Trump to speak on border “crisis” tomorrow at 3 .

I think he'll shut down the southern border.

OR offer DACA for the wall, and let the Democrats reject it again.

Place your bets.
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President Trump is the one who turned down DACA path to citizenship for the $25 billion for border security.... the Democrats did not turn that proposal down, the president turned that bi-partisan proposal down over a year ago? Why are you claiming Democrats rejected it? Was there another DACA/border security proposal recently?
I think he'll shut down the southern border.

OR offer DACA for the wall, and let the Democrats reject it again.

Place your bets.

Don't know about bets, but here's hoping it happens. Go for it, Trumpsie! lock down the border! Put the Army down there with tanks, land minds, boobie traps, machine guns and barbed wire and take out anything that moves. America needs another good fight. We get bored if we ain't kicking ass somewhere.
President Trump is the one who turned down DACA path to citizenship for the $25 billion for border security.... the Democrats did not turn that proposal down, the president turned that bi-partisan proposal down over a year ago? Why are you claiming Democrats rejected it? Was there another DACA/border security proposal recently?
If he offers that again, do you think they will take it?
As much as I would like the results I hope not.

Our lazy ass legislative branch has given the executive branch way too much power. Congress needs to do its fucking job.
While this may not be a big deal in the big scheme it will only be a matter of time before some other president takes it a step too far on some other issue that has REAL IMPLICATIONS for everyday Americans.
You mean the president with the rainbow lights and the approval of sending men with dresses on into public bathrooms to ph uk little girls.

Boy, you really cover all of the idiot fuckboy racist, ignorant, asshole beliefs, don't you.
He just tweeted . Declaring an emergency?

Oh. And you have to follow trump on twitter. It’s a hoot .
You trying to make your fellow lefties heads explode? I mean go ahead it would be funny as hell to see them rant some more about something he says on twitter..he cracks me up half the time I follow him but I also rarely use twitter.
I think he'll shut down the southern border.

OR offer DACA for the wall, and let the Democrats reject it again.

Place your bets.

Don't know about bets, but here's hoping it happens. Go for it, Trumpsie! lock down the border! Put the Army down there with tanks, land minds, boobie traps, machine guns and barbed wire and take out anything that moves. America needs another good fight. We get bored if we ain't kicking ass somewhere.

You don't put land mines on the border to blow up people on your own side, like the landowners kids!
President Trump is the one who turned down DACA path to citizenship for the $25 billion for border security.... the Democrats did not turn that proposal down, the president turned that bi-partisan proposal down over a year ago? Why are you claiming Democrats rejected it? Was there another DACA/border security proposal recently?
If he offers that again, do you think they will take it?
President Trump never offered it in the first place?

A dem and repub Senator put together the bi-partisan proposal and offered it to president Trump and President Trump, TURNED IT DOWN.... not this past December, but in December of 2017... or there abouts....

Though if memory serves, I don't think the 25 billion for border security was for 1 single year,

it was a 10 year plan.... like $2.5 billion a year for 10 straight years... or something like that....?

SO, the question is, would President Trump turn that deal down today, like he turned it down a year ago, or would he take it, now?
He just tweeted . Declaring an emergency?

Oh. And you have to follow trump on twitter. It’s a hoot .

Ha.Ha There is no National emergency at the border. Will Hurd, a Texas congressional REPUBLICAN says so. His district covers 840 miles of the border.
GOP Rep. Will Hurd on border wall shutdown: ‘If this is a crisis, the people that are dealing with this crisis should get paid’ - The Washington Post


CNN is reporting that Trump is going to announce a DEAL tomorrow.
Trump plans to make Democrats an offer to end shutdown, not declare national emergency, in Saturday speech, official says - CNNPolitics

So this deal all depends on what his right wing talk show hosts tell him to do.

He can talk about the 4 illegals they just caught crossing in Mission, Tx on live pd an hour ago, too.
Hope he declares a National Emergency


And the wall will be built and the shutdown will end


If he declares a national emergency, he has already said it would not end the shutdown because it would end up in court. In other words everybody suffers until he gets the money for his wall.
Goddamn right! National security!
I seriously doubt that most government employees are happy to work without pay to build a wall.
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In other words everybody suffers until he gets the money for his wall.

No one person in governance should have that power


Its the dems fault for not negotiating. This should have been resolved by the adults in the parties before becoming a shutdown.
Trump "I need more money for border security or I can't sign the Bill"
Nancy, "Fine, I want (add wish list items) "
Trump "Fine" lets write it up
Disaster averted...

That’s not what happened . There was a bill all set to go out n December and trump bailed on it cause Ann Coulter didn’t like it .

Maybe trump should watch school house rock to figure out how gov works .
It wouldn't do any good because he doesn't care how government works. As long as he's got his Twitter account, he doesn't give a shit. He just makes shit up as he goes.

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