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Senior Member
Jan 10, 2013
The Endeavor of Opposition to Tyranny

Several founders of the nation of America believed that the opposition to tyranny was a noble endeavor, or that the tree of liberty from time to time needed to be nourished by the blood of both tyrants and patriots. That opposing tyranny was a struggle which often required sacrifice by those who waged that battle. Tyranny takes many forms, from exploitation to outright oppression; that tyranny is when the masses suffer injustice perpetrated by those in a position of power or authority. Sometimes those who are given power use it rightly to better both the lives of men and women and can be trusted with such power; other men who attain power believe that power is strength which gives them the inherent right to control or dehumanize those they see as weak. Though in the West we seem to have a complete freedom from outright tyranny; many around the world still suffer many forms of tyranny both subtle and obvious. Many of this Earth suffer injustice at the hands of those in power, which is why power must always be restrained; that the masses must be protected from those who abuse their authority and sell out the majority for either power or profit. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely which is why power was always be prevented from being placed in the hands of those that would abuse such power. Those who suffer under tyranny often pay for that same tyranny themselves through their hard work and taxes; that the men and women of this world who suffer this injustice often pay for this repression themselves. Any country must fear despotism and the abuse of power by those who have neither morality or ethics; those who see power as the right to betray the masses who in truth it is their responsibility to serve. That men and women must always stand vigilant against injustice.

What is the true nature of patriotism? Is it devotion to authority or is it devotion to citizen?

Yet when men and women work together to oppose tyranny they must not act as the tyrant does; that those who wage the noble fight against injustice must never perpetrate that injustice themselves. That tyranny can be opposed, but when opposed must be done so with restraint. It requires the consolidation of the men and women who suffer such repression as well as a commitment to benevolent ideals which are informed by making the lives of men and women better as opposed to making them worse. Such a noble endeavor requires both vigilance and idealism; and always restraint. That ordinary men and women can make the world in which they live better by working together but must be prepared to endure hardship with perseverance. Hopefully such battles can be one without violence; but to preserve a nations freedom from time to time the common man and woman must be prepared to fight, both literally and metaphorically.

Lastly, the opposition to tyranny is a struggle that anyone can take part in though those who wage such a fight must always be cautious that they do not become tyrants themselves.
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