Turning Coal Into Carbon Fiber or 3D Printing Material


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

In the 30s and 40s, the Germans used coal to power their vehicles. Their secret has yet to be uncovered. But, it appears someone is trying to find better ways to use the product that is still readily available.

The intrigue: Atkins’ company, Ramaco Carbon, is working to open what would be Wyoming’s first coal mine devoted not to electricity, but to high-tech products like carbon fiber or 3D printing material. Atkins represents the leading edge of what could be a new, high-value market for coal after decades of being America’s cheapest power source.

The big picture: Coal’s share of U.S. electricity mix has plummeted from nearly 50% to 30% in just the past decade, fueled by growth in cheap, cleaner-burning natural gas and tougher environmental regulations. Trump has promised to revive coal and is directing his Energy Department to bolster economically struggling coal plants (and similarly challenged nuclear reactors).

Much more @ Forget Trump — coal seeks new life in high tech

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