Two Seattle Police Officers sue race baiting 'communist minded' council member


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Opening up a can of worms Kshama Sawant called two Seattle officers “racist murderers” after they were left with no choice but to shoot a formerly convicted raping house invader who was also suspect in a murder. From all appearances in the report this latest confirmed Bernie supporter is a 'communist minded' political hack working with others to form a new communist political party.

City Councilmember Calls Two Officers 'Racist Murders,' So They Sue ....................

In the other article one can see a little more on this rising political star that is ready to fall.

............Last month Kshama Sawant said, “I’m not saying no to any non-violent action,” which suggests that she wants violent action, but isn’t ruling out non-violent protest if she feels like not attacking people that day.

She said that on May Day, “If we truly want to build a summer of resistance against Trump and the billionaire class, we will need disruptive actions like shutting down airports, like shutting down highways,” according to King 5..............
Seattle City Council Unanimously Approves Employees A Day Off To Participate In May Day Riot kshama-sawant/

There should be little doubt in the minds of those who are paying attention to see the 'writing on the wall' as more information comes out on who is doing what with the old fascist crap between nazism and communism. Legislators have given themselves over to both sides of the fascist coin forcing things like what kind of food we will eat to making sure we cannot purchase the type of soap and light bulbs or insurance we want and all sorts of other legislation regulating what type of commerce and taxes the people will be saddled with. I won't go into all of the social ills plaguing the country concerning forced immigration, forced health care, forced social policies, etc. etc.......

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