Ukraine’s “dirty bomb” option?

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons at the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. But the nation may still have the capability to use “dirty bombs.” After the Chernobyl disaster, large volumes of radioactive waste were generated and placed in temporary near-surface waste storage and disposal facilities.

Conceivably, the wastes could be dug up and packaged into the warheads of missiles and long-range artillery shells, which would then be fired into Russian territory and create long-term dead zones in that nation.

Before the current escalation and arms aid to Ukraine, the country, at last count, had 90 tactical ballistic missiles with a range of 120 km and a payload of half a ton and another 50 missiles in storage with a range of 70 km and a payload of half a ton.
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I don't think Russia is stupid enough to attack the Ukraine with 100,000 troops...if they were serious there would be at a minimum a quarter million troops staged at the border....
I don't think Russia is stupid enough to attack the Ukraine with 100,000 troops...if they were serious there would be at a minimum a quarter million troops staged at the border....
True, but how many U.S. citizens understand this? Ukraine would be a blood-sponge for Putin and he knows it. He could dash in, decapitate the government, and shut down a lot of the infrastructure though. The real question is what does he really expect to gain and how much pain can he absorb for it?

I hate to admit it but I actually trust that thug more than the crowd in DC, Dems AND Repubs. He's making demands that he must know are unachievable so I wonder what he's really trying to do. Rather than invade his neighbor, he should go into a crowd-funded adventure with Xi and the mullahs to build capabilities and maybe naval bases in south or central America. Sauce for the goose, and all that...
True, but how many U.S. citizens understand this? Ukraine would be a blood-sponge for Putin and he knows it. He could dash in, decapitate the government, and shut down a lot of the infrastructure though. The real question is what does he really expect to gain and how much pain can he absorb for it?

I hate to admit it but I actually trust that thug more than the crowd in DC, Dems AND Repubs. He's making demands that he must know are unachievable so I wonder what he's really trying to do. Rather than invade his neighbor, he should go into a crowd-funded adventure with Xi and the mullahs to build capabilities and maybe naval bases in south or central America. Sauce for the goose, and all that...
Perfectly stated...I agree...I think this whole thing is an attempt to boost Joe's appeal here at home...maybe Putin is in on the whole would not shock me....
Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons at the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. But the nation may still have the capability to use “dirty bombs.” After the Chernobyl disaster, large volumes of radioactive waste were generated and placed in temporary near-surface waste storage and disposal facilities.

Conceivably, the wastes could be dug up and packaged into the warheads of missiles and long-range artillery shells, which would then be fired into Russian territory and create long-term dead zones in that nation.

Before the current escalation and arms aid to Ukraine, the country, at last count, had 90 tactical ballistic missiles with a range of 120 km and a payload of half a ton and another 50 missiles in storage with a range of 70 km and a payload of half a ton.
What a stupid shitpost. RU GRU?

Any such bomb would be countered with a nuclear bomb. In fact I would bet even a MOAB or FOAB would, and there's no radiation involved there.

Idiots like you probably think it's cool that Russia made a stupid fake movie of Ukraine attacking Russia.
The ukrainian army is preparing to break through the front near Shirokino
The Ukrainian military delivered ten mine-clearing installations "Gorynych" to the frontline Shirokino on the Azov coast. This was reported in his Telegram channel by Russian military correspondent Semyon Pegov, citing sources in Mariupol, the correspondent of "Donbass Today" reports.

"A column of ten mine-clearing installations accompanied by four Humvees was spotted between Mariupol and Shirokino. Such installations are used to clear minefields and prepare corridors for the passage of armored vehicles through them. This is done with an obvious goal — a breakthrough of the front. In a word, the Ukrainian army is either plotting something in the south, or trying to divert attention from the main direction of the attack," the journalist writes.

At the same time, according to Pegov, eyewitnesses noticed foreign military personnel in the Humvees accompanying the Gorynichi.
It also became known about the arrival of detachments of Polish commando in Donbass. In addition, the transfer of two new units of the fashist "Right Sector" to the conflict zone was noted.
Actually they can blast their existing and active nuclear plants - fourteen more Chernobyls would be pretty nice option for Europe.
Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons at the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. But the nation may still have the capability to use “dirty bombs.” After the Chernobyl disaster, large volumes of radioactive waste were generated and placed in temporary near-surface waste storage and disposal facilities.

Conceivably, the wastes could be dug up and packaged into the warheads of missiles and long-range artillery shells, which would then be fired into Russian territory and create long-term dead zones in that nation.

Before the current escalation and arms aid to Ukraine, the country, at last count, had 90 tactical ballistic missiles with a range of 120 km and a payload of half a ton and another 50 missiles in storage with a range of 70 km and a payload of half a ton.
Sounds good, dig em up and fire em at Russia if it invades.. Someone has to do something, and China is watching.
Moscow burning would be good to show China.
Ukraine's gonna get turned into ash anyway, might as well go down fighting, taking as many Russians as possible with them.
Ukraine's gonna get turned into ash anyway, might as well go down fighting.
I translated your message on the ukrainian forum, I hope they will be happy there to find out what kind of future their "allies" have in store for them
I translated your message on the ukrainian forum, I hope they will be happy there to find out what kind of future their "allies" have in store for them
Hard to come to any other conclusion after watching my tv news and seeing Russia's military might that's ready to invade Ukraine.
Ukraine's military is hopelessly outgunned by Russia.
Complete annihilation is a real possibility.
Russia has bombers, Ukraine has none now.
Ukraine is like Australia, no nukes, no missiles, pop gun military, probably signed nuke non-proliferation treaties too...and is now a sitting duck for Russia to smash, leaving only feathers.
No nukes, no missiles, and no hope.
Very sad really, like lambs to the slaughter.
Very sad really, like lambs to the slaughter.
Just like poor little Japan in august 1945. With the difference that Russia does not need Ukraine at all. A country ravaged by corruption, with a half-crazy population. Do not hope, Russia will not attack, despite the fact that it is SO desired in the West. So, prepare provocations.
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Actually they can blast their existing and active nuclear plants - fourteen more Chernobyls would be pretty nice option for Europe.
That would bring the wrath of the entire World down on the region because doing that would cause so much destruction to the planet that it will take tens of thousands of years to recover!
The south of Donetsk region is under heavy fire. 120 mm mortars are working in the direction of Vodiane and Leninsky. They are hitting fortifications and strong points. Ukrops along the entire line from Kominternovo to Shirokino remove mines.
That would bring the wrath of the entire World down on the region because doing that would cause so much destruction to the planet that it will take tens of thousands of years to recover!
The Ukrainian logic might be quite simple - if you (Ukrainian allies) want to prevent it - you should pay.
Hard to come to any other conclusion after watching my tv news and seeing Russia's military might that's ready to invade Ukraine.
Ukraine's military is hopelessly outgunned by Russia.
Complete annihilation is a real possibility.
Russia has bombers, Ukraine has none now.
Ukraine is like Australia, no nukes, no missiles, pop gun military, probably signed nuke non-proliferation treaties too...and is now a sitting duck for Russia to smash, leaving only feathers.
No nukes, no missiles, and no hope.
Very sad really, like lambs to the slaughter.
Oh, actually, lamb isn't Ukrainian totem.
You see, Ukraine is more close (culturally, politically, economically) to Russia, than Australia to the USA. How many Australians (both military and civilians) would fight against American forces, liberating them from, say, pro-Chines Junta? I think really not too many.

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