Trumps Recent Losing Trifecta

B. Kidd

Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2010
Western Lands
I supported Trump until he has gone full lunatic in recent days. The following three positions he has stated have convinced me that he is a passive-aggressive anti-social that doesn't really know what he's politically doing:

- said the U.S. should accept some refugees from Syria, despite his strong anti-immigration stance.

- the Carly Fiorina 'face' insult and his dishonest and lame attempt to walk it back by saying he was referring to her persona.

- calling Ben Carson just an O.K. doctor even tho' Carson was the first surgeon to successfully seperate twins conjoined at the head.

Donald, you could've been a contender, but I hereby declare the 'Summer of Trump' over due to your major personal issues which are plain to see and disqualify you to lead our cherished country out of the morass it finds itself in. You've now punched your one-way ticket to Palooka-ville in my eyes, and I do expect your poll numbers to begin to decline, and deservedly so! And, all the money in the world cannot buy your way outta that.........

so you're going with the career politician again...good luck..maybe it'll work this time.
so you're going with the career politician again...good luck..maybe it'll work this time.

Nope.......I'm a voter currently without a candidate. Trump has done a disservice to those who've supported him with his idiotic statements in the last couple of days, IMHO.
so you're going with the career politician again...good luck..maybe it'll work this time.

Nope.......I'm a voter currently without a candidate. Trump has done a disservice to those who've supported him with his idiotic statements in the last couple of days, IMHO.
it'll be all right...he'll "recover"..the good far outweighs the "bad"...don't be so sensitive and emotional..when he gets attacked he swings back..nothing wrong with that at all.
- said the U.S. should accept some refugees from Syria, despite his strong anti-immigration stance.

Tomorrow, he is going to declare amnesty for ISIS and announce they are building a casino in Syria together.
so you're going with the career politician again...good luck..maybe it'll work this time.

Nope.......I'm a voter currently without a candidate. Trump has done a disservice to those who've supported him with his idiotic statements in the last couple of days, IMHO.
it'll be all right...he'll "recover"..the good far outweighs the "bad"...don't be so sensitive and emotional..when he gets attacked he swings back..nothing wrong with that at all.

We're coming off 8 years of the most divisive Prez we've ever had. We don't need someone who attacks a fellow candidate for their looks and also falsely attacks another candidate for rising to the top of their profession. The country cannot afford another narcissist who acts out of spite.
His immigration stance is hilarious, he obviously said it to appeal to xenophobic bigots, but now he's backpedaling, maybe he does have a heart.
so you're going with the career politician again...good luck..maybe it'll work this time.

Nope.......I'm a voter currently without a candidate. Trump has done a disservice to those who've supported him with his idiotic statements in the last couple of days, IMHO.
it'll be all right...he'll "recover"..the good far outweighs the "bad"...don't be so sensitive and emotional..when he gets attacked he swings back..nothing wrong with that at all.

We're coming off 8 years of the most divisive Prez we've ever had. We don't need someone who attacks a fellow candidate for their looks and also falsely attacks another candidate for rising to the top of their profession. The country cannot afford another narcissist who acts out of spite.

no one is perfect...everyone is a work in progress. He's salvageable... career politicians for you..that leaves what?..carson?..good luck.
so you're going with the career politician again...good luck..maybe it'll work this time.

Nope.......I'm a voter currently without a candidate. Trump has done a disservice to those who've supported him with his idiotic statements in the last couple of days, IMHO.
it'll be all right...he'll "recover"..the good far outweighs the "bad"...don't be so sensitive and emotional..when he gets attacked he swings back..nothing wrong with that at all.

We're coming off 8 years of the most divisive Prez we've ever had. We don't need someone who attacks a fellow candidate for their looks and also falsely attacks another candidate for rising to the top of their profession. The country cannot afford another narcissist who acts out of spite.

no one is perfect...everyone is a work in progress. He's salvageable... career politicians for you..that leaves what?..carson?..good luck.

Trump isn't salvageable. What good is it to surround yourself with smart people, if you're not gonna listen? If I was into conspiracy theories, I would believe that Trump is a 'dem-mole' planted into an already disarrayed Republican Party to create furthur disarray. But, I'm not, so the only obvious conclusion I can draw is that Trump has major personality defects that will sabotage himself, that, at his age, he will unlikely overcome; and I cannot support that!

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