trusting America to hunks of shit

Kathy I have been very civil to everyone here.

I am trying to answer the claim made earlier by soneone claiming that there were no complaints of voter fraund in the 2006 election.

Im sorry if you dont understand everything I am trying to do but I am having a conversation with several people at a time.
and paper ballots are that much better, what full proof idea do you have :badgrin:

Most vote machines lose test to hackers
John Wildermuth, Chronicle Staff Writer

Saturday, July 28, 2007

State-sanctioned teams of computer hackers were able to break through the security of virtually every model of California's voting machines and change results or take control of some of the systems' electronic functions, according to a University of California study released Friday.

The researchers "were able to bypass physical and software security in every machine they tested,'' said Secretary of State Debra Bowen, who authorized the "top to bottom review" of every voting system certified by the state.

Neither Bowen nor the investigators were willing to say exactly how vulnerable California elections are to computer hackers, especially because the team of computer experts from the UC system had top-of-the-line security information plus more time and better access to the voting machines than would-be vote thieves likely would have.

"All information available to the secretary of state was made available to the testers,'' including operating manuals, software and source codes usually kept secret by the voting machine companies, said Matt Bishop, UC Davis computer science professor who led the "red team" hacking effort, said in his summary of the results.

This is how we treat the most sacred right of American?
and paper ballots are that much better, what full proof idea do you have :badgrin:

He doesn't. He is a partisan hack that wants to pretend that we switched to electronic machines because big bad evil Bush planned it all. When in fact we switched because the democrats had a shit fit about Florida in 2000 and the Press helped them along in DEMANDING electronic machines to "fix" a problem that did not exist. Further he wants to claim that the republicans stole 3 elections but were just to damn dumb to steal the 4th.

It is like all his claims , partisan shit, mde up and dressed up. Opinion with no facts or basis in reality. When forced by facts to admit he is wrong he just changes the subject or goes off on a new tangent.

Ask him about HIS proof on Jessica Lynch and how HE claimed the US Government lied about her actions, using as proof an article that clearly stated the Government did no such thing.
Who sponsored the HAVA act?

It was Bob Ney of Ohio who is now in prison.

Ohio was a mess in 2004 with people in the Democratic districts standing in line for up to 11 hours to vote.

The democrats all called for the votes to be counted.

They did not scream out for new machines.

The R controlled congress developed this bill which in essance gave the governments money to companies who Promised the vote to Bush.

Yes the dems voted for the bill ,that was before they realised the companies who make the machines were all Right Wing Nut bags.
I really wish people would stop repeteing the lie that Dems demanded the machines THEY DID NOT!
Have you looked at the Hava act yet?

Why dont you go get me a quote where a prominant Dem is demanding electronic voting like was claimed in this thread?
Have you looked at the Hava act yet?

Why dont you go get me a quote where a prominant Dem is demanding electronic voting like was claimed in this thread?

How old were you in 2000? Did you live under a rock from 2000 to 2002? Did you not read the paper, not watch the news from 2000 to 2002? Your moronic drival would be funny if you weren't so stupid.
introduced 11/14/2001

I said that many Dems voted for it.

take a look at the date.

It was a time of trust amoung the congress.

Right after 911 the congress as well as the nation felt beyond party and felt like one big country.

They did things like trusted Bush to use deplomacy first like the bill which backed Bush to deal with Iraq.

Then it became apperant the R party was pulling a fast one instead of really acting in the countrys best interest.
Title: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 3295) to establish a program to provide funds to States to replace punch card voting systems, to establish the Election Assistance Commission to assist in the administration of Federal elections and to otherwise provide assistance with the administration of certain Federal election laws and programs, to establish minimum election administration standards for States and units of local government with responsibility for the administration of Federal elections, and for other purposes.

this is a related bill

What were they supposed to replace the punch card systems with?
introduced 11/14/2001

I said that many Dems voted for it.

take a look at the date.

It was a time of trust amoung the congress.

Right after 911 the congress as well as the nation felt beyond party and felt like one big country.

They did things like trusted Bush to use deplomacy first like the bill which backed Bush to deal with Iraq.

Then it became apperant the R party was pulling a fast one instead of really acting in the countrys best interest.

Please look at what you are arguing.
introduced 11/14/2001

I said that many Dems voted for it.

take a look at the date.

It was a time of trust amoung the congress.

Right after 911 the congress as well as the nation felt beyond party and felt like one big country.

They did things like trusted Bush to use deplomacy first like the bill which backed Bush to deal with Iraq.

Then it became apperant the R party was pulling a fast one instead of really acting in the countrys best interest.

how many years of diplomacy would you have liked?
How does the fact that this bill was sponserd by a corrupt R prove that the Dems were clamoring for the electronic machines?

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