Tulsi Gabbard, whose policies are more in line with folks like Bernie, to headline CPAC! (Glenn Beck to keynote)

I don't think there's any coming back to the middle for the D party. They're too far gone on their Marxist trip. Tulsi has a better chance of becoming a moderate Republican than one of those squad style Ds.

The Democrats are closer to the middle than Republicans. The Republicans are far right wing loons who advocate for violence and against everyone who is not white.
This is good news. I'm a staunch Republican and Conservative, but I like Tulsi. I agree with her on some of her policies. She's soft-spoken and attractive, and appears to be the only sane Democrat.
Too bad she never ran a game show too, right?
You are the one who is gullible. This inflation has to do with businesses manipulating the market to raise prices. CEOs admit this and their earnings prove this.
Sure. Inflation has numerous causes. But printing trillions of dollars backed by nothing couldn’t possibly be one of the major factors.

I have no problem with this. I don’t agree with Tulsi on many things but she’s got bigger balls than most republicans in Congress.

She is full blown leftwinger, she only separates herself on her anti-war stance. That’s why the media and Democrats threw her under the bus. Which just goes to prove, the real reason the Establishment hated President Trump was because he wouldn’t start new wars.

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