Trump Trumped talked to Netanyahu and got a lesson from him


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
1. Everything you do say its about the protection of the American people and your duty is to protect the
American people.

2. Piss off the Muslims and they will strike and give you a reason to strike back, even if you have to end up
doing a False Flag , you can then attack their countries.

3. Trust me, I know and I'll help you if need be.
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1. Everything you do say its about the protection of the American people and your duty is to protect the
American people.

2. Piss off the Muslims and they will strike and give you a reason to strike back, even if you have to end up
doing a False Flag , you can then attack their countries.

3. Trust me, I know and I'll help you if need be.

sorry (we gotta have "some" law and order around here - unlike where "youse" come from)...

He must not of always wore a hard hat, because he acts like he has brain damage.
He must not of always wore a hard hat, because he acts like he has brain damage.

ohh... there’s a whole-host of ….stuff that needs fixin’roun'here..


how about we both put a little *TO-DO* list on the new President’s desk.

“To Do in NY, To do in Hawaii, To do in ….Detroit and Chicago”
…just jot down things when you see UN-quality-of-life-happenings in your town and you feel – why isn't ANYONE doing something about this ? this is the 21st century and not a 3rd-world craphole (like china). the President(s) of the US need to be more involved and see what’s happening – state by state – instead of – NOT noticing (for example, like Mayor DeBlahsio)….

Help the black communities across America (obama did nothing, oprah does nothing, "they" all say/do NOTHING about the problem we face). He should have been going around for the last 8 years, year after year with a bull horn demanding that black males in (for example in: east ny, bed-sty, crown heights…Chicago, Detroit, etc) …..put down their HOODIES, guns, knives, and fists and give up calling your friend and mother a “niggah” – and get a freakin job already instead ripping out ATMs from any business that has one, pistol whipping and holding up women in beauty parlors, robbing cell phone stores, bodegas, banks, or create GAMES called "The knockout Game" -- where black males pass you on the street, then in a split-second sucker punch you (once) in the head or face..."knocking you out" (then they laugh and scurry away) ----- they inflict severe pain and in one case, death (the scum wasn't even prosecuted for murder, killing a white-haired, elderly man, walking as slow as a turtle with a CANE........the demon/savage got a slap on the WRIST playing the knock-out game.)...the other thing they like to do is: beat up 80 year old senior-citizens for the 3 bucks they have in their pocket …and other sick shit.

We need someone to think up a ”HOMELESS SHELTER system" here ny. It’s out of control. the system is...nuts - these folks -- taking baths in Water Fountains in the middle of ...Columbus Circle...? What ? spending $300 a night for hotel rooms .... and others, when asked, the homeless would rather sleep outside on the corner of 42nd st and 5th ave on a pile of garbage than stay in ANY NYC homeless shelter for fear of being attacked and killed by some deranged lunatic. Our mayor seems to be too busy focusing in on a, a, a.... “a 10c plastic bag tax” and completely ignoring the more egregious and complex issues that need tending to in NY.

Build more jails and mental institutions across America and hire more prison guards and administrative/security personnel in these jails and mental institutions.

Create a law to imprison “the parents” of 7 yr olds to 17 yr olds who commit heinous/violent crimes against humanity (i.e., punching 80 yr old senior-citizens in the face and kicking them viciously in the stomach while they’re down for their cell phone and $3.00 in their wallet in broad-daylight).

ramp up security at all US airports.

. . .Get that wall/fence/moat going between us and Mexico. Just build it already (use the $$ ear-marked to pay “afghani security forces for the NEXT combat training session). I’m sick and tired paying for Lupe having a village of kids….who the hell are THEY that I should have to continue to pay for their lifes’ living expenses for: forever ….what a life they have. Walk around all day (not working), talk on cell phone, use free-food-card, hang out at laundry mat and 99¢ store.... Day 2 thru 7: see day 1. …. these mooching Mexicans.... I want my tax dollars to go to: crumbling American infrastructures, fixing our highways, bridges, dams, americans' salaries, cleaning the oceans and forests., ETC - america first.

…understandably the President is excited to make America great again…“We will eradicate radical islam from the face of the earth.” not gonna happen anytime soon.....

--- What’s the penalty for flag burning ?

impose minimum of a 10 year prison sentence for anyone (anyone) on u.s. soil (even in Alaska, Hawaii and that…mooching “Puerto rico” - Figures)… who burns an American flag. Then, after their 10 prison sentence is over, on the 3,651st day…....present them with a list of countries they’d like to live in for the rest of their sniveling life.



5,476,999 more bullet points to go…….

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