Undocumented Immigrant Rights Activist Loses Her Battle To Avoid Being Deported


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
This is great news to hear. She has two American kids but you know what? To bad! I feel absolutely nothing. She and her illegal husband were selfish and disrespected the law. I can't wait to more of this starts happening nationwide on a daily basis while Trump is in office. If you're illegal, you are not welcome here. It's time for you to go.

Undocumented immigrant rights activist loses her battle to avoid being deported
Get sympathy someplace else. These people decided to break the law all the way down the line. Deport them.
They and their kids need to go back to wherever they came from.

Illegals aren't welcome and our Govt. needs to amend the anchor baby amendment.

We are the only country in the world that recognizes someone born here as a citizen.

That amendment was put in the for children of slaves so they would be recognized. We sure don't need that anymore. Amend the damned thing and get rid of this anchor baby bullshit.
It amazed me to see illegals on TV proudly announcing they are illegally here showing no fear of being deported. They knew Obama wouldn't send ICE agents to go after them.

I have a feeling we won't be hearing these proud illegals announce their status in the near future because there is a new Border Agent in charge.
That amendment was put in the for children of slaves so they would be recognized. We sure don't need that anymore. Amend the damned thing and get rid of this anchor baby bullshit.
Only 5 States are controlled by Democrats. We have the Congress and the States. Let's do it!

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