U.S.-Funded Groups to Influence the Israeli Elections Nonprofits targeting populations such as Arabs


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama's Community organizers will be getting out the Arab vote and leftist vote against Netanyahu

The targeted groups listed in the memo—young secular Israelis, low-income secular Jews, and Arab Israelis—are communities that traditionally oppose right-leaning parties such as Likud.

The Arab Israeli community in particular is expected to play a larger role than usual in Israel’s March elections. The four major parties that represent Arab Israelis merged in January, a move that could make it easier for the left-leaning Labor Party to form a government.

American involvement in the Israeli elections came under scrutiny last week, after it was reported that the U.S. group OneVoice and Obama’s 2012 reelection team were assisting the V15 campaign to oust Netanyahu. OneVoice said its involvement is nonpartisan and that it is solely trying to increase voter participation.

However, the fundraising proposal by Ameinu indicates that the effort extends far beyond V15 and OneVoice.

The Ameinu memo noted that it is in contact with experts from Obama’s reelection team, which was involved in “similar” operations.

“We are already in touch with a highly talented combination of knowledgeable Israeli professionals and American experts with experience in similar recent operations, including the Obama presidential campaign,” said the proposal.

The campaign would include bi-weekly polling, messaging, an advertising effort, grassroots outreach, and an operation to bring targeted voters to the polls on Election Day.

Memo Reveals Plan of U.S.-Funded Groups to Influence the Israeli Elections Washington Free Beacon

Link to source document..
A Kuni Lemel and a bible thumping shiksa commiserating , this will be great. Yea the President is going to send community organizers
The same headlines on almost every news link - if you google - it's official:

Netanyahu s popularity soars as he defies Obama - Houston Politics Examiner.com

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is in the United States to campaign against a Munich-style agreement with Iran over that country’s nuclear bomb program. His visit is causing a great deal of heartburn for the Obama administration and its Democratic allies in Congress. Gallup has released a poll Monday that will deepen that political version of acid reflux. Netanyahu’s favorable rating among Americans has soared to 45 percent while his unfavorable rating has remained at 24 percent. President Obama’s unfavorable rating is more than double that of Netanyahu. The president’s attempt to marginalize the Israeli prime minister has failed utterly.

In Israel Bibi's popularity is surely skyrocketing beyond his wildest imagination. His leadership ability is such a stark contrast to the " embarrassing inability to lead" American president Obama that this comes as no surprise.
A Kuni Lemel and a bible thumping shiksa commiserating , this will be great. Yea the President is going to send community organizers

They have fake Jews in Israel too. They are also known as suicide bombers...

Suicide Bombers Being Trained to ‘Dress Like Jews’
Palestinian Arabs are still being fed a steady diet of hate and now they're again being taught how to kill Jews in Israel.

The Jewish Press Suicide Bombers Being Trained to Dress Like Jews
A Kuni Lemel and a bible thumping shiksa commiserating , this will be great. Yea the President is going to send community organizers
Obama sent people to Israel to interfere in the elections while the son of a crack whore was saying he didn't want to seem partial to Netanyahu's election He is the lyingest peice of dog shit in DC.
A Kuni Lemel and a bible thumping shiksa commiserating , this will be great. Yea the President is going to send community organizers
Obama sent people to Israel to interfere in the elections while the son of a crack whore was saying he didn't want to seem partial to Netanyahu's election He is the lyingest peice of dog shit in DC.

And an old shegetz pipes up
A Kuni Lemel and a bible thumping shiksa commiserating , this will be great. Yea the President is going to send community organizers
Obama sent people to Israel to interfere in the elections while the son of a crack whore was saying he didn't want to seem partial to Netanyahu's election He is the lyingest peice of dog shit in DC.

And an old shegetz pipes up
And a supporter of low-life criminals makes noise.
A Kuni Lemel and a bible thumping shiksa commiserating , this will be great. Yea the President is going to send community organizers
Obama sent people to Israel to interfere in the elections while the son of a crack whore was saying he didn't want to seem partial to Netanyahu's election He is the lyingest peice of dog shit in DC.

And an old shegetz pipes up
And a supporter of low-life criminals makes noise.
The fake Jew browses the internet looking for Yiddish words to use to make people believe he's a Jew. At least he didn't use "Goy" this time :cuckoo:
Obama's Community organizers will be getting out the Arab vote and leftist vote against Netanyahu

The targeted groups listed in the memo—young secular Israelis, low-income secular Jews, and Arab Israelis—are communities that traditionally oppose right-leaning parties such as Likud.

The Arab Israeli community in particular is expected to play a larger role than usual in Israel’s March elections. The four major parties that represent Arab Israelis merged in January, a move that could make it easier for the left-leaning Labor Party to form a government.

American involvement in the Israeli elections came under scrutiny last week, after it was reported that the U.S. group OneVoice and Obama’s 2012 reelection team were assisting the V15 campaign to oust Netanyahu. OneVoice said its involvement is nonpartisan and that it is solely trying to increase voter participation.

However, the fundraising proposal by Ameinu indicates that the effort extends far beyond V15 and OneVoice.

The Ameinu memo noted that it is in contact with experts from Obama’s reelection team, which was involved in “similar” operations.

“We are already in touch with a highly talented combination of knowledgeable Israeli professionals and American experts with experience in similar recent operations, including the Obama presidential campaign,” said the proposal.

The campaign would include bi-weekly polling, messaging, an advertising effort, grassroots outreach, and an operation to bring targeted voters to the polls on Election Day.

Memo Reveals Plan of U.S.-Funded Groups to Influence the Israeli Elections Washington Free Beacon

Link to source document..

But we were told by Hussein Oblahblah that the reason he didn't approve of Netanyahu's speech was because it interferes with elections?

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