Twitter continues to experience daily record increase in usage

Maybe Elon can buy this shithole and give it back free speech also. About $12.50 should do it.
This place isn't as bad as some of the places I've been on. There are some boards out there that will ban you just for spelling out the word Republican. Here they just put your posts in badlands.
It will never be a wise business decision to sponsor hate in America. If you want there to be a white supremacist megaphone in this country it's going to have to be run at a loss.
So when it continues to make record money and gain record membership what will that indicate to you about your definition of white supremacy?
I see massive signs everywhere that the rank and file are completely over the practice of allowing the proggy pukes to get away with their whiny baby antics! It's a good time!

The actors who have made Hallmark channel their money through their "get woke" years, with their stupid tone-deaf Christmas movies, are leaving the sinking ship, and it's good to see.

People everywhere are just saying NO MORE!

Is being against affirmative action hate?

Is being a practicing Evangelical Christan hate?

You idiots consider anyone to the right of Mitt Romney a White supremacist, the term has lost all meaning.
Musk will have to choose between giving the haters a soapbox and his bottom line. If he wants to make back any of the massive loss he has already taken on this silly venture he will have to end up with a very similar moderation policy to what he was bitching about. More likely he will put it up for sale to cut his losses.
Those advertisers will come back in dribs and drabs over the next few months as they see usage continue to rise. If I was a shareholder I'd be standing on them with both feet....Their job is to make me money, not be woke as that's been proven time and again to be a loser.

Hell, I don't "tweet" but I might join and pay my $8.00 just to piss-off the leftists. They are not going anywhere 'cause they can't help themselves.....They gotta have their hourly "T-Fix".
Screw tweeting I'm buying in!
Musk will have to choose between giving the haters a soapbox and his bottom line. If he wants to make back any of the massive loss he has already taken on this silly venture he will have to end up with a very similar moderation policy to what he was bitching about. More likely he will put it up for sale to cut his losses.

It's entertaining how you proggies worry about how much of his money the richest man in the world is going to lose.


Musk will have to choose between giving the haters a soapbox and his bottom line. If he wants to make back any of the massive loss he has already taken on this silly venture he will have to end up with a very similar moderation policy to what he was bitching about. More likely he will put it up for sale to cut his losses.

You didn't respond to my questions.
Who can explain this? While left wing bird cage liners and progressive blogs keep screaming that Twitter is losing it's most active users reality slaps them back with the facts. Twitter is gaining record membership day and day out... As people continue to flock to free speech the way they always have.

I have a couple thousand more followers myself since Elon took over and while there are a very a few obvious bots/fake accounts and a couple dozen porn peddlers, the vast majority are real people and mostly Americans. (I block the bots, porn and drug peddlers.)
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I have a couple thousand more followers myself since Elon took over and while there are a very a few obvious bots/fake accounts and a couple dozen porn peddlers, the vast majority are real people and mostly Americans.
I'm wondering what he's got up his sleeve to integrate Twitter into other services. Why do I just know that somehow every Tesla is going to come equipped with a built-in Twitter app;?? Or that somehow he's going to integrate Twitter into his satellite internet service??.... I mean you can almost smell the money from here!
It will never be a wise business decision to sponsor hate in America. If you want there to be a white supremacist megaphone in this country it's going to have to be run at a loss.

Oh wait! I'll ring up Elon right now and explain this to him. You want me to have him call you if he has further questions?


That's because my opinions have no bearing on how Twitter designs it's moderation structure. You seem to think letting the haters have a safe place is a smart business decision when that has never been the case anywhere.
Not everybody abides by your definition of what a hater is. In your world a hater is anyone who refuses to bow to your opinions, mores or conventions.

You've stretched the word out to include everything within the gravitational pull of the earth.
After a while it simply loses its effectiveness.
Not everybody abides by your definition of what a hater is. In your world a hater is anyone who refuses to bow to your opinions, mores or conventions.
You stretched the word out to include everything within the gravitational pull of the earth.
After a while it simply loses its effectiveness.

Dull weapons, all of them.

But it's fun to watch the proggy flying monkeys trying to slash everyone who disagrees with them, using wooden spoons.

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