two major antifa groups spout north korean propaganda

Call Sign Chaos

Silver Member
Jan 15, 2017
Two leading anti-Trump resistance groups, Refuse Fascism and the Workers World Party, are siding with the gulag-filled Stalinist hermit state of North Korea that has threatened to incinerate the American homeland with nuclear weapons, evidence suggests.

Both of these extreme-left organizations have organized demonstrations against the Trump administration that have turned violent, including those around Inauguration Day. Both groups are also part of the violent “Antifa” coalition of leftist groups that portray themselves as anti-fascist but embrace fascistic tactics like beating up political adversaries to intimidate them into silence.

Both groups are also spouting pro-North Korean propaganda talking points, and in at least one case, copying and pasting official North Korean statements into communiques.

Last month, masked Antifa thugs in Berkeley, California, called for the destruction of the United States. "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!" the large gathering of black bloc-attired protesters chanted at a conservative “No to Marxism” rally. The same weekend Antifa worked with San Francisco officials to prevent the innocuous conservative group Patriot Prayer from holding a small rally at a federal park. As this writer previously observed, thanks to Antifa, the Left now has the power to dictate what is and is not acceptable speech in California and many parts of the country.

Two Major Antifa Groups Spout North Korean Propaganda

Antifa is a violent Marxist/Stalinist terrorist organization it's membership and their collaborators need to be rounded up and hung in the public square.

Two leading anti-Trump resistance groups, Refuse Fascism and the Workers World Party, are siding with the gulag-filled Stalinist hermit state of North Korea that has threatened to incinerate the American homeland with nuclear weapons, evidence suggests.

Both of these extreme-left organizations have organized demonstrations against the Trump administration that have turned violent, including those around Inauguration Day. Both groups are also part of the violent “Antifa” coalition of leftist groups that portray themselves as anti-fascist but embrace fascistic tactics like beating up political adversaries to intimidate them into silence.

Both groups are also spouting pro-North Korean propaganda talking points, and in at least one case, copying and pasting official North Korean statements into communiques.

Last month, masked Antifa thugs in Berkeley, California, called for the destruction of the United States. "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!" the large gathering of black bloc-attired protesters chanted at a conservative “No to Marxism” rally. The same weekend Antifa worked with San Francisco officials to prevent the innocuous conservative group Patriot Prayer from holding a small rally at a federal park. As this writer previously observed, thanks to Antifa, the Left now has the power to dictate what is and is not acceptable speech in California and many parts of the country.

Two Major Antifa Groups Spout North Korean Propaganda

Antifa is a violent Marxist/Stalinist terrorist organization it's membership and their collaborators need to be rounded up and hung in the public square.


Your thread title is all in capital letters, you should change it to non capital letters or your thread risks getting locked.
Two leading anti-Trump resistance groups, Refuse Fascism and the Workers World Party, are siding with the gulag-filled Stalinist hermit state of North Korea that has threatened to incinerate the American homeland with nuclear weapons, evidence suggests.

Both of these extreme-left organizations have organized demonstrations against the Trump administration that have turned violent, including those around Inauguration Day. Both groups are also part of the violent “Antifa” coalition of leftist groups that portray themselves as anti-fascist but embrace fascistic tactics like beating up political adversaries to intimidate them into silence.

Both groups are also spouting pro-North Korean propaganda talking points, and in at least one case, copying and pasting official North Korean statements into communiques.

Last month, masked Antifa thugs in Berkeley, California, called for the destruction of the United States. "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!" the large gathering of black bloc-attired protesters chanted at a conservative “No to Marxism” rally. The same weekend Antifa worked with San Francisco officials to prevent the innocuous conservative group Patriot Prayer from holding a small rally at a federal park. As this writer previously observed, thanks to Antifa, the Left now has the power to dictate what is and is not acceptable speech in California and many parts of the country.

Two Major Antifa Groups Spout North Korean Propaganda

Antifa is a violent Marxist/Stalinist terrorist organization it's membership and their collaborators need to be rounded up and hung in the public square.

What makes them Stalinist?
What makes them Stalinist?

From "The Gulag Archipelago":

In Russian a kulak is a miserly, dishonest rural trader who grows rich not by his own labor but through someone else's...

after 1917, by a transfer of meaning, the name kulak began to be applied (in official and propaganda literature, whence it moved into general usage) to all those who in any way hired workers...

But the inflation of this scathing term kulak proceeded relentlessly, and by 1930 all strong peasants in general were being so called — all peasants strong in management, strong in work, or even strong merely in convictions. The term kulak was used to smash the strength of the peasantry.

Beyond this, in every village there were people who in one way or another had personally gotten in the way of the local activists. This was the perfect time to settle accounts with them of jealousy, envy, insult. A new word was needed for all these new victims as a class — and it was born. By this time it had no "social" or "economic" content whatsoever, but it had a marvelous sound: podkulachnik — "a person aiding the kulaks. " In other words, I consider you an accomplice of the enemy. And that finishes you! The most tattered landless laborer in the countryside could quite easily be labeled a podkulachnik.
What makes them Stalinist?

From "The Gulag Archipelago":

In Russian a kulak is a miserly, dishonest rural trader who grows rich not by his own labor but through someone else's...

after 1917, by a transfer of meaning, the name kulak began to be applied (in official and propaganda literature, whence it moved into general usage) to all those who in any way hired workers...

But the inflation of this scathing term kulak proceeded relentlessly, and by 1930 all strong peasants in general were being so called — all peasants strong in management, strong in work, or even strong merely in convictions. The term kulak was used to smash the strength of the peasantry.

Beyond this, in every village there were people who in one way or another had personally gotten in the way of the local activists. This was the perfect time to settle accounts with them of jealousy, envy, insult. A new word was needed for all these new victims as a class — and it was born. By this time it had no "social" or "economic" content whatsoever, but it had a marvelous sound: podkulachnik — "a person aiding the kulaks. " In other words, I consider you an accomplice of the enemy. And that finishes you! The most tattered landless laborer in the countryside could quite easily be labeled a podkulachnik.
No less than what the aristocrats and the Tsars did..Oppression from the right equaled oppression from the left..
Two leading anti-Trump resistance groups, Refuse Fascism and the Workers World Party, are siding with the gulag-filled Stalinist hermit state of North Korea that has threatened to incinerate the American homeland with nuclear weapons, evidence suggests.

Both of these extreme-left organizations have organized demonstrations against the Trump administration that have turned violent, including those around Inauguration Day. Both groups are also part of the violent “Antifa” coalition of leftist groups that portray themselves as anti-fascist but embrace fascistic tactics like beating up political adversaries to intimidate them into silence.

Both groups are also spouting pro-North Korean propaganda talking points, and in at least one case, copying and pasting official North Korean statements into communiques.

Last month, masked Antifa thugs in Berkeley, California, called for the destruction of the United States. "No Trump, no wall, no USA at all!" the large gathering of black bloc-attired protesters chanted at a conservative “No to Marxism” rally. The same weekend Antifa worked with San Francisco officials to prevent the innocuous conservative group Patriot Prayer from holding a small rally at a federal park. As this writer previously observed, thanks to Antifa, the Left now has the power to dictate what is and is not acceptable speech in California and many parts of the country.

Two Major Antifa Groups Spout North Korean Propaganda

Antifa is a violent Marxist/Stalinist terrorist organization it's membership and their collaborators need to be rounded up and hung in the public square.

What makes them Stalinist?

Regurgitating North Korean propaganda verbatim you dumb fuck.

Iran says the same thing yet they are not Marxist/Stalinist...
Antifa now is reb

Reborning themselves as nazi hunters following their enemies (as judges by them) into their homes and breaking bones.

Antifa militants ready to break bones, invade homes - Hot Air

This is actually good news. Once in a private home, all bets as to self defense are off. Antifa should be baited and guided into invading a target home so they can be dealt with handily and easily.
Antifa now is reb

Reborning themselves as nazi hunters following their enemies (as judges by them) into their homes and breaking bones.

Antifa militants ready to break bones, invade homes - Hot Air

This is actually good news. Once in a private home, all bets as to self defense are off. Antifa should be baited and guided into invading a target home so they can be dealt with handily and easily.
Maybe it can work like aversion therapy and we'll have them carrying Polynesian tiki torches chanting "Jew will not replace us" in no time.
Antifa now is reb

Reborning themselves as nazi hunters following their enemies (as judges by them) into their homes and breaking bones.

Antifa militants ready to break bones, invade homes - Hot Air

This is actually good news. Once in a private home, all bets as to self defense are off. Antifa should be baited and guided into invading a target home so they can be dealt with handily and easily.
Maybe it can work like aversion therapy and we'll have them carrying Polynesian tiki torches chanting "Jew will not replace us" in no time.
Them guys are perfectly harmless you know, what being ,,oh I guess capitalist(fascist)..
Antifa now is reb

Reborning themselves as nazi hunters following their enemies (as judges by them) into their homes and breaking bones.

Antifa militants ready to break bones, invade homes - Hot Air

This is actually good news. Once in a private home, all bets as to self defense are off. Antifa should be baited and guided into invading a target home so they can be dealt with handily and easily.
Maybe it can work like aversion therapy and we'll have them carrying Polynesian tiki torches chanting "Jew will not replace us" in no time.
Them guys are perfectly harmless you know, what being ,,oh I guess capitalist(fascist)..
They had a little run in the 30s-40s, but yeah, just a fraternal club now, and anyone can make a mistake on where the roadway ends and the sidewalk begins.
What makes them Stalinist?

From "The Gulag Archipelago":

In Russian a kulak is a miserly, dishonest rural trader who grows rich not by his own labor but through someone else's...

after 1917, by a transfer of meaning, the name kulak began to be applied (in official and propaganda literature, whence it moved into general usage) to all those who in any way hired workers...

But the inflation of this scathing term kulak proceeded relentlessly, and by 1930 all strong peasants in general were being so called — all peasants strong in management, strong in work, or even strong merely in convictions. The term kulak was used to smash the strength of the peasantry.

Beyond this, in every village there were people who in one way or another had personally gotten in the way of the local activists. This was the perfect time to settle accounts with them of jealousy, envy, insult. A new word was needed for all these new victims as a class — and it was born. By this time it had no "social" or "economic" content whatsoever, but it had a marvelous sound: podkulachnik — "a person aiding the kulaks. " In other words, I consider you an accomplice of the enemy. And that finishes you! The most tattered landless laborer in the countryside could quite easily be labeled a podkulachnik.
No less than what the aristocrats and the Tsars did..Oppression from the right equaled oppression from the left..

The aristocrats and czars exterminated an entire class of people? Fucking kill yourself commie scum.
What makes them Stalinist?

From "The Gulag Archipelago":

In Russian a kulak is a miserly, dishonest rural trader who grows rich not by his own labor but through someone else's...

after 1917, by a transfer of meaning, the name kulak began to be applied (in official and propaganda literature, whence it moved into general usage) to all those who in any way hired workers...

But the inflation of this scathing term kulak proceeded relentlessly, and by 1930 all strong peasants in general were being so called — all peasants strong in management, strong in work, or even strong merely in convictions. The term kulak was used to smash the strength of the peasantry.

Beyond this, in every village there were people who in one way or another had personally gotten in the way of the local activists. This was the perfect time to settle accounts with them of jealousy, envy, insult. A new word was needed for all these new victims as a class — and it was born. By this time it had no "social" or "economic" content whatsoever, but it had a marvelous sound: podkulachnik — "a person aiding the kulaks. " In other words, I consider you an accomplice of the enemy. And that finishes you! The most tattered landless laborer in the countryside could quite easily be labeled a podkulachnik.
No less than what the aristocrats and the Tsars did..Oppression from the right equaled oppression from the left..

The aristocrats and czars exterminated an entire class of people? Fucking kill yourself commie scum.
No they preferred to enslave them..and kill them...
Antifa now is reb

Reborning themselves as nazi hunters following their enemies (as judges by them) into their homes and breaking bones.

Antifa militants ready to break bones, invade homes - Hot Air

This is actually good news. Once in a private home, all bets as to self defense are off. Antifa should be baited and guided into invading a target home so they can be dealt with handily and easily.
Maybe it can work like aversion therapy and we'll have them carrying Polynesian tiki torches chanting "Jew will not replace us" in no time.
Them guys are perfectly harmless you know, what being ,,oh I guess capitalist(fascist)..
They had a little run in the 30s-40s, but yeah, just a fraternal club now, and anyone can make a mistake on where the roadway ends and the sidewalk begins.

Antifa collaborators and sympathizers will not be spared they will join their comrades in the gas chamber.
What makes them Stalinist?

From "The Gulag Archipelago":

In Russian a kulak is a miserly, dishonest rural trader who grows rich not by his own labor but through someone else's...

after 1917, by a transfer of meaning, the name kulak began to be applied (in official and propaganda literature, whence it moved into general usage) to all those who in any way hired workers...

But the inflation of this scathing term kulak proceeded relentlessly, and by 1930 all strong peasants in general were being so called — all peasants strong in management, strong in work, or even strong merely in convictions. The term kulak was used to smash the strength of the peasantry.

Beyond this, in every village there were people who in one way or another had personally gotten in the way of the local activists. This was the perfect time to settle accounts with them of jealousy, envy, insult. A new word was needed for all these new victims as a class — and it was born. By this time it had no "social" or "economic" content whatsoever, but it had a marvelous sound: podkulachnik — "a person aiding the kulaks. " In other words, I consider you an accomplice of the enemy. And that finishes you! The most tattered landless laborer in the countryside could quite easily be labeled a podkulachnik.
No less than what the aristocrats and the Tsars did..Oppression from the right equaled oppression from the left..

The aristocrats and czars exterminated an entire class of people? Fucking kill yourself commie scum.
No they preferred to enslave them..and kill them...

They killed tens of millions? You are a lying commie faggot get the fuck in the gas chamber.
Antifa now is reb

Reborning themselves as nazi hunters following their enemies (as judges by them) into their homes and breaking bones.

Antifa militants ready to break bones, invade homes - Hot Air

This is actually good news. Once in a private home, all bets as to self defense are off. Antifa should be baited and guided into invading a target home so they can be dealt with handily and easily.
Maybe it can work like aversion therapy and we'll have them carrying Polynesian tiki torches chanting "Jew will not replace us" in no time.
Them guys are perfectly harmless you know, what being ,,oh I guess capitalist(fascist)..
They had a little run in the 30s-40s, but yeah, just a fraternal club now, and anyone can make a mistake on where the roadway ends and the sidewalk begins.

Antifa collaborators and sympathizers will not be spared they will join their comrades in the gas chamber.
You are so dark, where do you buy that at?
What makes them Stalinist?

From "The Gulag Archipelago":

In Russian a kulak is a miserly, dishonest rural trader who grows rich not by his own labor but through someone else's...

after 1917, by a transfer of meaning, the name kulak began to be applied (in official and propaganda literature, whence it moved into general usage) to all those who in any way hired workers...

But the inflation of this scathing term kulak proceeded relentlessly, and by 1930 all strong peasants in general were being so called — all peasants strong in management, strong in work, or even strong merely in convictions. The term kulak was used to smash the strength of the peasantry.

Beyond this, in every village there were people who in one way or another had personally gotten in the way of the local activists. This was the perfect time to settle accounts with them of jealousy, envy, insult. A new word was needed for all these new victims as a class — and it was born. By this time it had no "social" or "economic" content whatsoever, but it had a marvelous sound: podkulachnik — "a person aiding the kulaks. " In other words, I consider you an accomplice of the enemy. And that finishes you! The most tattered landless laborer in the countryside could quite easily be labeled a podkulachnik.
No less than what the aristocrats and the Tsars did..Oppression from the right equaled oppression from the left..

The aristocrats and czars exterminated an entire class of people? Fucking kill yourself commie scum.
No they preferred to enslave them..and kill them...

They killed tens of millions? You are a lying commie faggot get the fuck in the gas chamber.
Yeah they were more efficient than a slow death by having to toil for free and no freedom of social movement..
antifa and black lives matter are marxist of course they support North Korea....

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