, it is the pits.

I agree something needs to be done to cut our losses at the P.O....just uncertain what the truly feasible change is, that needs to take place....

you may not have much choice Care.....the writing is on the just glad i have my 30 in.....i can at least walk away if things get to pathetic....

For the love of God! You have 30 years in the Post Office? You have to be one old man, Harry.

not as old as the guys who have retired already and moved to say...IDAHO.....
No,private mail service is ad continues to be constitutional!

Iraq and Afghanistan will end up costing us over 3 Trillion dollars! dont know jack about me Chris.....i may be your worst nightmare if we ever met...and if your only 195 lbs you had better hope you dont meet someone who is 6'2 and goes around 220....cause you would get your scrawny ass kicked......:lol:

Quit talking shit Harry. You're 100 years old. LOL.

I just wanted to say that we should privatize the post office so you have to pay $5 to mail a letter. FOR PROFIT!

Post office is the perfect example of something that the government should run. If put into private hands, they'd jack up the prices so the CEO could make a bonus.

PS. My VP brother finally admitted this weekend that all the exec's at all the corporations the last 8 years ONLY cared about their bonus'. They all ran their companies into the ground and didn't care because they were still making a lot of money.

But, he was saying that GM is screwed because now the exec's don't make a lot there because the US government owns it, so no one good will go work there now.

But aren't those "superstars" the ones that ran it into the ground in the first place?

I think we can find great young talent in the VP pool that would like their chance at being President or CEO. They might make more at another company, but maybe the people we find were overlooked for CEO at those other companies and they want to prove they are good. Or maybe they lost their job and will take anything, just like many of us are doing now.

He's using the same argument that the AIG exec's used. Only they can fix the mess they created and if we don't give them their bonus', they'll go elsewhere.

I say go.

Anyways, if you want the post office to be profitable, that can be arrainged. Somethings we need to mail things, so they can charge a fortune for it, or charge for delivering your mail. Would you like that?

If your brother is a VP, he probably won't know that much about the management of his own company, let alone "all corporations". VP is generally not a particularly senior position.

I first became a VP in a company of 1000 people in the mid 90s, and I had no more real information about the financial outlook and management of the company than the shareholders had.

A Senior Vice President would know more. An Executive Vice President would have inside knowledge, but they generally have to sign confidentiality agreements. Either way, even an EVP would hardly have the competence to expound such a theory about corporations in general.

Being a CEO of a major corporation is an astonishingly complex job, requiring multiple skillsets, both on a professional and an interpersonal basis. They don't grow on trees.

They hired my brother specifically to help with their bankruptsy. He's in HR. He knows all the details. His job was to let go of the top dogs that weren't carrying their weight. Not one person from the pre bankruptsy is left, and he deals with how much to give them when they leave. Golden parachutes. And he deals with the bankruptsy lawyers. Pensions, etc.

But you are right, there is another tier of guys who are the top dogs. But those guys are all breeding guys like my brother for the future, so my brother's boss tells him everything. My brother is sort of his bosses go to guy. I hope one day he becomes a top dog. It doesn't hurt to have a rich relative. When we go hunting, he pays for everything, and I don't mind because he's making 4-8 times what I make. Probably $500K plus bonus'.

But I know what you mean. If he's VP of marketing, he wouldn't know all the details. But in his case, he does. Trust me. Driving up north I have to hear all the details, like I give a shit. I get mad when I hear about the golden parachutes. He laughs.
Quit talking shit Harry. You're 100 years old. LOL.

I just wanted to say that we should privatize the post office so you have to pay $5 to mail a letter. FOR PROFIT!

Post office is the perfect example of something that the government should run. If put into private hands, they'd jack up the prices so the CEO could make a bonus.

PS. My VP brother finally admitted this weekend that all the exec's at all the corporations the last 8 years ONLY cared about their bonus'. They all ran their companies into the ground and didn't care because they were still making a lot of money.

But, he was saying that GM is screwed because now the exec's don't make a lot there because the US government owns it, so no one good will go work there now.

But aren't those "superstars" the ones that ran it into the ground in the first place?

I think we can find great young talent in the VP pool that would like their chance at being President or CEO. They might make more at another company, but maybe the people we find were overlooked for CEO at those other companies and they want to prove they are good. Or maybe they lost their job and will take anything, just like many of us are doing now.

He's using the same argument that the AIG exec's used. Only they can fix the mess they created and if we don't give them their bonus', they'll go elsewhere.

I say go.

Anyways, if you want the post office to be profitable, that can be arrainged. Somethings we need to mail things, so they can charge a fortune for it, or charge for delivering your mail. Would you like that?

Bobo, I wouldn't mess with Harry, he kicked some major ass in the past, and you would still be nothing more than an appetizer to him.

:meow:....<....Bobo and Chris....duking it out....which one is the bigger panzie?....its up to the observer...

I've NEVER disagreed with Chris on one thing he's ever said so we would never fight. He's my idol! Him and Obama.
Bobo, I wouldn't mess with Harry, he kicked some major ass in the past, and you would still be nothing more than an appetizer to him.

:meow:....<....Bobo and Chris....duking it out....which one is the bigger panzie?....its up to the observer...

I've NEVER disagreed with Chris on one thing he's ever said so we would never fight. He's my idol! Him and Obama.

oh really....he said he loves tea bagging what do you say?........:eusa_eh:
Just goes to show you that the fucking government can't do anything right.

Even with a monopoly on letter delivery they still can't break even.

The post office will pick up a letter at my house in NJ and deliver it to my brothers house in California within a week.........all for 44 cents

I would not deliver a letter to the other side of town for 44 cents

The reason they lose money is that they are not allowed to operate as a business. They are forced to keep routes in rural areas (also known as Red States) where they can't be efficient. They also have to charge everyone the same 44 cents

If you want the Post Office to make a profit, many of you will no longer be getting mail delivery

The Libs admit that the Post Office can't run properly yet our fearless leader Obama mentioned recently the pride of Government when trying to paint government run health care in a positive light.

Obama mentioned government run Medicare
Obama mentioned government run Medicaid
Obama mentioned government run social Security
Obama mentioned government run Postal Service.

the Post office doesn't have to make a profit,neither does government run health care.Yet the private sector ( Insurance companies ) will have to compete against them.
The bottom line is and we all know it. The government want to destroy the private sector. That can be the only explanation for the way they are doing things.:(
Just goes to show you that the fucking government can't do anything right.

Even with a monopoly on letter delivery they still can't break even.

The post office will pick up a letter at my house in NJ and deliver it to my brothers house in California within a week.........all for 44 cents

I would not deliver a letter to the other side of town for 44 cents

The reason they lose money is that they are not allowed to operate as a business. They are forced to keep routes in rural areas (also known as Red States) where they can't be efficient. They also have to charge everyone the same 44 cents

If you want the Post Office to make a profit, many of you will no longer be getting mail delivery

The Libs admit that the Post Office can't run properly yet our fearless leader Obama mentioned recently the pride of Government when trying to paint government run health care in a positive light.

Obama mentioned government run Medicare
Obama mentioned government run Medicaid
Obama mentioned government run social Security
Obama mentioned government run Postal Service.

the Post office doesn't have to make a profit,neither does government run health care.Yet the private sector ( Insurance companies ) will have to compete against them.
The bottom line is and we all know it. The government want to destroy the private sector. That can be the only explanation for the way they are doing things.:(

Government runs whatever necessities PRIVATE FOR PROFITS can't run. They can't do the mail and they certainly aren't doing a good job with healthcare.

So maybe the GOP should have fixed healthcare before it got this far. They seemed unwilling or unable to do anything about the greedy for profits. Just like when the oil barons gouged us. They did NOTHING! That's because they serve the rich, not the masses. And don't forget what a big part $4 a gallon played on the recession we are in. That was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Hell, you probably deny they are greedy gougers. That's why we tossed the right wing out of power. They/you are/were clueless.
Republicans spent that much in a week in Iraq. No new record there. And what did we get? One of the most corrupt governments on earth who hates our guts.

The post office will never compete against "email". Connecting the dots on how that is the governments fault can only be accomplished by Republicans. They are good at "connecting the dots".

congress voted to go...and congress voted funds and if i recall it was dem controlled for the past three years and most of them voted to keep funding it.....
Hell, you probably deny they are greedy gougers. That's why we tossed the right wing out of power. They/you are/were clueless.

Hey Lib,do you really think that a Republican will never again hold the WH?
Do you really think that the GOP will never again control congress?.....

Your President keeps up this nonsense and Sarah will be picking out the drapes for the residence where she and the first Dude will be rocking the WH....

Silly Lib....
Republicans spent that much in a week in Iraq. No new record there. And what did we get? One of the most corrupt governments on earth who hates our guts.

The post office will never compete against "email". Connecting the dots on how that is the governments fault can only be accomplished by Republicans. They are good at "connecting the dots".

congress voted to go...and congress voted funds and if i recall it was dem controlled for the past three years and most of them voted to keep funding it.....

Congress DID NOT VOTE to go to war, that is a slight rewrite of history.

Congress voted to give the power of theirs to President Bush, for him to make the decision Manu.
Republicans spent that much in a week in Iraq. No new record there. And what did we get? One of the most corrupt governments on earth who hates our guts.

The post office will never compete against "email". Connecting the dots on how that is the governments fault can only be accomplished by Republicans. They are good at "connecting the dots".

congress voted to go...and congress voted funds and if i recall it was dem controlled for the past three years and most of them voted to keep funding it.....

Congress DID NOT VOTE to go to war, that is a slight rewrite of history.

Congress voted to give the power of theirs to President Bush, for him to make the decision Manu.

Care aren't you talking about symantics on this?