Ukraine: Cuban Missile Crisis Redux?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
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Having lost all credibility with the American People, the Biden/Harris administration is pulling out the old playbook from the Cold War: Create a fake confrontation with Russia so that they can claim a diplomatic victory while giving Russia exactly what it wants: A promise to keep Ukraine out of NATO.

This is analogous to what occurred in 1962: The Soviet Union wanted the U.S. to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey, so it started placing its own missiles in Cuba. After much sabre rattling by the Kennedy administration, the U.S. agreed to a SECRET protocol to remove its missiles from Turkey if the Soviet Union would PUBLICLY remove its missiles from Cuba.
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The Soviets aren't putting nukes on our border.

So no.

No comparison.
OK, let me make it simple for the intellectually challenged: Russia doesn't want the Ukraine to be a member of NATO, so it is massing troops on that border. Biden needs a foreign policy "win" to counter his domestic policy disasters, so he is talking tough about a potential "war" with Russia. In private, Biden will promise to keep Ukraine out of NATO (and reduce weapons shipments) if Russia calls back its troops. As a result, Biden claims victory but allows Russia to continue its slow annexation of the Ukraine.

Feel free to keep this for future reference.
Another parallel with '62?

ANALYSIS - Redux of 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis in Ukraine

"The crises are being watched closely thousands of miles away in South Asia, where Indian and Chinese forces have been facing each other on the disputed border since 2020.

"It needs to be recalled that taking advantage of the occupation of superpowers in the Cuban Missile issue,

"China launched military action against India on Oct. 20, 1962, after the failure of a series of diplomatic talks.

"The 3,225-km (2,004-mile) Himalayan border became a war theater till Nov. 20, 1962, with India losing about 43,000 square km (16,600 square mi)."
Having lost all credibility with the American People, the Biden/Harris administration is pulling out the old playbook from the Cold War: Create a fake confrontation with Russia so that they can claim a diplomatic victory while giving Russia exactly what it wants: A promise to keep Ukraine out of NATO.

This is analogous to what occurred in 1962: The Soviet Union wanted the U.S. to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey, so it started placing its own missiles in Cuba. After much sabre rattling by the Kennedy administration, the U.S. agreed to a SECRET protocol to remove its missiles from Turkey if the Soviet Union would PUBLICLY remove its missiles from Cuba.
Bullshit. How many troops has put amassed on the border? He's got to feed all those soldiers.
Having lost all credibility with the American People, the Biden/Harris administration is pulling out the old playbook from the Cold War: Create a fake confrontation with Russia so that they can claim a diplomatic victory while giving Russia exactly what it wants: A promise to keep Ukraine out of NATO.

This is analogous to what occurred in 1962: The Soviet Union wanted the U.S. to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey, so it started placing its own missiles in Cuba. After much sabre rattling by the Kennedy administration, the U.S. agreed to a SECRET protocol to remove its missiles from Turkey if the Soviet Union would PUBLICLY remove its missiles from Cuba.
You mean you intensely hate democrats.
Lost credibility my arse. Grow up monkey
Trying to blame Biden for Putin's ambitions in Ukraine is absurd.
I don't blame Biden for Putin's ambitions. I blame his supporters for betting on an Alzheimers patient to become a Jeopardy champion.
I don't blame Biden for Putin's ambitions. I blame his supporters for betting on an Alzheimers patient to become a Jeopardy champion.
Biden is old and fragile not demented.
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