Ukranian corpses keep piling up!

This was passed around months ago. A movie set scene similar to this movie set scene with iron lungs that is used as provaxxers tout it as being an accurate scene at hospitals to scare people into accept being vaxxed with whatever flavor of vax big pharma is currently pushing.

That scene was used for a public service announcement in the 50's and is still being used as if it were real by dumb asses in MSM that don't know any better.

They also failed to mention the pesticide factors in all those cases that being diagnose as all being caused by a virus without the consideration of the environmental factors and the chem exposure that the victims had prior to getting sick.
And if you really want to show something that is accurate and horrible pass this video around taken earlier of Mariupol steel plant ablaze. The unconscionable Russians pour in oil and set it ablaze to kill off the people that refuse to go out to be killed by the Russians just because they are the seamen of Azov who gathered to defend their homes. Why would you give yourself over to people you know will kill you, rape your women and steal your children to traffic them? Most wouldn't.

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