Trump's Mental Health- We need to keep talking about this

There is nothing wrong with Trump's mental health. Like millions of other people he's an asshole. He just happens to be an asshole who got elected president.
Are you sure about that Bro?

Yes, because I am an intelligent, mature adult, unlike many of you
I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro

These numerous so called health professionals who have never once sat down and had an actual session with him and are yet offering an opinion anyway are grossly irresponsible.
Yet, It is responsible for you to unilaterally declare Dr Strangelove sane.?
There is nothing wrong with Trump's mental health. Like millions of other people he's an asshole. He just happens to be an asshole who got elected president.
Are you sure about that Bro?

Yes, because I am an intelligent, mature adult, unlike many of you
I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro
You propose the best fallacious, emotionally appealing arguments I have seen in awhile. Not that I agree, but I admire your ability to dodge logic and reason...and still maintain some major wordiness.
My argument is fallacious?? I dodge logic and reason?? :coffee::coffee::coffee:
There is nothing wrong with Trump's mental health. Like millions of other people he's an asshole. He just happens to be an asshole who got elected president.
Are you sure about that Bro?

Yes, because I am an intelligent, mature adult, unlike many of you
I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro

These numerous so called health professionals who have never once sat down and had an actual session with him and are yet offering an opinion anyway are grossly irresponsible.

I am not going to claim that the observations by mental health professionals constitute a scientific diagnosis but the warning signs are plentiful:

What Donald Trump's tweets reveal about his mental health

One of the most notable things about the 34,000 tweets that Rachel Montgomery culled through for this new book is their sheer quantity. It’s like looking at your phone in the morning, the night after a brief dinner date, and finding thirty-seven nasty texts from your date. The quantity alone warns that this person may not be mentally stable, and then the gratuitous nastiness confirms it. Donald Trump’s manic dark energy drives him to vaunt himself and denigrate his fellow human beings relentlessly: all day, all night, every day, and every night.

Much has been written about Trump having Narcissistic Personality Disorder. For example, Trump embodies the diagnostic criteria of believing himself to be “uniquely superior,” (“Only I can fix it”) to a degree that would be comical if it weren’t so frightening. He appears to literally believe that he knows more about everything than everybody, despite his lack of experience, study, intellectual curiosity, or even normal attention span

My former teacher Otto Kernberg is the modern figure most associated with the study of malignant narcissism. He defined the syndrome as having four components: 1) Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 2) antisocial behavior, 3) paranoid traits, and 4) sadism


In the same week, the New York Times and the Washington Post both ran front-page stories about Trump as a conspiracy theorist. Before the election, Rightwing Watch accumulated a list of fifty-eight conspiracies proclaimed by Trump

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Trump also meets criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder. Antisocials lie, exploit, and violate the rights of others, and have neither remorse nor empathy for those they harm

Politifact estimated 76 percent of Trump’s statements were false or mostly false, and Politico estimated Trump told a lie every three minutes and fifteen seconds. So in his tweets, Trump freely and frequently lies. He doubles, triples, quadruples, and quintuples down on transparently disprovable falsehoods.
We have ample evidence of Trump’s pervasive pattern of exploiting and violating the rights of others. According to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, Trump University was a “straight up fraud…a fraud from beginning to end.” Dozens of lawsuits attest to his pattern and practice of not paying his contractors. Finally, there is Trump’s pattern of serial sexual assault, which he bragged about on tape, even before a dozen women came forward, who he then called liars..


Because he is a sadist, the malignant narcissist will take a bully’s glee in persecuting, terrorizing, and even exterminating his “enemies” and scapegoats. When a protester was escorted out of a Trump rally, Trump famously said “I’d like to punch him in the face,” in a tone that suggested it would genuinely bring him great pleasure. He relished the thought of throwing another protester out in the cold without his coat. “I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.” Narcissists often hurt others in the pursuit of their selfish interests. A noteworthy difference between the normal Narcissistic Personality Disorder and the malignant narcissist is sadism, or the gratuitous enjoyment of the pain of others.

Can you really deny that there is something to all of this. ?? He is not "fine" as you claim

There is much more. It is worth a full read.
Of Interest:

Opinion | Is It Time to Call Trump Mentally Ill?

A lot of people seem to be questioning President Trump’s mental health. This month, Representative Ted Lieu, a California Democrat, went so far as to say he was considering proposing legislation that would require a White House psychiatrist.

More controversial is the number of mental health experts who are joining the chorus. In December, a Huffington Post article featured a letter written by three prominent psychiatry professors that cited President Trump’s “grandiosity, impulsivity, hypersensitivity to slights or criticism, and an apparent inability to distinguish between fantasy and reality” as evidence of his mental instability. While stopping short of giving the president a formal psychiatric diagnosis, the experts called for him to submit to a full medical and neuropsychiatric evaluation by impartial investigators.

A practicing psychologist went further in late January. He was quoted in a U.S. News and World Report article titled “Temperament Tantrum,” saying that President Trump has malignant narcissism, which is characterized by grandiosity, sadism and antisocial behavior. 1973 the A.P.A. developed the Goldwater Rule. It says that psychiatrists can discuss mental health issues with the news media, but that it is unethical for them to diagnose mental illnesses in people they have not examined and whose consent they have not received.

Contrary to what many believe, this rule does not mean that professionals must remain silent about public figures. In fact, the guidelines specifically state that mental health experts should share their knowledge to educate the public.

So while it would be unethical for a psychiatrist to say that President Trump has narcissistic personality disorder, he or she could discuss common narcissistic character traits, like grandiosity and intolerance of criticism, and how they might explain Mr. Trump’s behavior. In other words, psychiatrists can talk about the psychology and symptoms of narcissism in general, and the public is free to decide whether the information could apply to the individual.

This may seem like splitting hairs, but it isn’t. Diagnosis requires a thorough examination of a patient, a detailed history and all relevant clinical data — none of which can be gathered from afar. Narcissism, for instance, isn’t the only explanation for impulsive, inattentive and grandiose behavior. Someone could be suffering instead from another clinical problem like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; the abuse of drugs, alcohol or stimulants; or a variant of bipolar disorder, to name just a few.
More Food For Thought:

It’s Actually Fine for Doctors to Speculate About Trump’s Mental Health

It goes without saying that any clinical encounter with a nonpsychotic or imminently dangerous person is strictly confidential unless the subject gives permission to reveal the findings to anyone else. But I think there are conditions under which psychiatrists should have more latitude in making determinations from a distance.

To me, the reason why it can be responsible to profile a patient without examining him or her (in other words, to circumvent the Goldwater Rule), has to do with the way diagnoses are made today compared to the way they were made then. I’m referring to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition, which many consider the gold standard for evaluating mental disorders.

The diagnostic entities contained in the current DSM are based on signs (what clinicians observe) and symptoms (what patients report). But in Goldwater’s time, Freudian theory dominated American psychiatry and pathology: Even severe depression and schizophrenia were tied to psychoanalytic formulations

Symptoms such as mood or hallucinations or obsessions were almost irrelevant—instead, diagnosis relied almost entirely on what internal conflicts or stalled developmental stages a patient had experienced in his or her lifetime. This required a deep understanding of the patient’s life. None of the psychiatrists quoted by Fact had access to that full picture of information. Thus, not only were their opinions ill-informed, they were based on certain theories of mental health that are now considered highly questionable by many in the field.

But the assessment of mental disorders changed to a more objective system of taxonomy in 1980 with the publication of the DSM-III. A number of diagnoses are now made largely on a person’s observable behavior or what can reasonably be inferred from it.
There is nothing wrong with Trump's mental health. Like millions of other people he's an asshole. He just happens to be an asshole who got elected president.
Are you sure about that Bro?

Yes, because I am an intelligent, mature adult, unlike many of you
I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro

These numerous so called health professionals who have never once sat down and had an actual session with him and are yet offering an opinion anyway are grossly irresponsible.
Says you. They say it would be grossly irresponsible to ignore their duty to warn.
You want to get rid of a elected president on treason charges and can't explain why..

You think you will win both the house and Senate on a off year with the economy doing good and unemployment low..

You want to use the 25th amendment because your upset Trump is erasing Obama's fruit loop policies

No the ones who should check into a hospital would be the left.

"The entire left", eh? That sounds smart.

I'm not sure anyone could view you Stalinists as sane. Your lust for revenge against your betters, for the crime of being your betters, leads you to promote self-destruction in the vain hopes of destroying those you seethe with hatred against in the bargain.

Yes, the entire left is insane.
There is nothing wrong with Trump's mental health. Like millions of other people he's an asshole. He just happens to be an asshole who got elected president.
Are you sure about that Bro?

Yes, because I am an intelligent, mature adult, unlike many of you
I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro
You propose the best fallacious, emotionally appealing arguments I have seen in awhile. Not that I agree, but I admire your ability to dodge logic and reason...and still maintain some major wordiness.
My argument is fallacious?? I dodge logic and reason?? :coffee::coffee::coffee:
" I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro"

" Argument from authority (Latin: argumentum ad verecundiam), also called the appeal to authority, is a common form of argument which leads to a logical fallacy. The appeal to authority relies on an argument of the form: A is an authority on a particular topic.'
You want to get rid of a elected president on treason charges and can't explain why..

You think you will win both the house and Senate on a off year with the economy doing good and unemployment low..

You want to use the 25th amendment because your upset Trump is erasing Obama's fruit loop policies

No the ones who should check into a hospital would be the left.

"The entire left", eh? That sounds smart.

I'm not sure anyone could view you Stalinists as sane. Your lust for revenge against your betters, for the crime of being your betters, leads you to promote self-destruction in the vain hopes of destroying those you seethe with hatred against in the bargain.

Yes, the entire left is insane.
Every last one of them.
More Food For Thought:

It’s Actually Fine for Doctors to Speculate About Trump’s Mental Health

It goes without saying that any clinical encounter with a nonpsychotic or imminently dangerous person is strictly confidential unless the subject gives permission to reveal the findings to anyone else. But I think there are conditions under which psychiatrists should have more latitude in making determinations from a distance.

To me, the reason why it can be responsible to profile a patient without examining him or her (in other words, to circumvent the Goldwater Rule), has to do with the way diagnoses are made today compared to the way they were made then. I’m referring to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition, which many consider the gold standard for evaluating mental disorders.

The diagnostic entities contained in the current DSM are based on signs (what clinicians observe) and symptoms (what patients report). But in Goldwater’s time, Freudian theory dominated American psychiatry and pathology: Even severe depression and schizophrenia were tied to psychoanalytic formulations

Symptoms such as mood or hallucinations or obsessions were almost irrelevant—instead, diagnosis relied almost entirely on what internal conflicts or stalled developmental stages a patient had experienced in his or her lifetime. This required a deep understanding of the patient’s life. None of the psychiatrists quoted by Fact had access to that full picture of information. Thus, not only were their opinions ill-informed, they were based on certain theories of mental health that are now considered highly questionable by many in the field.

But the assessment of mental disorders changed to a more objective system of taxonomy in 1980 with the publication of the DSM-III. A number of diagnoses are now made largely on a person’s observable behavior or what can reasonably be inferred from it.

Oh, Hate.Com spewing anti-Trump bigotry, how unusual.
Are you sure about that Bro?

Yes, because I am an intelligent, mature adult, unlike many of you
I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro
You propose the best fallacious, emotionally appealing arguments I have seen in awhile. Not that I agree, but I admire your ability to dodge logic and reason...and still maintain some major wordiness.
My argument is fallacious?? I dodge logic and reason?? :coffee::coffee::coffee:
" I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro"

" Argument from authority (Latin: argumentum ad verecundiam), also called the appeal to authority, is a common form of argument which leads to a logical fallacy. The appeal to authority relies on an argument of the form: A is an authority on a particular topic.'

Why shouldn't authority be respected? Experts spend decades studying their subjects and have earned the right to be respected.

Would you want your bag boy to do your open heart surgery?
The mental health of Donald haters is an issue. Are they harmless delusional retards, or are they dangerous psychopaths. Either way they are sick and need help.
Here are some delusional people who support tRump and they are NOT harmless.. The fact that he attracts so many batshit crazy loons has to make you wonder about him. You know, birds of a feather.....:

Trump-Allied Pastor Carl Gallups Says Women Are Sexually Assaulting Men By Dressing Provocatively | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker: ‘Unsaved People Are Going Insane’ Because Of Trump’s Love Of God | Right Wing Watch

Rodney Howard-Browne, Who Prayed Over Trump, Says Hollywood Is Rife With Human Sacrifice And Cannibalism | Right Wing Watch

Oh my Allah, the "pastor" who Trump sat in the Congregation of for 20 years spewed "GOD DAMN AMERICA" in his racist fueled hatred? :eek:

That is shameful Comrade. inexcusable!
You want to get rid of a elected president on treason charges and can't explain why..

You think you will win both the house and Senate on a off year with the economy doing good and unemployment low..

You want to use the 25th amendment because your upset Trump is erasing Obama's fruit loop policies

No the ones who should check into a hospital would be the left.

"The entire left", eh? That sounds smart.

I'm not sure anyone could view you Stalinists as sane. Your lust for revenge against your betters, for the crime of being your betters, leads you to promote self-destruction in the vain hopes of destroying those you seethe with hatred against in the bargain.

Yes, the entire left is insane.
That's nice. You sound smart, too.
Yes, because I am an intelligent, mature adult, unlike many of you
I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro
You propose the best fallacious, emotionally appealing arguments I have seen in awhile. Not that I agree, but I admire your ability to dodge logic and reason...and still maintain some major wordiness.
My argument is fallacious?? I dodge logic and reason?? :coffee::coffee::coffee:
" I see, so the numerous mental health professionals who think that there is cause for concern and who are observing his behavior and hearing his words on a daily basis are all wrong, but you are right?? OK Bro"

" Argument from authority (Latin: argumentum ad verecundiam), also called the appeal to authority, is a common form of argument which leads to a logical fallacy. The appeal to authority relies on an argument of the form: A is an authority on a particular topic.'

Why shouldn't authority be respected? Experts spend decades studying their subjects and have earned the right to be respected.

Would you want your bag boy to do your open heart surgery?
I encourage you to look into the reasons why argument from authority is fallacious, I am not in any way saying people who study and become expert's opinions should be entirely discarded.
You want to get rid of a elected president on treason charges and can't explain why..

You think you will win both the house and Senate on a off year with the economy doing good and unemployment low..

You want to use the 25th amendment because your upset Trump is erasing Obama's fruit loop policies

No the ones who should check into a hospital would be the left.

"The entire left", eh? That sounds smart.

I'm not sure anyone could view you Stalinists as sane. Your lust for revenge against your betters, for the crime of being your betters, leads you to promote self-destruction in the vain hopes of destroying those you seethe with hatred against in the bargain.

Yes, the entire left is insane.
You are not feeling very well again, yes.

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