Trump's Texas Speech.

At 1:15 in the morning do your own work!
It's not my fault that you live on the east coast. Fucking loser. :slap:

Yes, the I speak Spanish only crowd has migrated to your next door neighbor!
My Spanish neighbors rock. How about yours?

I sold them a couple of bicycles recently. They were happy, I was happy.

We get along.

Closest thing we have to Spanish is a Taco Bell!
Taco Bell discontinued their Chili Cheese Burritos. I will never forgive them for that.

I'm into Chinese and Thai, especially their peanut sauce.
It's not my fault that you live on the east coast. Fucking loser. :slap:

Yes, the I speak Spanish only crowd has migrated to your next door neighbor!
My Spanish neighbors rock. How about yours?

I sold them a couple of bicycles recently. They were happy, I was happy.

We get along.

Closest thing we have to Spanish is a Taco Bell!
Taco Bell discontinued their Chili Cheese Burritos. I will never forgive them for that.

I'm into Chinese and Thai, especially their peanut sauce.
Allow me to transcribe this upon you peanut brain. :slap:
Personally, I don't know how he gets away with this stuff. He spent most of the speech talking about his deal making expertise, his hair, his deal with NBC, how much money he has and spent very little time on policy or much else. Oh and he name dropped like crazy.

Some of the bullet points:
- He wants to charge a 35% tax/tariff on each car made in Mexico.
-He wants to build a wall which Mexico will pay for and has a beautiful door.
-He wants to raise taxes on Hedge Fund Managers and cut taxes on Corporations and the middle class.
-He doesn't think US law allows for birth right citizenship.

Oh and he cherishes women and is going to take care of their health care.

Just on the first bullet point he would have to convince congress to repeal NAFTA and raise taxes. Neither which is possible at all in the current political climate. Hopefully this next debate is more substantial than the last one.

It's just unbelievably ridiculous. It this guy wasn't a T.V. star (actor)--people would be throwing tomato's at him from the audience.


The mindset of the typical Trump supporter
His function in the Presidential election will come to an end soon enough.
I think he's waking up America to the bullshit with which we've had to deal for the last seven years.

Once he's out of the picture, folks will vote Republican no ifs ands or buts.

He's saddling that party with a racist and misogynistic platform.

It's going to be tough to dig out of the hole he's created.
He's not saddling anyone with anything. Do you even know the official GOP "platform", if it even exists at this point? :dunno:

And he's not created a "hole". He's reminding America about the piles of shit that have been created in this once great Nation since 2008.

Oh yeah, haven't given you one of these in a while... :slap:



The GOP in it's current configuration won't be winning any national elections for quite some time.

The Demographics do not favor a party that shuts out Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, Gays and Young people.
That statement is neither true nor accurate. You're just flapping your Liberal gums, bro. :slap:
Okay.,since whenTrumpet made any good comments about Hispanics, Asian or blacks. He is an asshole that taking advantage of the less informed republicans like you.
Why doesn't someone let us know what Hildebeast and the Dems platform is and what there plans are to help the country if elected??

The only thing I've seen on this board is people making fun of Trump and his plans and demands for what he will do on any given subject.

Some of you lefty loons give us the platform the Dems will use to try to get elected.

Oh wait. I forgot. They are Dems and ANYTHING they do will help everyone. Never mind.
His function in the Presidential election will come to an end soon enough.
I think he's waking up America to the bullshit with which we've had to deal for the last seven years.

Once he's out of the picture, folks will vote Republican no ifs ands or buts.

Not really.

same problems you had in 2012 you will still have in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to win elections. Trump appeals to angry old white guys and really, no one else.
His function in the Presidential election will come to an end soon enough.
I think he's waking up America to the bullshit with which we've had to deal for the last seven years.

Once he's out of the picture, folks will vote Republican no ifs ands or buts.

Not really.

same problems you had in 2012 you will still have in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to win elections. Trump appeals to angry old white guys and really, no one else.
Trump is also attracting the hateful racist white girls.
His function in the Presidential election will come to an end soon enough.
I think he's waking up America to the bullshit with which we've had to deal for the last seven years.

Once he's out of the picture, folks will vote Republican no ifs ands or buts.

Not really.

same problems you had in 2012 you will still have in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to win elections. Trump appeals to angry old white guys and really, no one else.
Trump is also attracting the hateful racist white girls.

Another idiot who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

Guess you are a racist if you want illegals out of the country.

At least that's how the lefties have you pegged.

Of course they are dumber than a box of rocks. The box is smarter.
Another idiot who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

Guess you are a racist if you want illegals out of the country.

At least that's how the lefties have you pegged.

Of course they are dumber than a box of rocks. The box is smarter.

Yes, you are racist if you are going on about the illegal non-crisis.

I hate to break that to you, but you are really too dumb to see that if you aren't a one-percenter - and you aren't - you are in the same boat they are in.
His function in the Presidential election will come to an end soon enough.
I think he's waking up America to the bullshit with which we've had to deal for the last seven years.

Once he's out of the picture, folks will vote Republican no ifs ands or buts.

Not really.

same problems you had in 2012 you will still have in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to win elections. Trump appeals to angry old white guys and really, no one else.
Trump is also attracting the hateful racist white girls.

Another idiot who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

Guess you are a racist if you want illegals out of the country.

At least that's how the lefties have you pegged.

Of course they are dumber than a box of rocks. The box is smarter.
The girl who ripped the anti bigotry group members sign declared she was voting for white supremacy and the crowd cheered. What right would anyone have to rip a sign of a protester who is legally expressing their free speech? And why are you defending this person for showing obvious anti free speech and racist behavior? Do you believe claiming white supremacy is not racist?
Trump supporters will get the racist tag because people like you will defend this behavior and whine about being treated unfairly instead of being critical and denouncing this kind of action by a crowd of Trump supporters. You will support and defended a person assaulting a minority citizen and claiming white supremacy and claim it is unfair to call the action racist. Duh!
Another idiot who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

Guess you are a racist if you want illegals out of the country.

At least that's how the lefties have you pegged.

Of course they are dumber than a box of rocks. The box is smarter.

Yes, you are racist if you are going on about the illegal non-crisis.

I hate to break that to you, but you are really too dumb to see that if you aren't a one-percenter - and you aren't - you are in the same boat they are in.

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Nice to know millions of illegals in this country don't constitute a crises as you see it.

And no. I'm not a one percenter but I'm not in the same boat they are. They are here ILLEGALLY, a fact you seem to forget.

These people shouldn't be here and should be deported and you are dumber than that box of rocks.
His function in the Presidential election will come to an end soon enough.
I think he's waking up America to the bullshit with which we've had to deal for the last seven years.

Once he's out of the picture, folks will vote Republican no ifs ands or buts.

Not really.

same problems you had in 2012 you will still have in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to win elections. Trump appeals to angry old white guys and really, no one else.
Trump is also attracting the hateful racist white girls.

Another idiot who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

Guess you are a racist if you want illegals out of the country.

At least that's how the lefties have you pegged.

Of course they are dumber than a box of rocks. The box is smarter.
The girl who ripped the anti bigotry group members sign declared she was voting for white supremacy and the crowd cheered. What right would anyone have to rip a sign of a protester who is legally expressing their free speech? And why are you defending this person for showing obvious anti free speech and racist behavior? Do you believe claiming white supremacy is not racist?
Trump supporters will get the racist tag because people like you will defend this behavior and whine about being treated unfairly instead of being critical and denouncing this kind of action by a crowd of Trump supporters. You will support and defended a person assaulting a minority citizen and claiming white supremacy and claim it is unfair to call the action racist. Duh!

So by one person doing something stupid anyone who supports Trump or listens to what he has to say is a bigot and a racist??

You sir are one damned idiot if you believe that.
His function in the Presidential election will come to an end soon enough.
I think he's waking up America to the bullshit with which we've had to deal for the last seven years.

Once he's out of the picture, folks will vote Republican no ifs ands or buts.

Not really.

same problems you had in 2012 you will still have in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to win elections. Trump appeals to angry old white guys and really, no one else.
Trump is also attracting the hateful racist white girls.

Another idiot who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

Guess you are a racist if you want illegals out of the country.

At least that's how the lefties have you pegged.

Of course they are dumber than a box of rocks. The box is smarter.
The girl who ripped the anti bigotry group members sign declared she was voting for white supremacy and the crowd cheered. What right would anyone have to rip a sign of a protester who is legally expressing their free speech? And why are you defending this person for showing obvious anti free speech and racist behavior? Do you believe claiming white supremacy is not racist?
Trump supporters will get the racist tag because people like you will defend this behavior and whine about being treated unfairly instead of being critical and denouncing this kind of action by a crowd of Trump supporters. You will support and defended a person assaulting a minority citizen and claiming white supremacy and claim it is unfair to call the action racist. Duh!

So by one person doing something stupid anyone who supports Trump or listens to what he has to say is a bigot and a racist??

You sir are one damned idiot if you believe that.
That is not what I said or implied. Nothing even close to that. I stated that racist were being attracted to Trump. I provided a video of a girl committing an assault while she claimed support for Trump and white supremacy and the crowd around her cheered. To a rational person that would indicate that some racist were being attracted to and supporting Trump.
Personally, I don't know how he gets away with this stuff. He spent most of the speech talking about his deal making expertise, his hair, his deal with NBC, how much money he has and spent very little time on policy or much else. Oh and he name dropped like crazy.

Some of the bullet points:
- He wants to charge a 35% tax/tariff on each car made in Mexico.
-He wants to build a wall which Mexico will pay for and has a beautiful door.
-He wants to raise taxes on Hedge Fund Managers and cut taxes on Corporations and the middle class.
-He doesn't think US law allows for birth right citizenship.

Oh and he cherishes women and is going to take care of their health care.

Just on the first bullet point he would have to convince congress to repeal NAFTA and raise taxes. Neither which is possible at all in the current political climate. Hopefully this next debate is more substantial than the last one.

Why only cars made in Mexico? Why not cars made in Canada?
Why just cars and not all imported goods?
If he cuts Mexican imports to the US, doesn't he increase the need for Mexicans to come to the US for jobs?

If there are enough jobs in Mexico, there is no need to come to the US for work
Personally, I don't know how he gets away with this stuff. He spent most of the speech talking about his deal making expertise, his hair, his deal with NBC, how much money he has and spent very little time on policy or much else. Oh and he name dropped like crazy.

Some of the bullet points:
- He wants to charge a 35% tax/tariff on each car made in Mexico.
-He wants to build a wall which Mexico will pay for and has a beautiful door.
-He wants to raise taxes on Hedge Fund Managers and cut taxes on Corporations and the middle class.
-He doesn't think US law allows for birth right citizenship.

Oh and he cherishes women and is going to take care of their health care.

Just on the first bullet point he would have to convince congress to repeal NAFTA and raise taxes. Neither which is possible at all in the current political climate. Hopefully this next debate is more substantial than the last one.

He either doesn't understand what being president entails, or he's happy to pretend he doesn't know because his audience doesn't care.
Personally, I don't know how he gets away with this stuff. He spent most of the speech talking about his deal making expertise, his hair, his deal with NBC, how much money he has and spent very little time on policy or much else. Oh and he name dropped like crazy.

Some of the bullet points:
- He wants to charge a 35% tax/tariff on each car made in Mexico.
-He wants to build a wall which Mexico will pay for and has a beautiful door.
-He wants to raise taxes on Hedge Fund Managers and cut taxes on Corporations and the middle class.
-He doesn't think US law allows for birth right citizenship.

Oh and he cherishes women and is going to take care of their health care.

Just on the first bullet point he would have to convince congress to repeal NAFTA and raise taxes. Neither which is possible at all in the current political climate. Hopefully this next debate is more substantial than the last one.

Apparently he hasn't heard of NAFTA.

The GOP in it's current configuration won't be winning any national elections for quite some time.

The Demographics do not favor a party that shuts out Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, Gays and Young people.

Yea Ok, the young are mostly too lazy and stupid to vote, African Americans are waking up to the democrats fucking them over for 50 years, and Legal Hispanics are getting sick of the illegals immigrants taking thier jobs, and homos make up barely 1.6% of the population. Its in the Air, the decomcrats will lose the 2016 election..
Not really.

same problems you had in 2012 you will still have in 2016.

There aren't enough angry old white guys to win elections. Trump appeals to angry old white guys and really, no one else.
Trump is also attracting the hateful racist white girls.

Another idiot who sees racists under every bush and behind every tree.

Guess you are a racist if you want illegals out of the country.

At least that's how the lefties have you pegged.

Of course they are dumber than a box of rocks. The box is smarter.
The girl who ripped the anti bigotry group members sign declared she was voting for white supremacy and the crowd cheered. What right would anyone have to rip a sign of a protester who is legally expressing their free speech? And why are you defending this person for showing obvious anti free speech and racist behavior? Do you believe claiming white supremacy is not racist?
Trump supporters will get the racist tag because people like you will defend this behavior and whine about being treated unfairly instead of being critical and denouncing this kind of action by a crowd of Trump supporters. You will support and defended a person assaulting a minority citizen and claiming white supremacy and claim it is unfair to call the action racist. Duh!

So by one person doing something stupid anyone who supports Trump or listens to what he has to say is a bigot and a racist??

You sir are one damned idiot if you believe that.
That is not what I said or implied. Nothing even close to that. I stated that racist were being attracted to Trump. I provided a video of a girl committing an assault while she claimed support for Trump and white supremacy and the crowd around her cheered. To a rational person that would indicate that some racist were being attracted to and supporting Trump.

Oh so you think Trump has control over who's attracted to him??

I doubt that any more that Hilbat or anyone else running for POTUS do.

In case its escaped your notice there are racists and bigots in the US as there are all over the world and there always will be.

You seem to want to attach blame to anyone running for POTUS because some of those racists and bigot like them.
Last edited:

The GOP in it's current configuration won't be winning any national elections for quite some time.

The Demographics do not favor a party that shuts out Hispanics, Asians, Blacks, Gays and Young people.

Yea Ok, the young are mostly too lazy and stupid to vote, African Americans are waking up to the democrats fucking them over for 50 years, and Legal Hispanics are getting sick of the illegals immigrants taking thier jobs, and homos make up barely 1.6% of the population. Its in the Air, the decomcrats will lose the 2016 election..

Bingo. that's why they have such a hardon for Trump. they see he has fire under the people over things that ARE IMPORTATANT to them. Who care what these losers from the Democrat party says. They have to lie in order to make him look bad, but the Latinos who counts know what he was talking about and that the ILLEGAL invaders of our country....

They have the old lady running who they kicked to curb the last time she ran for some nobody MAN. and then they have the 100 year old Socialist. so I mean really, why do we listen to THEIR BS.

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