US drops to last place in economic freedom ranking under Joe Biden

and if ignorant Biden had stuck to Trumps budget and not changed anything we would still be rocking. thanks for your attempt to make a point

Please list the things that Biden changed from Trump's budget.

Withdrawals usually aren’t that pretty, just look at the former 1-terms president’s from both the White House and Stormy Daniels.
This ^^^ is how utterly stupid the racist Otto is. Comparing Xiden getting a dozen Americans killed with Stormy Daniels. Pathetic deflection attempt.
What a crock of shit ^^^.
Reagans first year in office the inflation rate was 10.3%, which was better than Carters rate of 13.55%, a great improvement. In Reagan’s next year the inflation rate dropped to 6.3%. So in his first two years inflation slowed by almost 10%.

Bidens first year in office the inflation rate is 7.5% and the year before Trump was at 1.23. So, under Biden’s administration we are up 6.3% over Trumps administration.

I also don’t believe Presidents can do much with the economy it is factors beyond them, otherwise they’d fix it because elections ride on that.
He will be your president again. Biden is making sure of it.
Trump cannot be president again, nor can he occupy any office of trust given his "theft" and destruction of documents he was required to give to the National Archives; 15 cartons of these documents have been taken from his golf club in Florida, some ripped up and some it has been said flushed down a toilet.
Reagans first year in office the inflation rate was 10.3%, which was better than Carters rate of 13.55%, a great improvement. In Reagan’s next year the inflation rate dropped to 6.3%. So in his first two years inflation slowed by almost 10%.

Bidens first year in office the inflation rate is 7.5% and the year before Trump was at 1.23. So, under Biden’s administration we are up 6.3% over Trumps administration.

I also don’t believe Presidents can do much with the economy it is factors beyond them, otherwise they’d fix it because elections ride on that.
President Carter got the economy left to him by the Nixon/Ford Economy. Ever heard of STAGFLATION?
Trump cannot be president again, nor can he occupy any office of trust given his "theft" and destruction of documents he was required to give to the National Archives; 15 cartons of these documents have been taken from his golf club in Florida, some ripped up and some it has been said flushed down a toilet.
^ He's with her
Trump cannot be president again, nor can he occupy any office of trust given his "theft" and destruction of documents he was required to give to the National Archives; 15 cartons of these documents have been taken from his golf club in Florida, some ripped up and some it has been said flushed down a toilet.
He will be your president again. I don't see how you cannot accept it.
What a crock of shit ^^^.
Reagan did have high inflation and he addressed that situation. Joe Biden has not. It's getting worse, Rye and Biden's response is to ask for MORE stimulus which would make the problem even worse! When you've got a President (and a Party!) that doesn't seem to care about rampant inflation...then you've got a President (and a Party!) that is responsible for it!
This year’s Index of Economic Freedom paints a disturbing picture, both at home and abroad," Heritage President Kevin Roberts said of the report. "The decline of American economic freedom is serious cause for alarm and has real and tangible consequences for all Americans, especially low-income families and the working class."

The report determined the U.S. fell 2.7 points from the 2021 Index of Economic Freedom to a record-low score of 72.1, according to the data released Monday. The U.S. also fell to its lowest ranking globally, from the 20th spot in last year’s rating to 25th in 2022.

The index, launched in 1995, evaluates countries on rule of law, government size, regulatory efficiency and open markets, while also examining specific categories such as property rights, judicial effectiveness, government integrity and tax burden.

Americans are currently dealing with 40-year highs in inflation, with the consumer price index rising 7.5% in January of this year compared to the same month in 2021. Biden’s first year in office also saw a supply-chain crisis, U.S. consumer confidence plunging to an 11-year low, industries rocked by vaccine and mask mandates and the U.S. national debt notching a new record when it surpassed $30 trillion.

Joe Biden is the economy killer.
But it's only temporary - until Democrats are run out of town.
Reagan did have high inflation and he addressed that situation. Joe Biden has not. It's getting worse, Rye and Biden's response is to ask for MORE stimulus which would make the problem even worse! When you've got a President (and a Party!) that doesn't seem to care about rampant inflation...then you've got a President (and a Party!) that is responsible for it!
What did Reagan do to address the situation?

The four pillars of Reagan's economic policy were to reduce the growth of government spending, reduce the federal income tax and capital gains tax, reduce government regulation, and tighten the money supply in order to reduce inflation.

The results of Reaganomics are still debated. Supporters point to the end of stagflation, steady increases in median incomes, stronger GDP growth, and an entrepreneurial revolution in the decades that followed.

Critics point to the widening income gap, what they described as an atmosphere of greed, reduced economic mobility, and the national debt tripling in eight years which ultimately reversed the post-World War II trend of a shrinking national debt as percentage of GDP.

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And when he talks his mouth doesn’t take the form of a butthole like the former 1-term president.

I hope Biden serves only one term. He needs to be IMPEACH. He is ranks up with Jimmy Carter, as one of the Worst President EVER. So, keep kissing his ass! :TH_WAY~113:

I hope Biden serves only one term. He needs to be IMPEACH. He is ranks up with Jimmy Carter, as one of the Worst President EVER. So, keep kissing his ass! :TH_WAY~113:

You too have no understanding of US History, the Constitution and a large number of other academic interests such as Civics, Economics and Expository Essays.
History is the evidence; it's unfortunate that so many self proclaimed conservatives have no education on US History.
I have no problem with history at all. What I have a problem with is you lied, got caught and then changed the direction of your first post because you got caught lying and now you lie again to cover up the last lie. You need to be honest and avoid such nonsense.
I have no problem with history at all. What I have a problem with is you lied, got caught and then changed the direction of your first post because you got caught lying and now you lie again to cover up the last lie. You need to be honest and avoid such nonsense.

What did I lie? It's you and the other faux conservatives who use BIG LIES & fictional Conspiracy Stories ad nausea.

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