Trump's Team Ignores Police Reports of Domestic Violence Until Cornered with Proof.

And, yes, absent severe provocation or self-defense, I would say that striking your wife is both immoral and criminal. But there are naturally levels and degrees of violence. One punch thrown in the heat of the moment is different from multiple punches thrown without any provocation. And I repeat: How long do you hold these things against someone?

Ah-ha, you sure sound like a man who's thrown some punches at the little woman. No, one punch is not okay. One punch and he should be arrested, charged, put in prison, and divorced at once.

Answer for how long: forever. All these women are holding this battery against these criminals forever. And so they should. Ruin him the minute you can, gals: never forget.
Yes, Trump's a real American. All Citizens are innocent until proven guilty. Just because Democrats and their Fake News Media have already convicted them, doesn't mean they're guilty. Once again Trump is Spot On.

So you are still on the Fake News excuse.. silly rabbit those tricks are for kids..( Grow Up )

It has been said that no one in the WH took her seriously until the picture came out.. this is why Kelly is in trouble with Trump, he knew that Porter could not get a security clearance .

Who cares about a security clearance? He was already working in his position when Kelly came in. The problem is hardly a security clearance if he constantly funnels documents to Trump, and that was what he was doing.

The problem is gross scandal of the nastiest sort, and now Kelly is complicit in all of it. It is only too clear that Kelly is another woman-hater like Porter, who believed his total lies because he wanted to. And then out came all the photos, restraining orders, blog posts, emails --- three women telling all.

You know, guys, when one woman says you're a wife-beater, who knows......but when woman after woman tells the same tale and there are photos and a long paper trail? You are going to get fired from pretty much any job you have.
As with Weinstein, and dozens of others, until the COURT CASE it's all just ALLEGATIONS!! After a number of years, unless there is ACTION, I would say it's more likely to be crap. IT NEEDS A POLICE INVESTIGATION and a COURT VERDICT before I believe ANY claim!!

Nobody respects [MEN WHO ABUSE] women more than me - Trump...believe me ...
No matter what other arguments are being forwarded here, Trump really stepped in it with his damned tweet yesterday. Boy, would I NOT want to be on his clean up crew.

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