Trump's Brilliant Pre-Election Executive Order


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
This will make the hateful Democrats even angrier, if that is possible.
Democrats don't care about "democracy." They only care about power, controlling everything you do.

Trump’s BRILLIANT Pre-Election Executive Order that Trapped Democrats
Kevin Jackson
November 16, 2020
Trump, #TeamKJ, #KevinJackson

As with all our articles, I suggest you do your own research. The Black Sphere is an opinion site, not a news site. But when we happen upon things that make sense, we share the information.
What I have to share today is a nuclear bomb, if true. All indications are that the information is true. And it begins with something President Trump did on September 12, 2018 before the mid-term elections.
On that day, the president issued an Executive Order titled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.”
Here is an excerpt from the EO:
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.
The EO declared a national emergency that remains in effect to this day. And according to DC Dirty Laundry, the election was conducted under this state of emergency–a crucial point to understanding what they report next.
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MD: if You Have Toenail Fungus, Do This Immediately (Watch)

  • Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd?
See the film the Left tried to stop!

Latest: What's Happening to Dominion Employees?
Their article begins,
“Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”
In the EO, the President also states that people and organizations located, in part, outside the United States are known to be able to, “interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”
If you’re starting to see how this ties in to CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC, you’re not alone. All those organizations, as you’ll soon see, have been caught under this emergency declaration of “foreign interference” in U.S. elections, aided by complicit corporations on U.S. soil.
Let’s understand the ramifications here. Every news organization as well as every Democrat operative falls under this EO.
The article continues:
The EO further states that this foreign interference in U.S. elections, “constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state? Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain.
…Dominion is a foreign-owned company, which makes Dominion-based election theft a “foreign interference issue.”
Who else does this EO potentially involve? A couple of big name Leftists.
Scytl, by the way, is connected to George Soros and the Democrats, and according to TGP (see below), “Bill Gates also owns stock in Scytl.”
Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent “foreign interference” in US elections… with data routed through servers in Germany
Another voting machine company called Scytl — also widely used in US elections — is located in Spain.
This EO is a game changer, as the National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, “directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election.”
Consider the potential recourse. The seizure of Facebook, Google, all media outlets, and assets of individuals like the aforementioned Bill Gates, George Soros, and the thousands of minions that will be outed.
It gets better. The article continues,
But that’s not even the full extent of what’s demanded by this Executive Order. In Section 8, the order explains that the term “person” also means, “a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization.”
In other words, any media organization that assisted in covering up or assisting foreign interference in a U.S. election is specifically targeted by this Executive Order.
Further in the definitions section, the EO explains:
…the term “election infrastructure” means information and communications technology and systems used by or on behalf of the Federal Government or a State or local government in managing the election process, including voter registration databases, voting machines, voting tabulation equipment, and equipment for the secure transmission of election results.
That would include the Dominion voting systems as well as all other voting systems used in the recent election.
Things get really interesting when you consider “foreign interference”.
The article explains:
…any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions.
Note the important words of “altering the result or reported result of the election.” This is exactly what Big Tech and the lying fake news media have done to America. More than merely a crime, it’s treason… and it fell right into the national emergency trap that Trump publicly announced in 2018 which now means all these corporations and organizations can have their assets seized literally overnight.
That leaves little wiggle-room for all the people in the food chain, particularly the media.
Now the part that is of most interest to me. The raiding of a server farm in Spain, according to The Gateway Pundit:
The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.
The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.
By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) mentioned this raid an interview on And according to the DC Dirty Laundry article, the raid appears to have targeted the CIA’s Frankfurt server farm operation. They write:
We also now have confirmation from WikiLeaks documents that the CIA used a data center in Frankfurt as a remote hacking base to rig US elections. reported:
WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.
The release included 8,761 documents that it claimed revealed details of “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.”
The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and the Middle East.
German daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported the building was known to be home to a vast network of intelligence personnel including CIA agents, NSA spies, military secret service personnel, Department of Homeland Security employees and Secret Service employees. It reported the Americans had also established a dense network of outposts and shell companies in Frankfurt.

It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections… and got caught. This is precisely why, as the Gateway Pundit reports, the CIA was kept completely out of the server raid operation that just took place in Germany. The raid was likely leveled against the CIA’s own server farm that ran the remote Dominion hacking operation the night of the election!
Now, Team Trump is in the process of gathering irrefutable evidence of criminal collusion to carry out election interference, and the cover-up trails will lead directly to Big Tech (targeted censorship and collusion with China) and the fake news left-wing media (gaslighting propaganda campaign to cover up evidence of foreign collusion).
If this information is remotely true, we are in for one helluva ride over the next few weeks.
While this is a bunch of bullshit it is pretty disappointing how many "Americans" would accept Trump trying to seize power like some banana republic generalissimo.
This will make the hateful Democrats even angrier, if that is possible.
Democrats don't care about "democracy." They only care about power, controlling everything you do.

Trump’s BRILLIANT Pre-Election Executive Order that Trapped Democrats
Kevin Jackson
November 16, 2020
Trump, #TeamKJ, #KevinJackson

As with all our articles, I suggest you do your own research. The Black Sphere is an opinion site, not a news site. But when we happen upon things that make sense, we share the information.
What I have to share today is a nuclear bomb, if true. All indications are that the information is true. And it begins with something President Trump did on September 12, 2018 before the mid-term elections.
On that day, the president issued an Executive Order titled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.”
Here is an excerpt from the EO:
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.
The EO declared a national emergency that remains in effect to this day. And according to DC Dirty Laundry, the election was conducted under this state of emergency–a crucial point to understanding what they report next.
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Trump Supporters Go Crazy After He Announces Free Coins To Maintain Presidency

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MD: if You Have Toenail Fungus, Do This Immediately (Watch)

  • Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd?
See the film the Left tried to stop!

Latest: What's Happening to Dominion Employees?
Their article begins,
“Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”
In the EO, the President also states that people and organizations located, in part, outside the United States are known to be able to, “interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”
If you’re starting to see how this ties in to CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC, you’re not alone. All those organizations, as you’ll soon see, have been caught under this emergency declaration of “foreign interference” in U.S. elections, aided by complicit corporations on U.S. soil.
Let’s understand the ramifications here. Every news organization as well as every Democrat operative falls under this EO.
The article continues:
The EO further states that this foreign interference in U.S. elections, “constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state? Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain.
…Dominion is a foreign-owned company, which makes Dominion-based election theft a “foreign interference issue.”
Who else does this EO potentially involve? A couple of big name Leftists.
Scytl, by the way, is connected to George Soros and the Democrats, and according to TGP (see below), “Bill Gates also owns stock in Scytl.”
Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent “foreign interference” in US elections… with data routed through servers in Germany
Another voting machine company called Scytl — also widely used in US elections — is located in Spain.
This EO is a game changer, as the National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, “directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election.”
Consider the potential recourse. The seizure of Facebook, Google, all media outlets, and assets of individuals like the aforementioned Bill Gates, George Soros, and the thousands of minions that will be outed.
It gets better. The article continues,
But that’s not even the full extent of what’s demanded by this Executive Order. In Section 8, the order explains that the term “person” also means, “a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization.”
In other words, any media organization that assisted in covering up or assisting foreign interference in a U.S. election is specifically targeted by this Executive Order.
Further in the definitions section, the EO explains:
…the term “election infrastructure” means information and communications technology and systems used by or on behalf of the Federal Government or a State or local government in managing the election process, including voter registration databases, voting machines, voting tabulation equipment, and equipment for the secure transmission of election results.
That would include the Dominion voting systems as well as all other voting systems used in the recent election.
Things get really interesting when you consider “foreign interference”.
The article explains:
…any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions.
Note the important words of “altering the result or reported result of the election.” This is exactly what Big Tech and the lying fake news media have done to America. More than merely a crime, it’s treason… and it fell right into the national emergency trap that Trump publicly announced in 2018 which now means all these corporations and organizations can have their assets seized literally overnight.
That leaves little wiggle-room for all the people in the food chain, particularly the media.
Now the part that is of most interest to me. The raiding of a server farm in Spain, according to The Gateway Pundit:
The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.
The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.
By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) mentioned this raid an interview on And according to the DC Dirty Laundry article, the raid appears to have targeted the CIA’s Frankfurt server farm operation. They write:
We also now have confirmation from WikiLeaks documents that the CIA used a data center in Frankfurt as a remote hacking base to rig US elections. reported:
WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.
The release included 8,761 documents that it claimed revealed details of “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.”
The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and the Middle East.
German daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported the building was known to be home to a vast network of intelligence personnel including CIA agents, NSA spies, military secret service personnel, Department of Homeland Security employees and Secret Service employees. It reported the Americans had also established a dense network of outposts and shell companies in Frankfurt.

It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections… and got caught. This is precisely why, as the Gateway Pundit reports, the CIA was kept completely out of the server raid operation that just took place in Germany. The raid was likely leveled against the CIA’s own server farm that ran the remote Dominion hacking operation the night of the election!
Now, Team Trump is in the process of gathering irrefutable evidence of criminal collusion to carry out election interference, and the cover-up trails will lead directly to Big Tech (targeted censorship and collusion with China) and the fake news left-wing media (gaslighting propaganda campaign to cover up evidence of foreign collusion).
If this information is remotely true, we are in for one helluva ride over the next few weeks.
You might want to edit out the spam--not interested in the free Trump coins and the toenail fungus is doing great! ROTFLMAO!
This will make the hateful Democrats even angrier, if that is possible.
Democrats don't care about "democracy." They only care about power, controlling everything you do.

Trump’s BRILLIANT Pre-Election Executive Order that Trapped Democrats
Kevin Jackson
November 16, 2020
Trump, #TeamKJ, #KevinJackson

As with all our articles, I suggest you do your own research. The Black Sphere is an opinion site, not a news site. But when we happen upon things that make sense, we share the information.
What I have to share today is a nuclear bomb, if true. All indications are that the information is true. And it begins with something President Trump did on September 12, 2018 before the mid-term elections.
On that day, the president issued an Executive Order titled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.”
Here is an excerpt from the EO:
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.
The EO declared a national emergency that remains in effect to this day. And according to DC Dirty Laundry, the election was conducted under this state of emergency–a crucial point to understanding what they report next.
take our poll - story continues below

Trump Supporters Go Crazy After He Announces Free Coins To Maintain Presidency

Try This Secret Natural Mole & Skin Tag Remover (It's Genius!)

60 Second Trick "Rebuilds" Your Teeth And Gums Overnight

Internet Providers Don't Want You Buying One, But They're Not Illegal

New Vision Discovery Can Restore Your Vision Naturally (Watch)

MD: if You Have Toenail Fungus, Do This Immediately (Watch)

  • Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd?
See the film the Left tried to stop!

Latest: What's Happening to Dominion Employees?
Their article begins,
“Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”
In the EO, the President also states that people and organizations located, in part, outside the United States are known to be able to, “interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”
If you’re starting to see how this ties in to CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC, you’re not alone. All those organizations, as you’ll soon see, have been caught under this emergency declaration of “foreign interference” in U.S. elections, aided by complicit corporations on U.S. soil.
Let’s understand the ramifications here. Every news organization as well as every Democrat operative falls under this EO.
The article continues:
The EO further states that this foreign interference in U.S. elections, “constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state? Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain.
…Dominion is a foreign-owned company, which makes Dominion-based election theft a “foreign interference issue.”
Who else does this EO potentially involve? A couple of big name Leftists.
Scytl, by the way, is connected to George Soros and the Democrats, and according to TGP (see below), “Bill Gates also owns stock in Scytl.”
Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent “foreign interference” in US elections… with data routed through servers in Germany
Another voting machine company called Scytl — also widely used in US elections — is located in Spain.
This EO is a game changer, as the National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, “directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election.”
Consider the potential recourse. The seizure of Facebook, Google, all media outlets, and assets of individuals like the aforementioned Bill Gates, George Soros, and the thousands of minions that will be outed.
It gets better. The article continues,
But that’s not even the full extent of what’s demanded by this Executive Order. In Section 8, the order explains that the term “person” also means, “a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization.”
In other words, any media organization that assisted in covering up or assisting foreign interference in a U.S. election is specifically targeted by this Executive Order.
Further in the definitions section, the EO explains:
…the term “election infrastructure” means information and communications technology and systems used by or on behalf of the Federal Government or a State or local government in managing the election process, including voter registration databases, voting machines, voting tabulation equipment, and equipment for the secure transmission of election results.
That would include the Dominion voting systems as well as all other voting systems used in the recent election.
Things get really interesting when you consider “foreign interference”.
The article explains:
…any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions.
Note the important words of “altering the result or reported result of the election.” This is exactly what Big Tech and the lying fake news media have done to America. More than merely a crime, it’s treason… and it fell right into the national emergency trap that Trump publicly announced in 2018 which now means all these corporations and organizations can have their assets seized literally overnight.
That leaves little wiggle-room for all the people in the food chain, particularly the media.
Now the part that is of most interest to me. The raiding of a server farm in Spain, according to The Gateway Pundit:
The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.
The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.
By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) mentioned this raid an interview on And according to the DC Dirty Laundry article, the raid appears to have targeted the CIA’s Frankfurt server farm operation. They write:
We also now have confirmation from WikiLeaks documents that the CIA used a data center in Frankfurt as a remote hacking base to rig US elections. reported:
WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.
The release included 8,761 documents that it claimed revealed details of “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.”
The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and the Middle East.
German daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported the building was known to be home to a vast network of intelligence personnel including CIA agents, NSA spies, military secret service personnel, Department of Homeland Security employees and Secret Service employees. It reported the Americans had also established a dense network of outposts and shell companies in Frankfurt.

It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections… and got caught. This is precisely why, as the Gateway Pundit reports, the CIA was kept completely out of the server raid operation that just took place in Germany. The raid was likely leveled against the CIA’s own server farm that ran the remote Dominion hacking operation the night of the election!
Now, Team Trump is in the process of gathering irrefutable evidence of criminal collusion to carry out election interference, and the cover-up trails will lead directly to Big Tech (targeted censorship and collusion with China) and the fake news left-wing media (gaslighting propaganda campaign to cover up evidence of foreign collusion).
If this information is remotely true, we are in for one helluva ride over the next few weeks.
Good thing Obama didn't do this or Trump might have been prosecuted for asking the Russians to hack Hillary's email.

I think come January we'll realize how little Trump accomplished, legislatively at least, when all his EO's are trashed.
This will make the hateful Democrats even angrier, if that is possible.
Democrats don't care about "democracy." They only care about power, controlling everything you do.

Trump’s BRILLIANT Pre-Election Executive Order that Trapped Democrats
Kevin Jackson
November 16, 2020
Trump, #TeamKJ, #KevinJackson

As with all our articles, I suggest you do your own research. The Black Sphere is an opinion site, not a news site. But when we happen upon things that make sense, we share the information.
What I have to share today is a nuclear bomb, if true. All indications are that the information is true. And it begins with something President Trump did on September 12, 2018 before the mid-term elections.
On that day, the president issued an Executive Order titled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.”
Here is an excerpt from the EO:
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.
The EO declared a national emergency that remains in effect to this day. And according to DC Dirty Laundry, the election was conducted under this state of emergency–a crucial point to understanding what they report next.
take our poll - story continues below

Trump Supporters Go Crazy After He Announces Free Coins To Maintain Presidency

Try This Secret Natural Mole & Skin Tag Remover (It's Genius!)

60 Second Trick "Rebuilds" Your Teeth And Gums Overnight

Internet Providers Don't Want You Buying One, But They're Not Illegal

New Vision Discovery Can Restore Your Vision Naturally (Watch)

MD: if You Have Toenail Fungus, Do This Immediately (Watch)

  • Will You Be Voting In Person November 3rd?
See the film the Left tried to stop!

Latest: What's Happening to Dominion Employees?
Their article begins,
“Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”
In the EO, the President also states that people and organizations located, in part, outside the United States are known to be able to, “interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”
If you’re starting to see how this ties in to CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC, you’re not alone. All those organizations, as you’ll soon see, have been caught under this emergency declaration of “foreign interference” in U.S. elections, aided by complicit corporations on U.S. soil.
Let’s understand the ramifications here. Every news organization as well as every Democrat operative falls under this EO.
The article continues:
The EO further states that this foreign interference in U.S. elections, “constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state? Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain.
…Dominion is a foreign-owned company, which makes Dominion-based election theft a “foreign interference issue.”
Who else does this EO potentially involve? A couple of big name Leftists.
Scytl, by the way, is connected to George Soros and the Democrats, and according to TGP (see below), “Bill Gates also owns stock in Scytl.”
Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent “foreign interference” in US elections… with data routed through servers in Germany
Another voting machine company called Scytl — also widely used in US elections — is located in Spain.
This EO is a game changer, as the National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, “directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election.”
Consider the potential recourse. The seizure of Facebook, Google, all media outlets, and assets of individuals like the aforementioned Bill Gates, George Soros, and the thousands of minions that will be outed.
It gets better. The article continues,
But that’s not even the full extent of what’s demanded by this Executive Order. In Section 8, the order explains that the term “person” also means, “a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization.”
In other words, any media organization that assisted in covering up or assisting foreign interference in a U.S. election is specifically targeted by this Executive Order.
Further in the definitions section, the EO explains:
…the term “election infrastructure” means information and communications technology and systems used by or on behalf of the Federal Government or a State or local government in managing the election process, including voter registration databases, voting machines, voting tabulation equipment, and equipment for the secure transmission of election results.
That would include the Dominion voting systems as well as all other voting systems used in the recent election.
Things get really interesting when you consider “foreign interference”.
The article explains:
…any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions.
Note the important words of “altering the result or reported result of the election.” This is exactly what Big Tech and the lying fake news media have done to America. More than merely a crime, it’s treason… and it fell right into the national emergency trap that Trump publicly announced in 2018 which now means all these corporations and organizations can have their assets seized literally overnight.
That leaves little wiggle-room for all the people in the food chain, particularly the media.
Now the part that is of most interest to me. The raiding of a server farm in Spain, according to The Gateway Pundit:
The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.
The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.
By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) mentioned this raid an interview on And according to the DC Dirty Laundry article, the raid appears to have targeted the CIA’s Frankfurt server farm operation. They write:
We also now have confirmation from WikiLeaks documents that the CIA used a data center in Frankfurt as a remote hacking base to rig US elections. reported:
WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.
The release included 8,761 documents that it claimed revealed details of “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.”
The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and the Middle East.
German daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported the building was known to be home to a vast network of intelligence personnel including CIA agents, NSA spies, military secret service personnel, Department of Homeland Security employees and Secret Service employees. It reported the Americans had also established a dense network of outposts and shell companies in Frankfurt.

It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections… and got caught. This is precisely why, as the Gateway Pundit reports, the CIA was kept completely out of the server raid operation that just took place in Germany. The raid was likely leveled against the CIA’s own server farm that ran the remote Dominion hacking operation the night of the election!
Now, Team Trump is in the process of gathering irrefutable evidence of criminal collusion to carry out election interference, and the cover-up trails will lead directly to Big Tech (targeted censorship and collusion with China) and the fake news left-wing media (gaslighting propaganda campaign to cover up evidence of foreign collusion).
If this information is remotely true, we are in for one helluva ride over the next few weeks.
So are they going back to the 2016 election to investigate or does this brilliant executive order only pertain to this years election?
This will make the hateful Democrats even angrier, if that is possible.
Democrats don't care about "democracy." They only care about power, controlling everything you do.

Trump’s BRILLIANT Pre-Election Executive Order that Trapped Democrats
Kevin Jackson
November 16, 2020
Trump, #TeamKJ, #KevinJackson

As with all our articles, I suggest you do your own research. The Black Sphere is an opinion site, not a news site. But when we happen upon things that make sense, we share the information.
What I have to share today is a nuclear bomb, if true. All indications are that the information is true. And it begins with something President Trump did on September 12, 2018 before the mid-term elections.
On that day, the president issued an Executive Order titled, “Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.”
Here is an excerpt from the EO:
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,
I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.
Although there has been no evidence of a foreign power altering the outcome or vote tabulation in any United States election, foreign powers have historically sought to exploit America’s free and open political system. In recent years, the proliferation of digital devices and internet-based communications has created significant vulnerabilities and magnified the scope and intensity of the threat of foreign interference, as illustrated in the 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with this threat.
The EO declared a national emergency that remains in effect to this day. And according to DC Dirty Laundry, the election was conducted under this state of emergency–a crucial point to understanding what they report next.
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Latest: What's Happening to Dominion Employees?
Their article begins,
“Unauthorized accessing of election infrastructure”
In the EO, the President also states that people and organizations located, in part, outside the United States are known to be able to, “interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation.”
If you’re starting to see how this ties in to CNN, the NY Times, the Washington Post and MSNBC, you’re not alone. All those organizations, as you’ll soon see, have been caught under this emergency declaration of “foreign interference” in U.S. elections, aided by complicit corporations on U.S. soil.
Let’s understand the ramifications here. Every news organization as well as every Democrat operative falls under this EO.
The article continues:
The EO further states that this foreign interference in U.S. elections, “constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States.”
Why is this relevant to anything we’re seeing right now with the massive election fraud carried out by the Democrats and the deep state? Because Dominion Voting Systems is a Canadian company. And Scytl is run out of Spain.
…Dominion is a foreign-owned company, which makes Dominion-based election theft a “foreign interference issue.”
Who else does this EO potentially involve? A couple of big name Leftists.
Scytl, by the way, is connected to George Soros and the Democrats, and according to TGP (see below), “Bill Gates also owns stock in Scytl.”
Dominion is Canadian, Scytl is from Spain; both represent “foreign interference” in US elections… with data routed through servers in Germany
Another voting machine company called Scytl — also widely used in US elections — is located in Spain.
This EO is a game changer, as the National Emergency order specifically calls for seizure of all assets of entities that have, “directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election.”
Consider the potential recourse. The seizure of Facebook, Google, all media outlets, and assets of individuals like the aforementioned Bill Gates, George Soros, and the thousands of minions that will be outed.
It gets better. The article continues,
But that’s not even the full extent of what’s demanded by this Executive Order. In Section 8, the order explains that the term “person” also means, “a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization.”
In other words, any media organization that assisted in covering up or assisting foreign interference in a U.S. election is specifically targeted by this Executive Order.
Further in the definitions section, the EO explains:
…the term “election infrastructure” means information and communications technology and systems used by or on behalf of the Federal Government or a State or local government in managing the election process, including voter registration databases, voting machines, voting tabulation equipment, and equipment for the secure transmission of election results.
That would include the Dominion voting systems as well as all other voting systems used in the recent election.
Things get really interesting when you consider “foreign interference”.
The article explains:
…any covert, fraudulent, deceptive, or unlawful actions or attempted actions of a foreign government, or of any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, undertaken with the purpose or effect of influencing, undermining confidence in, or altering the result or reported result of, the election, or undermining public confidence in election processes or institutions.
Note the important words of “altering the result or reported result of the election.” This is exactly what Big Tech and the lying fake news media have done to America. More than merely a crime, it’s treason… and it fell right into the national emergency trap that Trump publicly announced in 2018 which now means all these corporations and organizations can have their assets seized literally overnight.
That leaves little wiggle-room for all the people in the food chain, particularly the media.
Now the part that is of most interest to me. The raiding of a server farm in Spain, according to The Gateway Pundit:
The US government, once they determined that this Dominion server was involved in switching votes, then the intelligence community began a search for the server and discovered that the server was in Germany. In order to get access to that server and have it available for use in a legal manner they had to have the State Department work in tandem with the Department of Justice. They had to request that the government of Germany cooperate in allowing this seizure of this server.
The appropriate documents required to affect that kind of seizure were put in place, signed off on, and it appears there was also US military support in this operation. The US military was not in the lead. But this helps explain why Esper was fired and Miller and Kash Patel were put in place — so that the military would not interfere with the operation in any way.
By getting ahold of the server they now are going to have the direct evidence of when they were instructed to stop counting. They will also discover who gave the direction to stop counting and who initiated the algorithm that started switching votes. The CIA was completely excluded from this operation.

Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) mentioned this raid an interview on And according to the DC Dirty Laundry article, the raid appears to have targeted the CIA’s Frankfurt server farm operation. They write:
We also now have confirmation from WikiLeaks documents that the CIA used a data center in Frankfurt as a remote hacking base to rig US elections. reported:
WikiLeaks released a trove of CIA documents on Tuesday that it claimed revealed details of its secret hacking arsenal.
The release included 8,761 documents that it claimed revealed details of “malware, viruses, trojans, weaponized ‘zero day’ exploits, malware remote control systems and associated documentation.”
The leaks purportedly revealed that a top secret CIA unit used the German city of Frankfurt am Main as the starting point for numerous hacking attacks on Europe, China and the Middle East.
German daily “Süddeutsche Zeitung” reported the building was known to be home to a vast network of intelligence personnel including CIA agents, NSA spies, military secret service personnel, Department of Homeland Security employees and Secret Service employees. It reported the Americans had also established a dense network of outposts and shell companies in Frankfurt.

It appears the CIA was using the same foreign data center to hack the US elections… and got caught. This is precisely why, as the Gateway Pundit reports, the CIA was kept completely out of the server raid operation that just took place in Germany. The raid was likely leveled against the CIA’s own server farm that ran the remote Dominion hacking operation the night of the election!
Now, Team Trump is in the process of gathering irrefutable evidence of criminal collusion to carry out election interference, and the cover-up trails will lead directly to Big Tech (targeted censorship and collusion with China) and the fake news left-wing media (gaslighting propaganda campaign to cover up evidence of foreign collusion).
If this information is remotely true, we are in for one helluva ride over the next few weeks.

I'm impressed. I guess he will spring the trap and arrest all those people and confiscate all those businesses ANY DAY NOW ----right?
While this is a bunch of bullshit it is pretty disappointing how many "Americans" would accept Trump trying to seize power like some banana republic generalissimo.
Trump won in a landslide.....they are using mail in and hacked voting machine software to steal it......
While this is a bunch of bullshit it is pretty disappointing how many "Americans" would accept Trump trying to seize power like some banana republic generalissimo.
Trump won in a landslide.....they are using mail in and hacked voting machine software to steal it......
Dear USMB poster:

Since it is becoming wearisome to tell you all individually that the election is over and Biden won I have prepared this generic response:

Biden won, Trump lost, there was no cheating, grow up.

There is no need to respond except to accept the loss like an adult and move on.

Your friend

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