Ukraine - Moscow crisis: Hitler 0:2 'questioned Ukraine's right to exist'


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Ukraine - Moscow crisis: Putin 'questioned Ukraine's right to exist'

What right does Putin have to exist ? Stay strong Ukraine !!! Hitler 0:2 ans his evil empire without chances

1. Unless mass genocide happens the possibility of Putin heading to The Hague is not happening.

War happens and even though Putin actions make him a worthless piece of shit his stupidity does not call for The Hague and if so many American Presidents should have been brought there along with China Government…

2. The Ukraine has a right to exist but without a treaty with NATO or not being a member of the E.U. there is little that can be done about Putin wish to remove what he considers a hostile Government in the Ukraine for a more Pro-Moscow Government.

The U.N. need to be united and send forces in but as usual they will not do a damn thing like the cowards they are.

3. If anyone believe I condone Putin actions because I condemn Biden words, well you are wrong because Putin is a egotistical maniac that want the former Soviet Union back but we ( the U.S. ) have limited options and we can not do again what we did in Afghanistan and Iraq and unfortunately the Ukraine will have a change of Government…
The Ukraine has a right to exist but without
nobody cares what ivans like you think or like , Muscovite stocks crashed, with the country's main index dropping 45%. Your aluminum stocks on the markets in Japan collapsed, worth nothing.))) LOL :thup:

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nobody cares what ivans like you think or like , Muscovite stocks crashed, with the country's main index dropping 45%. Your aluminum stocks on the markets in Japan collapsed, worth nothing.))) LOL :thup:

View attachment 606005

I live in the U.S. and have defended you many times but if you are going to claim I support Putin actions, well you are another ignorant asshole that need to learn a lesson!

First off you and I mean you alone need to grow a fucking pair and teach your people in the fucking Ukraine it isn’t the World fight to secure your border from a worthless fuck like Putin!

You need to own your failure in all this and accept you are as much of the problem because of the lack of balls and courage to stand fight!

Next, if the E.U. and the U.N. lack the courage to do something then blame them because they are your neighbors that could rise in your defense and yet they sit on the sidelines watching as your country get invaded while just wagging their finger at Putin, so ask yourself where is the E.U. or the U.N. ?

Finally, Putin doesn’t give a flying fuck about stocks when his damn goal is to be the Czar of the former Soviet Union but mark these words it will be China and Iran that will stop Putin when he turn his eyes to the east because they will then realize that fucking snake is also their enemy…
Ukraine - Moscow crisis: Putin 'questioned Ukraine's right to exist'

What right does Putin have to exist ? Stay strong Ukraine !!! Hitler 0:2 ans his evil empire without chances

View attachment 604917

This is similar to 2003 and the invasion of Iraq.

Complete and utter bullshit nonsense used to justify it, and the rest of the world sits back and watches with popcorn.

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