Trump's Amazing Election Victory Seen in the Exit Polling

The union vote stat is hilarious

Don't know why. Trump was receiving more than half in swing states according to polls I was viewing.
You don't know why it's hilarious that union voters voted republican? Hmm.

Why would I find that hillarious? Dems are responsible for so many outsourced jobs and undercutting labor with their support of illegal immigration.

Then, there's this:

Right, Tim?
The county statistic is stunning: 3000 to 100! That statistic shows how narrow and concentrated Hillary's support was. This was exactly what the electoral college was designed to prevent. A national election decided by a handful of states.

Yup. The FF were very wise and so we have the electoral voting system.

If not for that then all elections would be decided by the States with the most people and votes.

Oh and you can bet your ass that if Trump has lost and had the popular vote you wouldn't hear a word from the left.
The more you look at the exit polls, the more impressed you have to be with what Donald Trump accomplished. Not only did he win 30 out of 50 states (Obama never won more than 28), but he also did the following:

* Trump won a much larger percentage of the Hispanic vote than his critics predicted he would: He got 29% of the Hispanic vote, which is more than Romney received in 2012. Interestingly, Trump got 33% of the male Hispanic vote. (And these numbers don't include the evidence that anywhere from 600,000 to 2.9 million illegal immigrants and other non-citizens voted, the vast majority of whom are Hispanic. So it's possible that Trump received a much larger share of the legal Hispanic vote than the exit polling indicates.)

* Trump received 8% of the black vote and 13% of the male black vote. By comparison, McCain got 4% of the black vote in 2008, and Romney got 6% of the black vote in 2012.

* Trump received a larger share of the union vote than Romney or McCain received: 43%.

* Amazingly, Trump got 41% of the vote from people who make 50K or less, an 8% increase over the percentage that Romney and McCain received from this income group.

* Trump buried Clinton in the number of counties won. He won over 3,000 counties, while Clinton won just over 100 counties. A strong majority of Hillary's votes came from a narrow band of 52 coastal counties and five “county equivalent” cities stretching from San Diego to Seattle on the West Coast and Northern Virginia to Boston on the East Coast. Washington DC and areas in Northern Virginia and Maryland with large concentrations of federal employees voted for Hillary by margins ranging from 2 to 1 to 4 to 1. But the heartland of America went solidly for Trump.

* Trump won 81% of the evangelical Christian vote and 61% of the Mormon vote. Among voters who attend church weekly, Trump won 56% to 40%. Regarding the Mormon vote, only 25% of Latter-day Saints voted for Hillary. As mentioned, Trump got 61%; the remaining 14% was split between McMullin and Johnson. (If I found out that 75% of my fellow Mormons did not vote for the person I voted for, I would ask myself what I was thinking, rather than wonder what they were thinking.)
Exit polls were unnecessary.

The first 2 states to report -- KY and TENN -- already showed overwhelming Trump wins by 2 to 1 against Hillary. That was actually the first clue of the night.

Trump was never behind.

Hillary tied for a short while when California reported.

However then Trump pulled away and never looked back.

Pennsylvania and Florida sealed it -- then Wisconsin made it official.
The union vote stat is hilarious

Don't know why. Trump was receiving more than half in swing states according to polls I was viewing.
You don't know why it's hilarious that union voters voted republican? Hmm.

Ok, why is it "hilarious"? Union jobs have been devastated by NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc. Many unions also supported the XL Keystone Pipeline because thousands of the jobs it would create would be union jobs.

I think you might be the only person on the planet who doesn't get so many why blue collar union workers would find Trump appealing and NAFTA-CAFTA-loving Hillary unappealing.

And as for the popular vote, (1) it's irrelevant in our democratic republic, and (2) how many of Hillary's voters were even citizens and/or could understand the ballot without assistance and/or have been on welfare for years and/or were convicted felons who had their voting rights restored by Democratic governors (e.g., Virginia)?
It's hilarious because republicans want to dismantle these voters unions, and they are blatantly lying about bringing their jobs back with destroying countless other peoples jobs in the U.S.

You know what's been way more devastating for jobs than free trade (which actually creates jobs)? Automation. Trump voters want to get paid for things that machines to for free.

If Trump does bring jobs to these people, I wonder if the China-like sweatshops will allow them to organize.
Trump isn't a Republican.
You suffering from dementia?
Hmmm, he's registered as a Republican, dumbass.
Don't know why. Trump was receiving more than half in swing states according to polls I was viewing.
You don't know why it's hilarious that union voters voted republican? Hmm.

Ok, why is it "hilarious"? Union jobs have been devastated by NAFTA, CAFTA, GATT, etc. Many unions also supported the XL Keystone Pipeline because thousands of the jobs it would create would be union jobs.

I think you might be the only person on the planet who doesn't get so many why blue collar union workers would find Trump appealing and NAFTA-CAFTA-loving Hillary unappealing.

And as for the popular vote, (1) it's irrelevant in our democratic republic, and (2) how many of Hillary's voters were even citizens and/or could understand the ballot without assistance and/or have been on welfare for years and/or were convicted felons who had their voting rights restored by Democratic governors (e.g., Virginia)?
It's hilarious because republicans want to dismantle these voters unions, and they are blatantly lying about bringing their jobs back with destroying countless other peoples jobs in the U.S.

You know what's been way more devastating for jobs than free trade (which actually creates jobs)? Automation. Trump voters want to get paid for things that machines to for free.

If Trump does bring jobs to these people, I wonder if the China-like sweatshops will allow them to organize.
Trump isn't a Republican.
You suffering from dementia?
Hmmm, he's registered as a Republican, dumbass.
well this is odd,,,according to CNN/NBC/ABC and the rest, Trump was only going to get 1% of the black vote, 15ish% of the Hispanic vote and 0.0% of the female vote. so much for a credible media.

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