Twitter Censors #WhichHillary After It Goes Viral


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Jan 31, 2016
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Twitter is shilling for Hillary it seems.

Twitter Censors #WhichHillary After It Goes Viral

A hashtag against Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton broke records on Twitter Feb. 25, even as the head of the social media company tried to censor it from users. It all began when activist Ashley Williams interrupted Clinton at a fundraising event in South Carolina. She asked Clinton to apologize to black people for her support of mass incarceration in the 1990s and for calling them “super predators." “We have to bring them to heel,” the banner Williams held at the fundraiser read. Williams was escorted out of the event without being given the apology she sought, but the hashtag written at the bottom of her banner has made history. #WhichHillary became the single most viral hashtag on Twitter, The Huffington Post reports. It accumulated over 250K mentions by 7:00pm EST Thursday. The tweets focused on Clinton’s record as it pertains to race, Wall Street, Iraq, gay marriage, health care, and her former campaign tactics. Some users even included graphs and charts with their #WhichHillary tweets.

Even former Republican presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky took part, tweeting, “Champion of Mass Incarceration - attempts to undo the damage she caused as 1st Lady. Painfully transparent #WhichHillary.” Supporters of her rival for the Democratic nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, joined in, too. “Fighting either for conservatism, progressivism, or centrism, DEPENDING ON THE DAY. Hundreds of thousands of Tweets later and something was discovered in the Twitterverse: the #WhichHillary hashtag was being censored. It began when Twitter suspended the account responsible for #WhichHillary, activists @GuerillaDems, Daily Kos reports. The social media network then removed the hashtag from trending status. Twitter’s decision to remove #WhichHillary from trending status may have something to do with the fact that Executive Chairman Omid Kordestani is holding a fundraiser on Feb. 28 for Clinton’s presidential campaign.
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