Tucson artist Titicaca Falafelwaffle wants to otherize whiteness


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
The long campaign by the New York Times to make "whiteness" a pejorative is yielding fruit across the besotted plain. From Takimag:

You just know that someone who calls herself Tatyana Fazlalizadeh but still insists on living in the USA is going to be a huge pain in the ass. Well, this black woman with the passive-aggressively unpronounceable and self-segregating name is one of three female artists who’ve plastered a mural on a Tucson building that shows angry-looking “black and brown” women sulking alongside the phrase MAKE WHITENESS THE OTHER. As Ms. Titicaca Falafelwaffle squirms to explain:

People look at us as though we are different, as though we are deviant. We are the ‘other,’ and whiteness is the norm. What would it be like if black and brown people weren’t looked at as this thing that is different from the norm?

Funny, that’s not the message we’re getting from this mural. What we glean is “Racial hatred is wrong, unless it’s directed against white people.”
To answer Ms Falafelwaffle's question, what would it look like if herness were the norm?

The long campaign by the New York Times to make "whiteness" a pejorative is yielding fruit across the besotted plain. From Takimag:

You just know that someone who calls herself Tatyana Fazlalizadeh but still insists on living in the USA is going to be a huge pain in the ass. Well, this black woman with the passive-aggressively unpronounceable and self-segregating name is one of three female artists who’ve plastered a mural on a Tucson building that shows angry-looking “black and brown” women sulking alongside the phrase MAKE WHITENESS THE OTHER. As Ms. Titicaca Falafelwaffle squirms to explain:

People look at us as though we are different, as though we are deviant. We are the ‘other,’ and whiteness is the norm. What would it be like if black and brown people weren’t looked at as this thing that is different from the norm?
Funny, that’s not the message we’re getting from this mural. What we glean is “Racial hatred is wrong, unless it’s directed against white people.”
To answer Ms Falafelwaffle's question, what would it look like if herness were the norm?

And the leftist morons have no idea what they want to invite into this Country with their retard protest of let them in.

These radical leftist retards, antifa included don't realize how these people come from their world nations where they've learned to kill at six years old, and or have witnessed multiple killings by the time they are ten.

These leftist dumb fkn c------------ts have got to be the biggest dumbasses society has ever had.

It doesn't matter what you show them, they are nothing but helpless victims of denial.
The long campaign by the New York Times to make "whiteness" a pejorative is yielding fruit across the besotted plain. From Takimag:

You just know that someone who calls herself Tatyana Fazlalizadeh but still insists on living in the USA is going to be a huge pain in the ass. Well, this black woman with the passive-aggressively unpronounceable and self-segregating name is one of three female artists who’ve plastered a mural on a Tucson building that shows angry-looking “black and brown” women sulking alongside the phrase MAKE WHITENESS THE OTHER. As Ms. Titicaca Falafelwaffle squirms to explain:

People look at us as though we are different, as though we are deviant. We are the ‘other,’ and whiteness is the norm. What would it be like if black and brown people weren’t looked at as this thing that is different from the norm?
Funny, that’s not the message we’re getting from this mural. What we glean is “Racial hatred is wrong, unless it’s directed against white people.”
To answer Ms Falafelwaffle's question, what would it look like if herness were the norm?

You got a problem with someone doing to whites what they have done to everybody else?
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The long campaign by the New York Times to make "whiteness" a pejorative is yielding fruit across the besotted plain. From Takimag:

You just know that someone who calls herself Tatyana Fazlalizadeh but still insists on living in the USA is going to be a huge pain in the ass. Well, this black woman with the passive-aggressively unpronounceable and self-segregating name is one of three female artists who’ve plastered a mural on a Tucson building that shows angry-looking “black and brown” women sulking alongside the phrase MAKE WHITENESS THE OTHER. As Ms. Titicaca Falafelwaffle squirms to explain:

People look at us as though we are different, as though we are deviant. We are the ‘other,’ and whiteness is the norm. What would it be like if black and brown people weren’t looked at as this thing that is different from the norm?
Funny, that’s not the message we’re getting from this mural. What we glean is “Racial hatred is wrong, unless it’s directed against white people.”
To answer Ms Falafelwaffle's question, what would it look like if herness were the norm?

You got a problem with someone doing to whites what they have done to everybody else?

You mean give me symphonies, universities, women's suffrage, democracy, science, and the constutional rule of law?
Time to separate folks. Non whites need to be set aside. Time to protect civilization with self segregation. For God , Race and Nation. Our Race is Our Nation. One God , one Race , One Nation, European.

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