Trump to make groping legal on college campuses

Trumps dumbass Education Secretary is rewriting the guidelines for colleges as to what constitutes sexual harassment.

Evidently anythings goes if it does not interfer with the education process of the victim.

The new standards will make it nearly impossible for victims to pursue any legal channel within the institutions.

Yes..... people like you, totalitarians believe in Star Chambers and Secret Courts who can arrest, try and convict innocent people all they want.... this move by Trump simply reinstates "Due Process" to the kangaroo courts on these left wing college campuses.....yes, for you asshats the rule of law sucks...but for normal people, we like to have our day in court.
Oh go fuck yourself. There was due process before these changes.

No, there wasn't, you stupid doofus........ read the stories and do some basic research.

So what s in place now that Devos is replacing?
--------------------------------------------------- i don't really know but i hear about 'kangaroo courts' made up of 'perfessors' judging young mostly male students and thats not correct and i don't see how it could be legal RealDave .
Betsy DeVos is set to weaken sexual misconduct enforcement on campus.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday afternoon that the Education Department secretary is revising Title IX standards for addressing cases of sexual harassment and assault on college campuses. DeVos has yet to finalize the revisions, but a draft obtained by Times will “bolster the rights” of accused students, “narrow the definition of sexual harassment,” and hold “schools accountable only for formal complaints filed through proper authorities and for conduct said to have occurred on their campuses.”

If ushered in, the new/revised rules will be titled, 'Make Grabbing Pussy Great Again'

So, do any of the women here agree that campus sexual assault guidelines should be relaxed?
Yes, if they were unfair. Since I am not working on campus in an office dealing with sexual assault, I really can't say. It sounds from what I read last year that some of the young men were being expelled from college without due process? That is not right, if that is what happened.

I advocate women being supported in the case of rape, regardless of where it happens. I don't advocate ruining a young man's education with accusations that are not properly looked into and confirmed.

The article (see Marty Began's link, post #5) explains things a little better and the why and wherefore of it.

I don't think most of us have the actual knowledge of how these rules work to know if this is going to make things more or less fair for victims and the accused.

there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?
I don't see such a broad range of options as, "ruining a young man's education."
Why should they have to?

most institutions will have hearings to determine if allegations have merit
Well that is not due process is it?
If a crime is alleged then the accused deserves what we all deserve and the crime should be proven in a court of law.
Apparently Dave doesn’t like due process.

Too bad, this is America

So, there was no due process before? A viictim pointed a finger & they hauled the accused off to jail. Who knew?
They kicked them out of college etc. On the baisis of an accusation, no due process. That is unacceptable.

Not to mention they would likely be blacklisted from any other college. What university is going to except someone who is kicked out of their last college for rape charges?
Why on Earth anyone thinks this is OK is beyond me.

There is darkness over the eyes of the people. Some worse than others
Betsy DeVos is set to weaken sexual misconduct enforcement on campus.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday afternoon that the Education Department secretary is revising Title IX standards for addressing cases of sexual harassment and assault on college campuses. DeVos has yet to finalize the revisions, but a draft obtained by Times will “bolster the rights” of accused students, “narrow the definition of sexual harassment,” and hold “schools accountable only for formal complaints filed through proper authorities and for conduct said to have occurred on their campuses.”

If ushered in, the new/revised rules will be titled, 'Make Grabbing Pussy Great Again'

So, do any of the women here agree that campus sexual assault guidelines should be relaxed?
Yes, if they were unfair. Since I am not working on campus in an office dealing with sexual assault, I really can't say. It sounds from what I read last year that some of the young men were being expelled from college without due process? That is not right, if that is what happened.

I advocate women being supported in the case of rape, regardless of where it happens. I don't advocate ruining a young man's education with accusations that are not properly looked into and confirmed.

The article (see Marty Began's link, post #5) explains things a little better and the why and wherefore of it.

I don't think most of us have the actual knowledge of how these rules work to know if this is going to make things more or less fair for victims and the accused.

there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?
I don't see such a broad range of options as, "ruining a young man's education."
Why should they have to?

most institutions will have hearings to determine if allegations have merit
------------------------------------ they should have NO Right to do that . Its a police or legal matter Caddo .
Yes, if they were unfair. Since I am not working on campus in an office dealing with sexual assault, I really can't say. It sounds from what I read last year that some of the young men were being expelled from college without due process? That is not right, if that is what happened.

I advocate women being supported in the case of rape, regardless of where it happens. I don't advocate ruining a young man's education with accusations that are not properly looked into and confirmed.

The article (see Marty Began's link, post #5) explains things a little better and the why and wherefore of it.

I don't think most of us have the actual knowledge of how these rules work to know if this is going to make things more or less fair for victims and the accused.

there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?

If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?

the poster stated something to the effect of ruining someon's education; impossible. There are too many schools for that to happen.

So you’re seriously trying to arguing that if someone gets kicked out of Harvard based on an accusation and nothing else they won’t have their education ruined because they can go to Trump University?

Harvard isn't the only university in America & Trump University was nothing but a scam, by a con man.

Well, clearly that went over your head.
To those who are so fucking stupid that they don't bother to learn about the topic.

Devos wants to change the definition of what is considered sexual harassment.

This is what is being considered: "unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person access to the school’s education program or activity.”.

This is why it makes groping "legal" This is how it permits women to be sexually assaulted. This is almost impossible to prove.

" So i grabbed her tit, she made it to class"? Really?

Women are supposed to just bear these assaults?

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

Will you really put up with this if some rich college frat guys rapes your daughter, gropes her, harasses her?

Donald Trump has made you people stupid.
there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?

If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?

the poster stated something to the effect of ruining someon's education; impossible. There are too many schools for that to happen.

So you’re seriously trying to arguing that if someone gets kicked out of Harvard based on an accusation and nothing else they won’t have their education ruined because they can go to Trump University?

Harvard isn't the only university in America & Trump University was nothing but a scam, by a con man.
Why should someone who has been denied due process be forced to leave their college and then attempt to resume their studies elsewhere?

due process is a legal term; it doesn't apply to schools & universities; does it? No
Yes..... people like you, totalitarians believe in Star Chambers and Secret Courts who can arrest, try and convict innocent people all they want.... this move by Trump simply reinstates "Due Process" to the kangaroo courts on these left wing college campuses.....yes, for you asshats the rule of law sucks...but for normal people, we like to have our day in court.
Oh go fuck yourself. There was due process before these changes.

No, there wasn't, you stupid doofus........ read the stories and do some basic research.
So, right now, All a victim does is point & the accused goes to jail. No lawyers, no judge, no trials.

Who knew?

We have many examples of a person being expelled, suspended for just the accusations. There needs to be justice and not arbitrary BS.
No one get me wrong, I've seen the other side of this and seen how much a scared young college student has to go through before the police or even campus security can intervene when a stalker is after her. It's terrifying, especially when the guy is someone who has broken bones on past girlfriends.
I would certainly hope these new rules don't make that easier for creeps. But it doesn't sound that way. No one, not even college campuses or Betsy DeVos, wants to see their students abused.

I get where you are coming from, it is a tough balancing act.
Betsy DeVos is set to weaken sexual misconduct enforcement on campus.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday afternoon that the Education Department secretary is revising Title IX standards for addressing cases of sexual harassment and assault on college campuses. DeVos has yet to finalize the revisions, but a draft obtained by Times will “bolster the rights” of accused students, “narrow the definition of sexual harassment,” and hold “schools accountable only for formal complaints filed through proper authorities and for conduct said to have occurred on their campuses.”

If ushered in, the new/revised rules will be titled, 'Make Grabbing Pussy Great Again'

So, do any of the women here agree that campus sexual assault guidelines should be relaxed?
Yes, if they were unfair. Since I am not working on campus in an office dealing with sexual assault, I really can't say. It sounds from what I read last year that some of the young men were being expelled from college without due process? That is not right, if that is what happened.

I advocate women being supported in the case of rape, regardless of where it happens. I don't advocate ruining a young man's education with accusations that are not properly looked into and confirmed.

The article (see Marty Began's link, post #5) explains things a little better and the why and wherefore of it.

I don't think most of us have the actual knowledge of how these rules work to know if this is going to make things more or less fair for victims and the accused.

there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?

If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?
there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?

If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?

the poster stated something to the effect of ruining someon's education; impossible. There are too many schools for that to happen.

So you’re seriously trying to arguing that if someone gets kicked out of Harvard based on an accusation and nothing else they won’t have their education ruined because they can go to Trump University?

So, you really think all it takes is an accusation. No investigation, nothing. How did you get this naive?
It has happened many times. If a crime is alleged it is not for college staff to ‘investigate’.

some universities have their own police but criminal investigations are a different thing
If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?

the poster stated something to the effect of ruining someon's education; impossible. There are too many schools for that to happen.

So you’re seriously trying to arguing that if someone gets kicked out of Harvard based on an accusation and nothing else they won’t have their education ruined because they can go to Trump University?

Harvard isn't the only university in America & Trump University was nothing but a scam, by a con man.
Why should someone who has been denied due process be forced to leave their college and then attempt to resume their studies elsewhere?

due process is a legal term; it doesn't apply to schools & universities; does it? No
If a crime is alleged to have happened in a school or uni, yes of course it does. Are they mini independent states or something? Nope.
Betsy DeVos is set to weaken sexual misconduct enforcement on campus.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday afternoon that the Education Department secretary is revising Title IX standards for addressing cases of sexual harassment and assault on college campuses. DeVos has yet to finalize the revisions, but a draft obtained by Times will “bolster the rights” of accused students, “narrow the definition of sexual harassment,” and hold “schools accountable only for formal complaints filed through proper authorities and for conduct said to have occurred on their campuses.”

If ushered in, the new/revised rules will be titled, 'Make Grabbing Pussy Great Again'

So, do any of the women here agree that campus sexual assault guidelines should be relaxed?
Yes, if they were unfair. Since I am not working on campus in an office dealing with sexual assault, I really can't say. It sounds from what I read last year that some of the young men were being expelled from college without due process? That is not right, if that is what happened.

I advocate women being supported in the case of rape, regardless of where it happens. I don't advocate ruining a young man's education with accusations that are not properly looked into and confirmed.

The article (see Marty Began's link, post #5) explains things a little better and the why and wherefore of it.

I don't think most of us have the actual knowledge of how these rules work to know if this is going to make things more or less fair for victims and the accused.

there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?
I don't see such a broad range of options as, "ruining a young man's education."
Why should they have to?

most institutions will have hearings to determine if allegations have merit
Well that is not due process is it?
If a crime is alleged then the accused deserves what we all deserve and the crime should be proven in a court of law.
Colleges & universities have their own policies & rules of conduct. They aren't looking to send someone to jail. If they violated those rules, they can be expelled. Or they can call in the police.

Or do you think that is not the case?
Betsy DeVos is set to weaken sexual misconduct enforcement on campus.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday afternoon that the Education Department secretary is revising Title IX standards for addressing cases of sexual harassment and assault on college campuses. DeVos has yet to finalize the revisions, but a draft obtained by Times will “bolster the rights” of accused students, “narrow the definition of sexual harassment,” and hold “schools accountable only for formal complaints filed through proper authorities and for conduct said to have occurred on their campuses.”

If ushered in, the new/revised rules will be titled, 'Make Grabbing Pussy Great Again'

So, do any of the women here agree that campus sexual assault guidelines should be relaxed?
Yes, if they were unfair. Since I am not working on campus in an office dealing with sexual assault, I really can't say. It sounds from what I read last year that some of the young men were being expelled from college without due process? That is not right, if that is what happened.

I advocate women being supported in the case of rape, regardless of where it happens. I don't advocate ruining a young man's education with accusations that are not properly looked into and confirmed.

The article (see Marty Began's link, post #5) explains things a little better and the why and wherefore of it.

I don't think most of us have the actual knowledge of how these rules work to know if this is going to make things more or less fair for victims and the accused.

there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?
I don't see such a broad range of options as, "ruining a young man's education."
Why should they have to?

most institutions will have hearings to determine if allegations have merit
Well that is not due process is it?
If a crime is alleged then the accused deserves what we all deserve and the crime should be proven in a court of law.
I say this as a person accused of a sexual crime before. The definition of a sexual crime should not be changed. If you conduct yourself in a manner that causes you to get kicked out of school thats your problem. Never will a mere accusation suffice as grounds to kick you out.of a school.
Betsy DeVos is set to weaken sexual misconduct enforcement on campus.

The New York Times reported on Wednesday afternoon that the Education Department secretary is revising Title IX standards for addressing cases of sexual harassment and assault on college campuses. DeVos has yet to finalize the revisions, but a draft obtained by Times will “bolster the rights” of accused students, “narrow the definition of sexual harassment,” and hold “schools accountable only for formal complaints filed through proper authorities and for conduct said to have occurred on their campuses.”

If ushered in, the new/revised rules will be titled, 'Make Grabbing Pussy Great Again'

So, do any of the women here agree that campus sexual assault guidelines should be relaxed?
Yes, if they were unfair. Since I am not working on campus in an office dealing with sexual assault, I really can't say. It sounds from what I read last year that some of the young men were being expelled from college without due process? That is not right, if that is what happened.

I advocate women being supported in the case of rape, regardless of where it happens. I don't advocate ruining a young man's education with accusations that are not properly looked into and confirmed.

The article (see Marty Began's link, post #5) explains things a little better and the why and wherefore of it.

I don't think most of us have the actual knowledge of how these rules work to know if this is going to make things more or less fair for victims and the accused.

there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?
I don't see such a broad range of options as, "ruining a young man's education."
Why should they have to?

most institutions will have hearings to determine if allegations have merit
Well that is not due process is it?
If a crime is alleged then the accused deserves what we all deserve and the crime should be proven in a court of law.

'due process' comes into play if/when charges are filed. That is a legal issue, period.
Yes, if they were unfair. Since I am not working on campus in an office dealing with sexual assault, I really can't say. It sounds from what I read last year that some of the young men were being expelled from college without due process? That is not right, if that is what happened.

I advocate women being supported in the case of rape, regardless of where it happens. I don't advocate ruining a young man's education with accusations that are not properly looked into and confirmed.

The article (see Marty Began's link, post #5) explains things a little better and the why and wherefore of it.

I don't think most of us have the actual knowledge of how these rules work to know if this is going to make things more or less fair for victims and the accused.

there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?

If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?
If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?

the poster stated something to the effect of ruining someon's education; impossible. There are too many schools for that to happen.

So you’re seriously trying to arguing that if someone gets kicked out of Harvard based on an accusation and nothing else they won’t have their education ruined because they can go to Trump University?

So, you really think all it takes is an accusation. No investigation, nothing. How did you get this naive?
It has happened many times. If a crime is alleged it is not for college staff to ‘investigate’.

some universities have their own police but criminal investigations are a different thing
If one is alleging they are the victim of a crime and they want something done about that crime, then it is for the legal system to deal with.
It is totally wrong that the institution decides to kick out someone based upon their idea of an investigation.
In fact that approach should be illegal if it isn’t already. School staff aren’t lawyers and neither should they behave as though they are judge and jury where people’s futures are concerned.
It ain’t rocket science.
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To those who are so fucking stupid that they don't bother to learn about the topic.

Devos wants to change the definition of what is considered sexual harassment.

This is what is being considered: "unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person access to the school’s education program or activity.”.

This is why it makes groping "legal" This is how it permits women to be sexually assaulted. This is almost impossible to prove.

" So i grabbed her tit, she made it to class"? Really?

Women are supposed to just bear these assaults?

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

Will you really put up with this if some rich college frat guys rapes your daughter, gropes her, harasses her?

Donald Trump has made you people stupid.
----------------------------- let the offended or assaulted go to police RealDave .
Because Blacks don’t report what they think is normal.
Whites commit 99% of animal rape and your excuse is that Black people dont report them?
You think Blacks report each other?
What planet are you on?
Half of East New York would be in jail!
Blacks arent whites. I said whites commit 99% of animal rape. How is Blacks not reporting them excusing white guys raping dogs and sheep?
Are you retarded?
When Blacks, who almost always hang out with only Blacks, do shit, they don’t report each other.
Is thar clear enough or shall I post in ebonics?
Not sure how that excuses white guys from raping dogs and sheep but whatever.
Whites recognize abnormal behavior and report it.
To those who are so fucking stupid that they don't bother to learn about the topic.

Devos wants to change the definition of what is considered sexual harassment.

This is what is being considered: "unwelcome conduct on the basis of sex that is so severe, pervasive and objectively offensive that it denies a person access to the school’s education program or activity.”.

This is why it makes groping "legal" This is how it permits women to be sexually assaulted. This is almost impossible to prove.

" So i grabbed her tit, she made it to class"? Really?

Women are supposed to just bear these assaults?

What the fuck is wrong with you people.

Will you really put up with this if some rich college frat guys rapes your daughter, gropes her, harasses her?

Donald Trump has made you people stupid.

You are so full of it. under the definition "groping" would fall under abusive.

Definition of Groping:
When used in a sexual context, groping is touching or fondling another person in a sexual way using the hands; it generally has a negative connotation, and is considered molestation in most societies. The term 'frotteurism' may be applied when a person rubs up against another person, typically using their sexual parts. Touching a consenting person's body during sexual activity, massage, or medical examination is not usually considered groping, though the term is sometimes used to include clumsy, selfish, or inappropriate sexual touching. Areas of the body most frequently groped include the buttocks, breasts, and thighs on a woman, and the penis, testicles and buttocks on a man. Gropers might use their hands, but pressing any part of their body against another person can be considered groping. The incidence of groping varies around the world, and some countries have acquired a reputation for it. In some countries, it is common for a woman's buttocks to be pinched or slapped in a crowded area. In many countries, unwelcome groping or touching of any part of another person's body is illegal, but in almost all countries it is considered unacceptable behavior. Italy used to have a reputation for men pinching women's bottoms, and the term groping could perhaps be applied, but it was not a common term at that time. Japan has a reputation for females being groped on trains and buses to the extent that the authorities have implemented anti-groping campaigns, which has received considerable media attention and been the subject of serious study in recent years.

So under the new context, you are still full of shit.
there are over 5,200 colleges & universities within the US. If someone is expelled from one educational institution, what precludes that person from going to one of the other 5,199 schools?

If he did nothing wrong why should he be expelled and forced to go to another school? What about his right to go to the school of his choice?
the poster stated something to the effect of ruining someon's education; impossible. There are too many schools for that to happen.

So you’re seriously trying to arguing that if someone gets kicked out of Harvard based on an accusation and nothing else they won’t have their education ruined because they can go to Trump University?

So, you really think all it takes is an accusation. No investigation, nothing. How did you get this naive?
It has happened many times. If a crime is alleged it is not for college staff to ‘investigate’.

some universities have their own police but criminal investigations are a different thing
If one is alleging they are the victim of a crime and they want something done about that crime, then it is for the legal system to deal with. It is totally wrong that the institution decides to kick out someone based upon their idea of an investigation.
In fact that approach should be illegal if it isn’t already. School staff aren’t lawyers and neither should they behave as though they are judge and jury where people’s futures are concerned.
It ain’t rocket science.
The legal system has a way of running victims through the mud. Eventually that is what they have to do in order for the offender to get some prison time but if they can get the offender kicked out of school first then thats a good thing.

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