Ugandan Maverick, Winnie Byanyima, Schools Billionaires in Davos on Exploitation and Unemployment


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
In Davos, Ken Goldman, a former Yahoo Chief Financial Officer stood up for the rich and argued that a panel discussing the role of taxes in economic development was one-sided. He said, "The U.S. basically has the lowest unemployment rate ever, the lowest Black unemployment rate ever, the lowest youth unemployment rate ever. We've actually reduced poverty around the world, no one's talking about that at all." To him, the panel was missing the point. Davos was meant to celebrate billionaires and the rich rather than attack them. It therefore makes sense that this gentleman patronizingly instructed the panel, "So I'd like for the panel to talk about, beyond taxes, which every one of you have talked about - the only thing that you've talked about in this whole panel on inequality - what can we really do to help solve inequality over time beyond taxes?" He wanted a discussion that would make the rich look and feel good; a discussion beyond taxes!

Winnie Byanyima, the Ugandan maverick heading Oxfam, was happy to go beyond taxes with the upper class' emissary. She explained to the out-of-touch millionaire: It is not just a matter of jobs but the quality of those jobs. And the lesson on how the world is not designed to simply cater to the needs of the rich began! Byanyima had good examples, particularly in the very same America that the millionaire had poured lavish praise. She said, "[Oxfam] also works with poultry workers in the richest country in the world, the United States... Dolores, one woman we work with there, told us that she and her co-workers have to wear diapers to work because they're not allowed toilet breaks. This is in the richest country in the world. That's not a dignified job."

There you have it.

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