Trump: 'What happened in Las Vegas is in many ways a miracle'

Well, Trump will be landing in Las Vegas in a few hours. Will he fuck that up like he did in Puerto Rico?

I see you're a person that only reads the news she wants to read instead of all of it. But hey! Why confuse yourself with objective views?
More faux outrage.
Trump is simply conveying how incredible the police response was.
Just go the fuck to bed libs, jesus christ get a fucking life.

His vocabulary is the size of a matchbox and there were no miracles in Las Vegas.

Sorry he didn't choose the exact wording you'd prefer. Anal much?

I'd like to have a president who is articulate and really does have the 'best words'. But, hey your standards are obviously much lower.

Me too, but I'm not going shit my pants and wring my hands every time the prez constructs a sentence poorly.
It wouldn't matter what the president said or how he said it, you guys just want to get upset.

Realistically, you would be complaining no matter what he said so *yawn*.
yes its a miracle that this pos had 49 guns without the repubs having a clue

It doesnt matter if one has 2 guns or 5000 guns.
Yea the police should have waited a couple hours before coming in on him.

This thread is not about the response - it's about the incident.
He was talking about the response you stupid hack

Then why didn't he say that? There was nothing about that massacre that was a miracle. Nothing. Sure, the first responders, police, and hospitals deserve praise. So does everyone who helped - but it wasn't a miracle.

Then why didn't he say that?

What kind of moron would think he was calling the shooting a miracle?


MSM and it followers!:muahaha:
A miracle? How could it possibly be a miracle? Does anyone else think it was a miracle?
Yes it was a miracle, reportedly only 11 minutes from the time the shooting started to the LV Police busting down the gunman's hotel room door and stopping it, that's a fucking miracle given that the shooter was hold up in a crowded mega resort on the strip in a high floor room, not to mention the fact that thanks to the miraculous efforts of police, emts and hospital staff here in Las Vegas that saved the lives of the over 500 that were injured.
Trump rarely knows what the flip he is talking about. That is why there are so many trumpterpreters like the ones here at USMB to explain his nonsense and incoherent gibberish, but all they are doing is speculating. No one really knows what he says if he doesn't know himself.

Then how is it we all know what he said and only leftists didn't?

Why would any sane person say anything about the Las Vegas massacre was a miracle? Was Trump suggesting "divine intervention"?

It's a miracle that Vegas did not turn into another France or OKC terrorist act.

Now you will proclaim those words of mine are insane but when you realize the amount of fire power the shooter had, well it was a miracle that only 59 people died that night...

Now go get ready to burn a flag, write another thread of hate, and telling everyone how the GOP failed America...

What are you a fucking moron?

He clearly means that it is a miracle that more did not die, you wanker.

Trump said what he said. Are you suggesting he was taken out of context - like President Obama?

Like every politician in the history of humanity.

You act like Obama was the first person ever to have his words taken out of context!
It is a miracle. I was just asking the other day how police got to this man's door and blew it down to stop him. The acts of bravery of those being shot at to save others. The long lines to give blood. To bad Democrats have to play politics and can't recognize this.
Absolutely a miracle. And not just the response of the police and the EMT's but of the incredible acts of bravery committed by the heros who saved strangers at that concert and prevented the death toll from going higher.

The worst mass shooting in US history is not in any way a blessing. Over 500 people were injured. 58 died. You can't put a happy pants spin on this.

Trump has no empathy, no common decency. He is the most appalling excuse for a human being ever.

So Hitler, Stalin and Mao were less appalling?

Shit, Trump does not crack my top 100 list and yet he is your number one over the dictator in North Korea!

Realistically, you would be complaining no matter what he said so *yawn*.

...but here you are ACTUALLY deflecting no matter the stupidity of what Trump is saying.

Got a *yawn* for yourself?

Realistically, you would be complaining no matter what he said so *yawn*.

Are you implying that Trump never ever says anything stupid?


Just that you are so far from objective it is more humorous than persausive.

More faux outrage.
Trump is simply conveying how incredible the police response was.
Just go the fuck to bed libs, jesus christ get a fucking life.

His vocabulary is the size of a matchbox and there were no miracles in Las Vegas.

Sorry he didn't choose the exact wording you'd prefer. Anal much?

I'd like to have a president who is articulate and really does have the 'best words'. But, hey your standards are obviously much lower.

Me too, but I'm not going shit my pants and wring my hands every time the prez constructs a sentence poorly.
It wouldn't matter what the president said or how he said it, you guys just want to get upset.

Upset because our president acts like he only has a 3rd grade education? Yeah, it's called standards, I have them, you don't.
Absolutely a miracle. And not just the response of the police and the EMT's but of the incredible acts of bravery committed by the heros who saved strangers at that concert and prevented the death toll from going higher.

The worst mass shooting in US history is not in any way a blessing. Over 500 people were injured. 58 died. You can't put a happy pants spin on this.

Trump has no empathy, no common decency. He is the most appalling excuse for a human being ever.

So Hitler, Stalin and Mao were less appalling?

Shit, Trump does not crack my top 100 list and yet he is your number one over the dictator in North Korea!

You're right. I way overstated that.

He is the most appalling excuse for a human being to ever hold the US Presidency, and I'm including Nixon in that listing.

It is not unreasonable to expect the President of the United States to show leadership and compassion in the wake of tragedy, not lead a cheerleading along the lines of "Be grateful it wasn't worse". Or worse, to attack anyone who complains about his lack of concern for those who are suffering. Or how much money a hurricane is going to cost the US Treasury.

Realistically, you would be complaining no matter what he said so *yawn*.

...but here you are ACTUALLY deflecting no matter the stupidity of what Trump is saying.

Got a *yawn* for yourself?

Not true cupcake.

I call a spade a spade.

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