Trump's efforts to delay justice is falling apart

Your side has been saying Trump is trouble since he won the 2016 Election. I do agree with you that many GOP are cowards but that’s not what is saving Trump…… it is the ineptitude of Democrats trying to get Trump and failing at every turn with exception of keeping him from a 2nd Term which they did in ‘20. It’s time to move on.
No, coward ass Republicans is what is saving Trump. If you would pull your head out your ass you would see it for yourself, but like so many other Trump Humpers he pushes your agenda so you turn a blind eye to his misdeeds.
No, coward ass Republicans is what is saving Trump. If you would pull your head out your ass you would see it for yourself, but like so many other Trump Humpers he pushes your agenda so you turn a blind eye to his misdeeds.
That is your side’s hope and dream…that Trump will be the GOP candidate in ‘24 because Democrats can only run against something and for anything they have accomplished.

Has the echo of "Lock Her Up!" already died?

Did Grifty's own chief of staff confess that Grifty had to be dissuaded from trying to send federal agencies after his opponents?
That’s what you want right? Your boy Obama was fond of doing shit like that.
That is your side’s hope and dream…that Trump will be the GOP candidate in ‘24 because Democrats can only run against something and for anything they have accomplished.
Trump is corrupt. Any person with a bit of common sense knows this, and those who believe he is not corrupt is out of touch with reality.
Trump conflict of interest? When are we going to see the "justice" dept. go after the democrat congress people who took dirty money from the bit-coin guy?
His tax breaks for the rich, the division he caused in this country, his attacks on fellow veterans.
The top 10 percent of the highest income earners pay 70 percent of the income tax. How much more are you demanding? Trump was a divider as was Obama. Obama told people to bring a gun to a knife fight and told Republicans to get to the back of the bus. Biden cares more about illegals than he does veterans and his actions show it.
The top 10 percent of the highest income earners pay 70 percent of the income tax. How much more are you demanding? Trump was a divider as was Obama. Obama told people to bring a gun to a knife fight and told Republicans to get to the back of the bus. Biden cares more about illegals than he does veterans and his actions show it.
You are great at slinging the right wing talking points from Hannity and Carlson.

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