Untying the Israel palestine knot

Everything back to about post 14 should be deleted.

There's already a soap box for the failed boycott issue

I'll reiterate the OP and try again

Untying the Palestinian Israeli Knot - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

This is an interesting article that presents some of the problems faced unless both Israel and its refugees can effectively solve their differences and present a united front to what might just be an even worse enemy than each other.

My take is the only chance the situation on the ground has to improve is to allow a period of peace to prevail. At which point restrictions can be lightened and the healing process can begin. I realize thats the standard Israeli position but I don't see how restrictions can be lifted in the middle of daily violent acts. It just isn't justifiable to bear ones neck to the knife and prey.

I would add to the OP that I am dead against giving up one more inch of land to the Arab Muslim colonists and that NO additional states are needed to secure peace. Jordan and Gaza are enough.
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Everything back to about post 14 should be deleted.

There's already a soap box for the failed boycott issue

I'll reiterate the OP and try again

Untying the Palestinian Israeli Knot - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

This is an interesting article that presents some of the problems faced unless both Israel and its refugees can effectively solve their differences and present a united front to what might just be an even worse enemy than each other.

My take is the only chance the situation on the ground has to improve is to allow a period of peace to prevail. At which point restrictions can be lightened and the healing process can begin. I realize thats the standard Israeli position but I don't see how restrictions can be lifted in the middle of daily violent acts. It just isn't justifiable to bear ones neck to the knife and prey.

I would add to the OP that I am dead against giving up one more inch of land to the Arab Muslim colonists and that NO additional states are needed to secure peace. Jordan and Gaza are enough.
My take is the only chance the situation on the ground has to improve is to allow a period of peace to prevail.​

Israel's long term goal requires war. The Palestinians have nothing to do with that. It is totally up to Israel.
Lets get back on topic please - refer to the OP if you aren't sure but let's not spin off into BDS, other than how it relates to the topic. Genocide is also not part of the topic nor is ancient history.
Everything back to about post 14 should be deleted.

There's already a soap box for the failed boycott issue

I'll reiterate the OP and try again

Untying the Palestinian Israeli Knot - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

This is an interesting article that presents some of the problems faced unless both Israel and its refugees can effectively solve their differences and present a united front to what might just be an even worse enemy than each other.

My take is the only chance the situation on the ground has to improve is to allow a period of peace to prevail. At which point restrictions can be lightened and the healing process can begin. I realize thats the standard Israeli position but I don't see how restrictions can be lifted in the middle of daily violent acts. It just isn't justifiable to bear ones neck to the knife and prey.

I would add to the OP that I am dead against giving up one more inch of land to the Arab Muslim colonists and that NO additional states are needed to secure peace. Jordan and Gaza are enough.
My take is the only chance the situation on the ground has to improve is to allow a period of peace to prevail.​

Israel's long term goal requires war. The Palestinians have nothing to do with that. It is totally up to Israel.

I'd have to disagree, Israel's long term goal requires a strong defense

Its the Arab Muslim colonists long term plan that requires war.
Everything back to about post 14 should be deleted.

There's already a soap box for the failed boycott issue

I'll reiterate the OP and try again

Untying the Palestinian Israeli Knot - Blogs - Jerusalem Post

This is an interesting article that presents some of the problems faced unless both Israel and its refugees can effectively solve their differences and present a united front to what might just be an even worse enemy than each other.

My take is the only chance the situation on the ground has to improve is to allow a period of peace to prevail. At which point restrictions can be lightened and the healing process can begin. I realize thats the standard Israeli position but I don't see how restrictions can be lifted in the middle of daily violent acts. It just isn't justifiable to bear ones neck to the knife and prey.

I would add to the OP that I am dead against giving up one more inch of land to the Arab Muslim colonists and that NO additional states are needed to secure peace. Jordan and Gaza are enough.
My take is the only chance the situation on the ground has to improve is to allow a period of peace to prevail.​

Israel's long term goal requires war. The Palestinians have nothing to do with that. It is totally up to Israel.

I'd have to disagree, Israel's long term goal requires a strong defense

Its the Arab Muslim colonists long term plan that requires war.
Israel is "defending" its colonial project and ethnic cleansing.
Good to see someone thinking about the issues.

BDS is trying to break that cycle. What are the Israelis doing?

Fighting the Axis of Evil such as BDS
Israel is up a tree with BDS. They can't bomb BDS so they have no defense. That is the only thing those clowns know what to do do.

Each day Israel exist is another day BDS loses.

Each lie, antisemitic claim or deciet they give, they can expect Jews fighting back. They'll be yesterday news soon, Be'ezrat Hashem.

As for the Palestinians, their bloodshed of last months will fail, and the Israelis will stand strong against the beasts with knives.
If Hamas honors the ceasefire there will be no need to shoot anyone.

It has been proven time and time again that this is simply NOT the case!

Bingo, Hamas seems incapable of honoring a ceasefire, so again how do you make peace with the Arab Muslim colonist ungovernable mob.

Hamas even has the decency to admit, loudly and clearly, that they will never honor any agreement with the Jews and will fight until Israel is destroyed.

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