U.S. Falls In Economic Freedom

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
We're No. 12! Report: U.S. Not Among Top Nations for Economic Freedom

The Index rates economic freedom for countries on 10 quantitative and qualitative factors that are based on four pillars of freedom: rule of law, limited government, regulatory efficiency and open markets.

“Although the precipitous downward spiral in U.S. economic freedom since 2008 has come to a halt in the 2015 Index, a 1.6-point decline in overall economic freedom over the past five years reflects broad-based deteriorations in key policy areas, particularly those related to upholding the rule of law and limited government,” states the report.

When President Obama took office in 2009, the United States ranked sixth for economic freedom. Now in 2015, the United States has fallen by six to 12th place.

The business freedom score for each country is a number between 0 and 100, with 100 equaling the freest business environment,” explains the report. The United States received an 88.8 in this category.

For most Americans, they don’t think America is out of this crisis. They think that this is still a recession, because incomes have not grown, and I make the case it’s because we’ve done so much wrong.

We re No. 12 Report U.S. Not Among Top Nations for Economic Freedom CNS News

Getting the picture yet? Still believe the obvious propaganda coming out of Washington politics?

Still believe the obvious propaganda coming out of Washington politics?

dear, Democrats are by nature stupid and so speak propoganda naturally while Republicans since Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Jefferson, and Friedman are for freedom from big liberal government.

Do you understand?
To me this seems like a pointless ranking, no more useful than lists like "happiest cities" you see making the rounds.

They are attempting to exactly quantify nebulous factors like "business freedom" with exact scores like 86.7, that is absurd.

Furthermore the researchers are all affiliated with a conservative group that has a mission statement of promoting conservative policy. That is all well and good there is plenty of content from Heritage I agree with, but a group of people with obviously strong ideological bias in an echo chamber attempting to rank or assign values to anything is a joke. You might as well have gibbering hyperpartisan monkeys like EdBaiamonte publishing this stuff, we all know how successful his foray into publishing went, he took failure to a new low.

When President Obama took office in 2009, the United States ranked sixth for economic freedom. Now in 2015, the United States has fallen by six to 12th place.

hardly surprising since Obama is a socialist and so opposed to economic freedom. Did anyone imagine that he wanted to give the health care industry, for example, more freedom ?
It seems to me that the biggest impediment to economic freedom (by government) is taking my money so I can't spend it on goods and services and assets that I want. How can rate of taxation not be on the list?

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