US Announces $400 Million in Additional Military Aid to Ukraine


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

How can this keep happening, you ask?

“The package will be funded using Presidential Drawdown Authority, which authorizes the president to transfer articles and services from U.S. stocks without congressional approval during an emergency.”



We are fighting Russia and China in Ukraine.

Sounds like a world war.
Why aren’t Americans demanding a stop to this proxy war funding of a Nazi regime? Millions of Americans suffer in poverty or near poverty, while their thoughtless and unconcerned government massively funds the war machine.

One could conclude Americans are a dumb people.
Good to see the American President standing up to our #1 Geopolitical Foe. LOL

Yet you supported Big Ears, who made fun of Romney. Do you ever recognize your consistent hypocrisy?

You have to admit, you’re a dupe of the establishment.

"The 80s called they want their foreign policy back." - Barack Obama to Mitt Romney regarding his hawkish stance on Russia.
Have suggested that Dear Uncle P sends Piss Pants$10million to get his troops to do a better training job with the young Ukey boys and girls.

Dear Uncle does not think his lads are being stretched enough .

What's useful about a war when the enemy is useless ?
Remember the hue and cry from the dems and RINOs when Trump tried that to build the Wall?

Tell me which one is more important to the security of our country now.

It's no accident that The Turtle and the neocons made sure much of the money in the Omnibus was "portable" and can be moved around by Tater.
In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait and threatened Saudi Arabia

Bush 41 sent US troops half way around the world to recapture Kuwait and drive out Iraq. Kuwait never lifted a finger in its own defense and its Royals watched as we won back their country for them.

Today, President Biden is not sending our troops to win back Ukraine from the Russian invaders. He, along with NATO, are providing state of the art weapons systems to allow Ukraine to do its own fighting.

Republicans never complained when their President sent US a troops into Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq.

But they bitch about a Democrat sending weapons
Why aren’t Americans demanding a stop to this proxy war funding of a Nazi regime? Millions of Americans suffer in poverty or near poverty, while their thoughtless and unconcerned government massively funds the war machine.

One could conclude Americans are a dumb people.

Do you really think if the money was not being used on Ukraine our Govt would actually use it to help those suffering in poverty or near poverty?

And if Biden came out tomorrow and said he was taking 400 million for such a purpose, would all those on the right support it or attack him for it?
I, for one, find the Biden Doctrine a refreshing change in foreign policy.

In my lifetime I have seen the US send our Armies half way around the world four times. Vietnam, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Iraq. None served its purpose and the US spent trillions and lost tens of thousands of soldiers.

Biden has resisted sending our troops to win foreign wars. Instead, he has rallied NATO to invoke crippling sanctions on the aggressor and provide Ukraine with the weapons to defend themselves.

We are not doing the fighting and dying to win back Ukraine. We are allowing Ukraine to do it themselves and it is working
Do you really think if the money was not being used on Ukraine our Govt would actually use it to help those suffering in poverty or near poverty?

And if Biden came out tomorrow and said he was taking 400 million for such a purpose, would all those on the right support it or attack him for it?
Regarding your first question, no I don’t. I’m merely pointing out the ridiculous corruption of our government. I’ve done this for years on this forum. It has nothing to do with political party currently staining the WH.

Regarding the second question, the right would attack him if he did that. It’s likely Ds in congress would too.

Look at what is happening with Biden‘s student loan relief plan. The SC likely turns it down. When have they ever outlawed war spending?

We live in a failed state thanks to the duopoly.

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