Trump...Where is the paper trail?

Another new day...STILL no evidence.

On what day, in what year did the attack on Benghazi occur?

Clinton: 7 Benghazi probes so far

Our ruling

Clinton said, "There have been seven investigations (of Benghazi) led mostly by Republicans in the Congress" that concluded "nobody did anything wrong, but there were changes we could make."

Clinton’s number is correct: there were seven previous congressional probes into the Benghazi attack. Saying these committees were led "mostly by Republicans" is also a fair assertion: the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs were the only two committees not led by Republicans. As for her comment that there was no overt wrongdoing, just room for improvement, that’s a rosy assessment. But it is also largely accurate. We rate this claim Mostly True.
Another new day...STILL no evidence.

On what day, in what year did the attack on Benghazi occur?

Clinton: 7 Benghazi probes so far

Our ruling

Clinton said, "There have been seven investigations (of Benghazi) led mostly by Republicans in the Congress" that concluded "nobody did anything wrong, but there were changes we could make."

Clinton’s number is correct: there were seven previous congressional probes into the Benghazi attack. Saying these committees were led "mostly by Republicans" is also a fair assertion: the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs were the only two committees not led by Republicans. As for her comment that there was no overt wrongdoing, just room for improvement, that’s a rosy assessment. But it is also largely accurate. We rate this claim Mostly True.
I suggest you stick to the topic, but if you really want to discuss Hillary and Obama's failures resulting in the needless deaths of 4 Americans, please start a thread about it, and I will 'school' you.
Another new day...STILL no evidence.
Another day and Trump still has not said what his people were talking to the Russians about

Another Day another sore-loser butt-hurt snowflake trying to make a criminal case out of something already declared 'NOT ILLEGAL'. Whine on, snowflake.... :p

NOT ILLEGAL....Great news!

Now, if you can just tell me what the Trump officials were talking to the Russians about we can end this whole thing
I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

Leftnutter it is nice to know you are on top of corruption by the POTUS. Where were you for the prior 8 years?

Watching President Obama clean up the mess W and the Republicans made of the economy.
I have worked for over 40 years. During that time there were always standards of how you conduct and document meetings with outside agencies

Before meeting with an outside agency, I had to discuss with my management what the purpose was and provide a written agenda. I was told what could be discussed and what was off limits. After the meeting, I had to document who was there, what was discussed and what the result of the meeting was

Trump has his campaign chief and chief intelligence advisor meeting with an enemy foreign government. None of these meetings were cleared by Trump? There was no documentation of who they met with and what was discussed? I'm sure Putin has them documented (recorded)

If Trump wants to end the investigation, why doesn't he just come clean on what the meetings were about?

Leftnutter it is nice to know you are on top of corruption by the POTUS. Where were you for the prior 8 years?

Watching President Obama clean up the mess W and the Republicans made of the economy.
He didn't clean up anything. He made it worse. The rich got much richer and the rest of us got poorer. Then he spied on all of us.

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