Tucker Carlson is wrong about Trump not delivering


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Tucker Carlson was interviewed by “Die Weltwoche” and reportedly criticizes Trump for not keeping his core promises that got him elected. Infowars crew member, Scott Bronson, joins Alex in studio to discuss those that are actually responsible for blocking Trump’s agenda.
Alex Jones: Tucker Carlson Is Wrong About Trump Not Delivering


This makes no sense that Tucker would be saying this bs. Wonder who and or what got to him?

Is it being twisted by msm to bring down Tucker next because you know anyone that is a left ball swinging ass kisser gets chewed up and spit out when the media whores no longer need you. If you don't play their game they are like 3 yr olds laying on the floor taking a fit.
I agree. Although I like Tucker, I just think he is trying to expand his audience for ratings.
People naturally expect results asap/immediately and if it looks like they are not going to get those results asap/immediately they complain. Its merely a part of human nature. I can also see where there are select groups that would like to see Tucker Carlson neutered because he is popular and generally from what I have seen he has a lot of common sense about him.
I agree. Although I like Tucker, I just think he is trying to expand his audience for ratings.
This will do the opposite. His job on Fox is to reinforce his viewers confirmiation biases. If he asks them to question or evaluate their beliefs, their brains will hurt and they’ll watch or do something else.
The fact that he has people blocking his agenda doesn't make Carlson's critique of him any less legitimate. He argued that Trump knows nothing about legislating. Yeah. That was one of my main criticisms of his campaign. His supporters argued he would get things done because he's a good businessman. That's not how legislation works. He's not the CEO of America.

His biggest legislative accomplishment was tax cuts, but it's something Republicans had argued for for decades. He didn't convince Congress to go along with him. It was their thing many years before Trump entered the race.

He can fire anybody in his cabinet he wants, but he's not "the boss" of America. He's the President of the Untied States.
TUCKER is alright but thats about it . I think he is a wusse and maybe morso since lefty protests against him were held at his house .
I agree with Tucker that these (3) core things are really important for those who voted for him. However, he can't do it all with a pen and phone like that dip shit Obama proclaimed. Don't forget, Trump steamrolled the machine on both sides of the isle. And for that, he must be vanquished. The opposition within his own party is unsurmountable.

Our Republic is dying on the vine

TUCKER is alright but thats about it . I think he is a wusse and maybe morso since lefty protests against him were held at his house .

I kinda liked Carlson back in the day. I figured anybody in his 40's with the balls to rock a bow tie was okay by me. Then I started watching Youtube clips from his current show. Almost every clip is titled something like, "Tucker Carlson OWNS (insert whoever)". Then I watch the clip and find out he's debating some college kid who thinks white people should be exterminated, or some other off the rails shit like that. Really? That's who you debated, Tucker? How did you ever win that one?
I kinda liked Carlson back in the day. I figured anybody in his 40's with the balls to rock a bow tie was okay by me. Then I started watching Youtube clips from his current show. Almost every clip is titled something like, "Tucker Carlson OWNS (insert whoever)". Then I watch the clip and find out he's debating some college kid who thinks white people should be exterminated, or some other off the rails shit like that. Really? That's who you debated, Tucker? How did you ever win that one?
I look at as watching the political equivalent of those old pro rasslin' squash matches they used to run on Saturday afternoons....Kind of amusing, but we all know who is going to win in the end.
I kinda liked Carlson back in the day. I figured anybody in his 40's with the balls to rock a bow tie was okay by me. Then I started watching Youtube clips from his current show. Almost every clip is titled something like, "Tucker Carlson OWNS (insert whoever)". Then I watch the clip and find out he's debating some college kid who thinks white people should be exterminated, or some other off the rails shit like that. Really? That's who you debated, Tucker? How did you ever win that one?
I look at as watching the political equivalent of those old pro rasslin' squash matches they used to run on Saturday afternoons....Kind of amusing, but we all know who is going to win in the end.

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